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Time to Switch into Seller Mode


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as trade deadline approaches

The O's have some pieces that they should know that they don't want to bring back next year:

1. Jason Hammel (FA) will get more than he deserves

2. Brian Matusz, 2M + for a <= one inning situational lefty is too much

3. Jim Johnson, 8M+ for a shaky closer is too much

4. Feldman (FA)

I would also dangle Matt Wieters to see if there are any interesting offers

I'm okay with giving Matt another arb raise and letting Buck over use him for another year, but I think as he gets close to FA his trade value will plummet and I hope the O's don't plan on extending him.

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Selling right now would only serve to ensure the Orioles get on the treadmill of mediocrity. Whereas with 1 or 2 modest additions the Orioles could be a division winner.

Two bad loses to Texas in the middle of the season is no reason for panic. The Orioles always have a horrendous series against Texas in the middle of the season. Evaluate your competition and react. Boston has lost quite a bit in the last week as well, has an ace on the shelf, a brittle CF, an aging DH and the over production of a no hit SS rocking a .400 average.

Selling now would be foolish. Especially given all of those guys will likely make it through trade waiver. You can reevaluate with another month and a half worth of data in mid august.

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as trade deadline approaches

The O's have some pieces that they should know that they don't want to bring back next year:

1. Jason Hammel (FA) will get more than he deserves

2. Brian Matusz, 2M + for a <= one inning situational lefty is too much

3. Jim Johnson, 8M+ for a shaky closer is too much

4. Feldman (FA)

I would also dangle Matt Wieters to see if there are any interesting offers

I'm okay with giving Matt another arb raise and letting Buck over use him for another year, but I think as he gets close to FA his trade value will plummet and I hope the O's don't plan on extending him.

Oh yea, when you're lined up in a playoff spot in July for the second time this century you should definitely start dumping contracts and building for '15 or '16. And the best way to do that is trading away guys who are going to bring back little since you've identified them as either having expiring contracts, are underperforming, and/or are overpaid. Nothing restocks a farm system like trading away two months of a 5th starter or a LOOGY. Maybe if we're lucky and Duquette is good we can load up on some buy-low candidates like an Arrieta or a Strop.

Oh, and, absolutely, I'm a big fan of having Taylor Teagarden and his .111 average catch the last 60+ games of the year. And next year, too. What a relief it'll be over having to suffer through Matt Wieters painful bouts of averageness.

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Time to Switch into Seller Mode


Is this sell-off desire because you believe the Orioles are already out of the race in the AL East?

Or are you just deeply concerned about the financial welfare of the team and it's owner, Peter Angelos?

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Well the kind of head in the sand responses that I unfortunately had expected

Keep holding on to those hopes that this team is a playoff team, and lose the chance to make improvements to the 2014 team.

The Orioles have gone through 91 games of the season, or almost 60%, and are currently very much in contention for the playoffs. Personally, I'd rather go for it, add pieces, and sort out the contracts and other stuff in the offseason rather than give up. I had quite enough of giving up from 1998-2011, thank you.

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Oh yea, when you're lined up in a playoff spot in July for the second time this century you should definitely start dumping contracts and building for '15 or '16. And the best way to do that is trading away guys who are going to bring back little since you've identified them as either having expiring contracts, are underperforming, and/or are overpaid. Nothing restocks a farm system like trading away two months of a 5th starter or a LOOGY. Maybe if we're lucky and Duquette is good we can load up on some buy-low candidates like an Arrieta or a Strop.

Oh, and, absolutely, I'm a big fan of having Taylor Teagarden and his .111 average catch the last 60+ games of the year. And next year, too. What a relief it'll be over having to suffer through Matt Wieters painful bouts of averageness.

Funny I thought the O's were the team that traded Koji Uehara at the deadline and got two core pieces of this "playoff contender".

But I guess your right it can't be done.

Better to hold onto Hammel, and Feldman and their 5+ ERA and bid them goodbye at the end of the season getting nothing

Better to DFA Johnson and Matusz to avoid giving unwarranted arbitration raises and get nothing in return.

because this team is going to contend... sorry that is a pipe dream

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Is this sell-off desire because you believe the Orioles are already out of the race in the AL East?

Or are you just deeply concerned about the financial welfare of the team and it's owner, Peter Angelos?

No, he's just overwhelmingly pessimistic and truly believes that the team in on the brink of a dark abyss. I think he and some of the other guys who hate Angleos and his way of running the team as much or more than they like the Orioles would rather the team fail on purpose (as part of some supposedly greater plan to succeed down the road) than take the chance they just won't perform well enough.

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as trade deadline approaches

The O's have some pieces that they should know that they don't want to bring back next year:

1. Jason Hammel (FA) will get more than he deserves

2. Brian Matusz, 2M + for a <= one inning situational lefty is too much

3. Jim Johnson, 8M+ for a shaky closer is too much

4. Feldman (FA)

I would also dangle Matt Wieters to see if there are any interesting offers

I'm okay with giving Matt another arb raise and letting Buck over use him for another year, but I think as he gets close to FA his trade value will plummet and I hope the O's don't plan on extending him.

Good grief. Will I ever read a positive post from you? It is only early July and you

think the O's should throw in the towel? They are struggling but gosh the season

is not over yet. I wonder if you have ever tried to have any faith in the team. IMO

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Funny I thought the O's were the team that traded Koji Uehara at the deadline and got two core pieces of this "playoff contender".

But I guess your right it can't be done.

Better to hold onto Hammel, and Feldman and their 5+ ERA and bid them goodbye at the end of the season getting nothing

Better to DFA Johnson and Matusz to avoid giving unwarranted arbitration raises and get nothing in return.

because this team is going to contend... sorry that is a pipe dream

a) Koji was and is a very good reliever, and we traded 1.5 years of him for two reclamation projects. Usually (the vast majority of the time) you're not going to get Babe Ruth and an equal of Koji in return.

b) You're not getting nothing for Hammel, Feldman, Johnson, and Matusz. You're getting wins. You know... the object of baseball. Win games, have fun, enjoy life. But I suppose you'd rather lose more and fool yourself into thinking that's some kind of battery to store up karmic juice for some future year where they can win in a way that's more satisfying to you.

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