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For What it's worth.....


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Veal has more upside but Marshall is ready to pitch right now.I think Marshall would come in and be your 4th stater right now.He has real good composure and pitches real well with runners on base.I think AM might take a flier on Veal just because of his upside.

Due to 40-man considerations, I really don't think we can be getting 5 40-man guys back. Seems like Veal would almost have to be in the deal, doesn't it?

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According to David Kaplan of WGN radio, he is close to the Cubs, the deal was almost complete 2 weeks ago until PA got invoved. He said it is heating up again and the O's want both Ceda and Pie and the Cubs want Sherrill in the deal.

Please understanding, I am only passing on what was said on TV, Kaplan also does a Comcast sportsnight show. Please don't shoot the messenger, just thought you might be interested in what is being said in Chicago about the possible deal.

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According to David Kaplan of WGN radio, he is close to the Cubs, the deal was almost complete 2 weeks ago until PA got invoved. He said it is heating up again and the O's want both Ceda and Pie and the Cubs want Sherrill in the deal.

Please understanding, I am only passing on what was said on TV, Kaplan also does a Comcast sportsnight show. Please don't shoot the messenger, just thought you might be interested in what is being said in Chicago about the possible deal.

It's interesting that a few rumblings in Chicago have PA meddling, but all accounts here have him staying out of it. This is like the 3rd report i've read like this.:confused:

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According to David Kaplan of WGN radio, he is close to the Cubs, the deal was almost complete 2 weeks ago until PA got invoved. He said it is heating up again and the O's want both Ceda and Pie and the Cubs want Sherrill in the deal.

Please understanding, I am only passing on what was said on TV, Kaplan also does a Comcast sportsnight show. Please don't shoot the messenger, just thought you might be interested in what is being said in Chicago about the possible deal.

I would gladly give up Sherrill for the chance to get Pie and Ceda in the mix.

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until PA got involved

Given the premise that a deal was done and PA intervened, then it would follow that if he has agreed to bow out, the deal would complete itself rather quickly. But instead it hasn't, and so the premise is proved false. It's just the Baltimore version of the rug merchant hell where the haggling continues to eternity, or AM is being quite deliberate, one.

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Let's assume the rumors are true and the deal will be a 5 for 2 with Gallagher and Marshall being included in the 5. Maybe I'm wrong but wouldn't Marshall be penciled into the rotation? If so, this deal would officially put us at or above the limit for a major league rotation unless we'd seriously cut Trachsel (I don't think we will).

On the flip side, we may have the most dominant AAA pitching staff ever. I'm picturing Liz, Penn, Olson, Gallagher and Albers potentially with McCrory, Mickolio and/or Hoey coming out of the pen! I may buy season tickets in Norfolk this year if that's the case.

My money's on Marshall not being included in the deal. As others have said, if it's a 5th player, my money's on one of the Cubbies' younger guys.

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It's interesting that a few rumblings in Chicago have PA meddling, but all accounts here have him staying out of it. This is like the 3rd report i've read like this.:confused:

Remember we also heard the same about the Bedard trade. More disinformation. I haven't really seen one Cubs source that is believable yet...

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I haven't really seen one Cubs source that is believable yet...

Levine in Chicago has a certain amount of local cred. If he's reporting it's heating up, then that might be a good sign that things actually are moving. Meh. I'm in the keep Roberts camp and am not looking forward to a AAAA infield.

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I would gladly give up Sherrill for the chance to get Pie and Ceda in the mix.

Roger that. Since we're going to be 60-102 this year anyways (that's sadly not much worse than we ended up last year), who cares if we have Sherril this year or not.

I would happily trade him in the right deal.

Not sure if Pie / Ceda is the right deal, however.

Roberts, Payton, Sherrill for Gallagher, Ceda, Pie, Marquis?

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Roger that. Since we're going to be 60-102 this year anyways (that's sadly not much worse than we ended up last year), who cares if we have Sherril this year or not.

I would happily trade him in the right deal.

Not sure if Pie / Ceda is the right deal, however.

Roberts, Payton, Sherrill for Gallagher, Ceda, Pie, Marquis?

Swap Cedeno for Marquis and you'd have a deal. Of course, I doubt the Cubs would consider this.

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