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What a monster statement today. "It's still baseball season in Baltimore"

Barnaby Graves

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It's so weird how a lot of O's fans (on this site in particular) seem to root against the Ravens. Why not root for both teams equally?

I root for both the O's and the Ravens, but I like baseball more than football... So thinking about today, it would have been great to have both the O's and the Ravens win... But if it had to be only one of the two teams, I'm glad it was the O's and not the Ravens--especially when we're so close to the end of the baseball season and the Ravens have another 15 games to play.

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Let's go O's! There is no requirement for O's fans to root for the Ravens. In fact, screw football right now altogether. This is one of the best O's team in 30 years. Let's enjoy it.

Enjoy your other sports teams, but this is a truly special time to be an O's fan.

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Let's go O's! There is no requirement for O's fans to root for the Ravens. In fact, screw football right now altogether. This is one of the best O's team in 30 years. Let's enjoy it.

Enjoy your other sports teams, but this is a truly special time to be an O's fan.

They play football in Baltimore? ;)

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I don't get that sense. I think there was a lot of anger at the Orioles for 14 years of ineptitude, but deservedly so.

You may not get that sense, but it's absolutely true. You tend to be a big apologist for Ravens fans, and by and large the Ravens have a great fan base so I get it. And I also get that the Orioles themselves deserved just about all of the criticism they received during that run of complete ineptitude.

But there were many, many Ravens fans who acted very smug and superior to Orioles fans throughout that time. Not all of them, or even most of them, but still a lot. And many of them who are supporting the O's now will be the first to turn again if the O's start struggling.

Like you, I'd like to see people support both teams. And it is a shame that while I think a lot of the bridges have been fixed that there still seems to be some divide between portions of the fanbases. I'm just saying, don't act like it's all on the Orioles fans for that. Some Ravens fans deserve some of that blame as well.

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You may not get that sense, but it's absolutely true. You tend to be a big apologist for Ravens fans, and by and large the Ravens have a great fan base so I get it. And I also get that the Orioles themselves deserved just about all of the criticism they received during that run of complete ineptitude.

But there were many, many Ravens fans who acted very smug and superior to Orioles fans throughout that time. Not all of them, or even most of them, but still a lot. And many of them who are supporting the O's now will be the first to turn again if the O's start struggling.

Like you, I'd like to see people support both teams. And it is a shame that while I think a lot of the bridges have been fixed that there still seems to be some divide between portions of the fanbases. I'm just saying, don't act like it's all on the Orioles fans for that. Some Ravens fans deserve some of that blame as well.

It's not the fans fault nor is the chasm as great as any here might think. It is all manufactured by guys who self publish Ravens books or have a sick take on their four hour radio block. It's not real on a fan level.

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It's not the fans fault nor is the chasm as great as any here might think. It is all manufactured by guys who self publish Ravens books or have a sick take on their four hour radio block. It's not real on a fan level.

I do not think the chasm is great either, weams. At least not anymore. But it is there in some pockets, and if the Orioles start losing again in the next few years, I bet you'll see it grow again.

And then on the other side, just look at this thread, and I don't mean to knock the OP, but there's no reason for it. I've never seen the need to classify Baltimore as a "baseball town" or "football town". And so I get where frankpembleton is coming from, it's just that from him he always seems to be criticizing certain Orioles fans for that animosity without looking at why that animosity exists.

Anyway, good luck to both teams in coming months.

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I don't know. I don't live in Baltimore or even in the Baltimore area (I live in NoVa). Here's the thing for me, football is my favorite sport to watch and follow, but my favorite team is the Orioles. I'm a Ravens fan (via the fact that I root for the O's) but they take a back seat to the Orioles. Even when the O's stunk, the only reason I stayed away from watching was because it would make me sad and you can only take so much.

I can watch pretty much any NFL game, not so with baseball. If the O's aren't playing I'm really not into it.

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But there were many, many Ravens fans who acted very smug and superior to Orioles fans throughout that time. Not all of them, or even most of them, but still a lot. And many of them who are supporting the O's now will be the first to turn again if the O's start struggling.

Well, considering the level of success the Ravens enjoyed while the O's were a league laughing stock, it's hard to blame some Ravens fans for getting pretty disgusted with the city's other team. And I argued with some of 'em over the years, trying to remind them what happens when you stop supporting your home team (see: Colts, 1984), but most of them really hated Peter Angelos more so than the players or the team. His horrible decisions in the late 90s through the mid-2000s were certainly callous and lousy enough to sway fans' opinions (D. Johnson, J. Miller, and M. Mussina being the most-cited evidence). I stuck with our Birds, but didn't have much ammo every spring when trying to convince those Angelos-haters to "keep the faith!" Especially when I'd end up looking like an orange-kool-aid-sipping dope by June every season! :)

But at the Ravens game yesterday, the "O!" during the national anthem was deafening! And truth be told, it's always been pretty loud, even during the lean years.

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I am not an Angelos apologist.

But, I am a reformed hater.

At some point, we need to make the past the past, and live in the moment. We will never right the wrong from the past, but we can't let it cloud our enjoyment of the future and winning baseball.

The moment is, Angelos isn't meddling with the team. DD has clearly shown, he has the authority to run the team.

3 winning seasons shows, that the first year, wasn't a one and done.

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Gotta disagree. The NFL kinda rules the world these days (though I do think it's peaked). I remember '83, attended WS games at Memorial Stadium, and as great as it was, it couldn't compare to Balt in Jan/Feb 2013, when the town went bonkers for the Super Bowl Champion Ravens.

I'll be rooting like crazy for our Birds to bring a title back to B'mpre, but having also attended Super Bowl 47, I can definitely say that nothing can top winning the final big football game that the whole furshlugginer world is watching.

And seeing baseball fans criticize football fans for over-analyzing the sport is kinda funny. What fans analyze the most minute stats more than baseball fans?

I love both sports, and both our teams.

I dont criticize fans of football. I just don't care for the sport anymore. Especially

the NFL. Used to like it. Colts were my favorite team. But when the NFL powers

started shoving football down my throat on week nights other than Monday. I

believe enough is enough. I refuse to watch it. I am old enough to remember

when it was ten game season. For me it's just too much. I dont mind the college

game. I've always liked baseball. Birds been the team I cheer for over 50 years.

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