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14 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

I think I sometimes have a reaction like that, too.  Occasionally I'll drink a beer and very quickly get very congested sinuses and a headache.  But if I drink German beer it almost never happens.  So I stick with Ayinger, Paulaner, Franziskaner, Erdinger, Hacker-Pschorr, etc and I'm usually fine.  Not a bad trade off.

When I have a sip of a 'wrong' beer (and there is no telling until I try it) my throat starts to tighten and it's instant indigestion... tough for a beer lover. Especially when I lived in the Netherlands for some years, all those great Belgian and Dutch beers in the Trappist / Abdij (abbey) mold were uniformly bad news for me. Well, as long as there's lager, and as long as I don't ever develop a pizza allergy.  

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1 hour ago, InsideCoroner said:

When I have a sip of a 'wrong' beer (and there is no telling until I try it) my throat starts to tighten and it's instant indigestion... tough for a beer lover. Especially when I lived in the Netherlands for some years, all those great Belgian and Dutch beers in the Trappist / Abdij (abbey) mold were uniformly bad news for me. Well, as long as there's lager, and as long as I don't ever develop a pizza allergy.  

I have a recurring nightmare that I get a gluten allergy.  I'd almost rather go blind than never eat pizza, bread, pretzels, drink beer...  Whenever I see something talking up how it's gluten free, my reaction is "I can't eat that, I'm trying to maximize gluten in my diet."

And for beer, I'd be perfectly fine if I could only drink Belgian and German beers.  No need for anything else.

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1 minute ago, DrungoHazewood said:

I have a recurring nightmare that I get a gluten allergy.  I'd almost rather go blind than never eat pizza, bread, pretzels, drink beer...  Whenever I see something talking up how it's gluten free, my reaction is "I can't eat that, I'm trying to maximize gluten in my diet."

And for beer, I'd be perfectly fine if I could only drink Belgian and German beers.  No need for anything else.

I had an allergy test run last year and one of the results was a minor wheat allergy.  My doctor recommended I cut gluten out of my diet. 

I'm pretty sure that wheat didn't cause my polyp issue so I ignored her advice, I have, however refrained from sniffing wheat since.

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3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I had an allergy test run last year and one of the results was a minor wheat allergy.  My doctor recommended I cut gluten out of my diet. 

I'm pretty sure that wheat didn't cause my polyp issue so I ignored her advice, I have, however refrained from sniffing wheat since.

If I were to find out that my recurring sinus issues were a wheat allergy I'd just chalk it up as a small price to pay for having pretzels in my life.

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2 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

If I were to find out that my recurring sinus issues were a wheat allergy I'd just chalk it up as a small price to pay for having pretzels in my life.

I'm just some guy that posts on the internet but I figured the dust mite and mold allergies were the more likely culprit.

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9 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I had an allergy test run last year and one of the results was a minor wheat allergy.  My doctor recommended I cut gluten out of my diet. 

I'm pretty sure that wheat didn't cause my polyp issue so I ignored her advice, I have, however refrained from sniffing wheat since.

See, the trick there is just to avoid minor wheat. Stick with major wheat and you’ll be right as rain.

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