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Reasons why Bonds should be our DH next year


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I thought the topic was weather or not to sign Bonds. If you think he can put you over the top then yes.

If he doesn't then no, because I don't think he will be part of our long range plans.

Well, many of us consider both the pros and cons of winning a pennant with Bonds, and many of us would prefer another 4th place finish than to align ourselves with a poor excuse for a man like him.

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Well, many of us consider both the pros and cons of winning a pennant with Bonds, and many of us would prefer another 4th place finish than to align ourselves with a poor excuse of a man like him.

Trust me, I'm no Bonds fan, but at this point, for all I know, BRob, Miggy and Gibby are just as guilty. And we seem fine aligning ourselves with them.

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Trust me, I'm no Bonds fan, but at this point, for all I know, BRob, Miggy and Gibby are just as guilty. And we seem fine aligning ourselves with them.

Well you presume I am only referring to his drug habit when in fact:

He cheats at work (sterioids)

He cheats on his family (has had at least one affair)

he cheats in a court of law under oath (lies)

He cheats his teamates (has his own leather sofa and big screen tv in the locker room that nobody else is allowed to use)

He broke out of the MLB marketing agreement where all players are paid from revenues that MLB receives from licensing of their name in video games etc.... so he could market himself...

So as another poster has pointed out.. He is a ME ME ME kinda guy and to ME ME ME a poor excuse for a man and I wouldn't be proud to win the World Series with him on our team.

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Well you presume I am only referring to his drug habit when in fact:

He cheats at work (sterioids)

He cheats on his family (has had at least one affair)

he cheats in a court of law under oath (lies)

He cheats his teamates (has his own leather sofa and big screen tv that nobody else is allowed to use)

He broke out of the MLB marketing agreement where all players are paid from revenues that MLB receives from licensing of their name in video games etc.... so he could market himself...

So as another poster has pointed out.. He a ME ME ME kinda guy and to ME ME ME a poor excuse for a man and I wouldn't be proud to win the World Series with him on our team.

Well, again I don't like Bonds but,

For all we know several current O's cheated at work.

Don't even want to guess how many MLBers have had an affair

I'm sure he's not the only prima donna in the league with special considerations in the lockerroom.

Maybe it's unfair of me, but my oppinion of proffesional athletes is that a great majority of them are Me Me Me kinda guys.

Again, if he is the final peice of the puzzle I might consider him. But I think we are a good 7 or 8 peices away.

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Well, again I don't like Bonds but,

For all we know several current O's cheated at work.

Don't even want to guess how many MLBers have had an affair

I'm sure he's not the only prima donna in the league with special considerations in the lockerroom.

Maybe it's unfair of me, but my oppinion of proffesional athletes is that a great majority of them are Me Me Me kinda guys.

Again, if he is the final peice of the puzzle I might consider him. But I think we are a good 7 or 8 peices away.

Obviously you don't value character in a person.. which could speak alot about yourself.. I'll stop wasting your time.

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Obviously you don't value character in a person.. which could speak alot about yourself.. I'll stop wasting your time.

All I'm saying is if you want a player that;

hasn't taken steriods

hasn't cheated on his wife

hasn't asked for special locker room stuff

and isn't selfish

You may not have many to pick from.

Half the O's team may fit into one or more of the above catigories!

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You know, the O's were a jumpin' happenin' bunch the first couple of months of '05 when Sammy was here. There was a certain star quality to him and the enthusiasm seemed to fill the team. Now, once summer came around and Sammy was stuck on 6 or 7 homers, he wasn't so cool. And when Raffy-gate hit, it was all over.

But at this point, I don't know about you guys, I'm desparate. Sign the homerun king and his .999 OPS. Let him DH to rest those nasty knees. He cannot take this team any lower than it is, but he could propel it to a different level.

Hey, we'd be a better club. AND we might be on SPORTSCENTER!

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I don't think the Birds will win the division next year with Bonds. If thats the case then why sign him? I'd rather give those AB's to someone who will be on the next pennent winning Orioles team.

You really think its wise to offer MLB at bats to 1o year olds??? :D

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Obviously you don't value character in a person.. which could speak alot about yourself.. I'll stop wasting your time.

No, actually he makes all VERY good points, them being why do you take such a hard stand against Bonds when he is in actuality just a sample of 99% of the rest of the players in MLB. You don't want BONDS on our team, but are willing to overlook all the ills of the current players? That makes YOU the one with the character issues!

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Cheap shot. And a cheap tactic. The Bonds' people are entitled to their opinion. I understand the point. If you take the moral high ground, you (including myself) are probably on shaky ground. I don't know about the guys on the O's. They may have cheated but seem like decent guys. I'm not talking about cheating on their wives or whatever. They seem like nice guys in general. They may be creeps in private. I've read and seen so much about Bonds that I'm pretty confident that he's a creep. I'm not about to start rejecting players based on how often they go to church and if they are good husbands or not. It's just in this case, there are too many strikes against Bonds in my book.

Well let's understand something, when I explain that Bonds disrespects his family and his wife and why, and the response I get isn't "WOW, I didn't know that, maybe we don't need someone like that" but instead the response is basically 'So what, everyone is PROBABLY doing it, if Bonds can get me a Championship, I don't care"

I have to draw my own conclusions about that kind of outlook. And I said it "COULD" speak alot about him, I didn't say that it necessarily does...

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Bonds would be kind of like how I felt about Ponson during his time here. I would boo him and would not like him at all, but I would still hope he hit 50+ homers and helped the players i like have a winning team. Just like I hoped it would click for Ponson and he would start thowing shutouts everyother start,

But I thought he was a horrible person.

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No, actually he makes all VERY good points, them being why do you take such a hard stand against Bonds when he is in actuality just a sample of 99% of the rest of the players in MLB. You don't want BONDS on our team, but are willing to overlook all the ills of the current players? That makes YOU the one with the character issues!

Because Bonds has become the poster boy for the PED crusade. If you were not a baseball fan and someone asked you what you think of the steroid issue in baseball, who would you think of.

To me that is the one and only reason you don't even consider bringing Bonds into Baltimore. Not because he's a worse person than the rest of the guys. Honestly I don't know more than what I read in the papers or see on SC and we all know how reliable that is. Not because he won't help the team, because one could make a very good argument that there is not one single person who would have a bigger impact as a DH on this team. You want a power hitter with a high OBP, name a better one that is possibly available. The reason you don't touch Bonds with a 10 foot pole is that the Orioles reputation is tarnished enough already. Raffy, Sosa, Tejada, Segui, Grimsley, Roberts, Gibbons, it doesn't matter one bit whether any or all of them are guilty of anything. The court of public opinion has weighed in and in my opinion the Orioles can not afford another PR debacle.

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Well let's understand something, when I explain that Bonds disrespects his family and his wife and why, and the response I get isn't "WOW, I didn't know that, maybe we don't need someone like that" but instead the response is basically 'So what, everyone is PROBABLY doing it, if Bonds can get me a Championship, I don't care"

I have to draw my own conclusions about that kind of outlook. And I said it "COULD" speak alot about him, I didn't say that it necessarily does...

Fan4Life, I don't know you, and I am not going to pretend to know you, your character traits, morals, or anything esle. You very well may be the exception to this following statement, so again, I am not talking about you here. That said, many, not ALL, of the people on here who are talking about morals, character, ethics, steroids, and everything else that we HATE about Barry Bonds the person, would be cheering their heads off if Barry Bonds the baseball player came here and started bouncing homers off of Eutaw Street on a daily basis. Can you at least agree with that statement?

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