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Free agents,


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It's still very early in the offseason. There are 129 free agents, and 8 of them have signed. Usually most of the interesting action occurs between the start of the Winter Meetings and Christmas, but there will be a lot of guys unsigned even into January and February.

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1. Cruz is waiting for the WOW offer from the Mariners.

2. Andrew Miller's agent is laughing while teams bid his contract up to insane levels. No hurrty to sign until the numbers stop going up.

3. Nick Markakis- No one is going to sign Markakis until their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd options are taken off the board. lol That's for Frobby!

4. Delmon Young - don't know. The longer he waits, the better chance he has of getting a one year contract on a bad team.


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