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Schoop Slowly But Surely Getting It


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I said nothing of the sort. In fact the post I quoted said "not that it is something to judge a guy by. Just interesting."

We want Schoop to replicate August in September, with a .750 OPS. That's worth something. His overall numbers on the year are still bad.

How is a projected WAR of 2, which is league average for a position player, bad?

Must be a lot of bad players in MLB.

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I don't think you understand the context of my reply. I'll quote the post:

Higher OBP than:

Nate Schierholtz

Junior Lake

Mike Zunino

and no others... far more telling. His defense is good and it makes him bascially an average starter. However, anyone pretending his offense has been anything other than bad is lying to themselves.

We're talking offense only. I've been one the of the guys saying all year to give Schoop PT, you can look it up.

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Defensive value is value.

You must not think much of Hardy then since his career OPS+ is 96.

I think everyone can get on the same page that prior to mid/early August, Schoop was one of the worst hitters in all of baseball. Aside from an accidental homer, he wasn't hitting anything with authority. I recall his line drive percentage hovering around 11%. Keep in mind, league average is 20%.

Couple that with a ton of strike outs, low batting average, and little to not OBP...and we're talking about a really, really, really bad hitter. Great defender, though.

That said, this should be telling:

His LD% is now up to 13%. That is still bad, but it's gone up nearly 2% in just a few weeks. Good signs.

Before August 9th: .211/.251/.328 - .580 OPS with 79 strikeouts in 337 PA. 10 walks. That's 1 K every 4.3 PA.

August 9th on: .263/.273/.566 - .839 OPS w/ 20 strikeouts in 78 PA...and only 1 walk. 1 K every 3.9 PA.

The patience is still very bad. Strikeouts are still a concern. But the average is up as is the power. Prior to August 9th, Schoop was very close to being the worst hitter in all of MLB.

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