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Bonds failed a steroid test...


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Bonds and Clemens are so ego driven, that's why they did all of this in the first place I'd assume. What drove them to be the best at what they did is the same as what has been driving them to deny deny deny. They're too damn proud.

Yes, I agree.

Did you roll your eyes when Clemens said on that phonecall that he didn't care about the Hall of Fame? :rolleyes:

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I think of it as a hypothetical. Let's say I'm a Miguel Tejada clone, and I'm in the Dominican Republic. I have basically no money and a huge family that can't support itself. If I make it in baseball, I can support my entire family for life. Once I'm in the minor leagues, I am marginal. Meanwhile, I'm being passed by guys with similar or worse talent that are using PEDs and no one in the baseball hierarchy is testing for it or punishing anyone. If I were in that situation, could I truly say I wouldn't do PEDs? It's easy to say that I would protect the integrity of the game, but I grew up in a very comfortable financial situation.

Hypothetical being the key word...I don't see any of these players doing steroids for their family

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You're right about Pettite, I didn't remember that he denied it.

I think the absurdity level for me starts at the congressional hearings. The country is rapidly going down the toilet and all they care about is hauling in famous baseball players to grill and get autographs from.

I agree with you about the bigger the star/bigger the record part, but it would have been interesting to see what would happen if Bonds or Clemens admitted right away. How would they have been viewed now?

Too bad we'll never know.

Giambi denied it as well until under oath, and then apologized for something, but didn't say what. Bonds also basically admitted to cheating in a press conference a few years ago without actually saying it, and admitted to unknowingly using under oath.

I agree with your post, but I do think Clemens and especially Bonds would still be vilified if they admitted right away and apologized. Probably not as much, but still much more so than others.

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Couldn't agree more Rob. We all knew Bonds was on the juice, what good can possibly come from this?

If tainting the careers of two of the greatest players in history is what they're looking to do, then congrats, mission accomplished.

Well it's part of his perjury case. They aren't just arbitrarily announcing this.

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It exposes them as liars.

No one cares about Giambi and Pettite...why? Because the coverup is worse than the crime. They fessed up, moved on...and no one cares.

IMO, I don't care about the roids that much, but when they lie about it to the extent they do, that's what makes the game look bad.

Pettitte lied as well...He said he tried it once and was adamant about it...Now you hear he did it more than once.

OOOOOO, they lied! Big f'ing deal!

They were trying to protect their legacies...Yea, what they did was wrong but so what? They were still hard workers, great players and they are still HOFers.

It is all a complete joke.

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Pettitte lied as well...He said he tried it once and was adamant about it...Now you hear he did it more than once.

OOOOOO, they lied! Big f'ing deal!

They were trying to protect their legacies...Yea, what they did was wrong but so what? They were still hard workers, great players and they are still HOFers.

It is all a complete joke.

Wow, glad to hear that lying is okay when it comes to protecting legacies as long as you're a hard worker and a great player, who cares what you do?

Good thing no one can question your post amount, eh? ;)

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Pettitte lied as well...He said he tried it once and was adamant about it...Now you hear he did it more than once.

OOOOOO, they lied! Big f'ing deal!

They were trying to protect their legacies...Yea, what they did was wrong but so what? They were still hard workers, great players and they are still HOFers.

It is all a complete joke.

It is a Big f'ing deal to lie to a grand jury. A big f'ing deal that has big f'ing consequences, as in prison time.

I do agree that they are great players and are still Hall of Famers.

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It is a Big f'ing deal to lie to a grand jury. A big f'ing deal that has big f'ing consequences, as in prison time.

I do agree that they are great players and are still Hall of Famers.

I agree, but lets not get too carried away here, this was a lie(assuming it was) that only matters to baseball fans and Bonds imo, it didn't really matter to the case.

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I'm troubled by the lack of details in this article. It was reported several weeks ago that Bonds failed a steroids test that was administered privately by a lab retained by BALCO, who were merely checking to see if their doping regimen was effective at masking the use of steroids. This article implies that Barry flunked a test by MLB; did MLB ever test during the off season back then? I don't think so. I think this "disclosure" might be conflating the two categories of tests. Sloppy reporting!

I was wondering the same thing. MLB didn't start testing until 2002 and the report is now saying he failed a test in 2000. Ok, who's test did he fail? It wasn't a test given by MLB.

This is just who can report anything that has the word "steroid" in it now.

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Hypothetical being the key word...I don't see any of these players doing steroids for their family

Go to Bani, Dominican Republic. Find a really poor neighborhood like the one Miguel Tejada grew up in. Talk to some kids who don't have enough to eat and some parents who are desperate to find food for them. Maybe even get your shoes shined by an 11 year old who has had to drop out of school like Miggi did to help support his family's meager existence. Then come back and tell me that you would never, ever consider doing steroids if you'd lived your whole life like that and someone told you the steroids could help you lift your entire family out of that situation. And of course remember that a number of steroids are legal in his country.

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