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Losing to Greg Bird and John Ryan Murphy


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This was an infuriating loss. John Ryan Murphy has killed us this year, and that's pathetic. Hanging an 0-2 breaking ball to Greg Bird is even more pathetic. Losing to the Yankees always sucks, but I can't believe we let these guys beat us.

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This was an infuriating loss. John Ryan Murphy has killed us this year, and that's pathetic. Hanging an 0-2 breaking ball to Greg Bird is even more pathetic. Losing to the Yankees always sucks, but I can't believe we let these guys beat us.

I think you're more likely to make a mistake in the zone against mediocre hitters. A top slugger is usually nibbled on and ends up drawing a lot of walks.

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Couldn't have said it better Frobby.You are always the voice of reason here.You are measured and analytical, and I am usually more emotional and impulsive. Yet, I am infuriated by todays loss as much or more than others recently. We let two very weak hitters beat us and played horribly in the field and just imploded almost as soon as we took a healthy 4-1 lead. I hated Arod getting it close with a HR and then with Rondon you could see he wasn't going to get the job done when he walked the leadoff batter following Manny's HR.


I assume(I can only assume) this is not about caring or effort. I give them the benefit of the doubt. But when our team, made up of many quality players loses game after game and the pitching disintegrates game after game, I think there is clearly something wrong. This teams starting pitching shouldn't be THAT bad.Its defense is supposed to be good. Its hitters continue to only score off of HR's, and while that looks good, the team has no clue how to put an inning together.I am angry and frustrated and feel that the fans should be angry too. This"we gave em a good game" stuff is completely unacceptable to me. This team(or a reasonable facsimile of this team) won the AL EAST last year. We shouldn't be THIS bad, and to lose to the Yankees makes it all the more galling.

I think they are in the middle of a free-fall and don't know what to do about it. I'm sure it's really much worse for them than it is for us. They live with it 24 hours a day, and they know they've blown a good thing.

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I'd like to see some anger and regret when the players and coaches talk to the media. I respect Buck as much as anyone in the game, but he is so cautious and unwilling to step on his players toes. Maybe thats why he's the manager. I just know this. Earl Weaver wouldn't stand for this kind of play. There would be overturned food tables, and calling out players for their inability to get the job done. Again, maybe Buck is right in being politic. Im angry and impatient and Im just a fan and a broadcaster. If it were my job I would imagine I would be angrier. Then again, I understand the argument that says"What good is anger gonna do".

Caleb broke his bat today in anger, and Adam said he was glad to see it. It's a lost season. I hope it ends before the bloodletting gets too harmful.

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I think they are in the middle of a free-fall and don't know what to do about it. I'm sure it's really much worse for them than it is for us. They live with it 24 hours a day, and they know they've blown a good thing.

they are 4-16 over their last 20 games. This can't be the middle of a free fall. It has to end soon.

BTW I know that April games count the same in the standings as September games, but I'd rather finish strong than start strong, everything else being equal

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I never heard of this Greg Bird character until a few weeks ago, but apparently he is the perfect 2015 Yankee because he has done nothing but hit super-clutch homers since he has been on this team.

I don't know if there is a stat for this somewhere, but I swear the Yankees have hit a ton of homers this year that have either tied the game or put them ahead. Somewhere I did see that NY has 38 homers this year that have been 3-run or grand slam, which is the most since the 2009 Phillies (and there are still 25 games to go). Those are killers to the opposition because they are so damn demoralizing, and that is how the Yankees have won a lot of games. That, and every single player on their team is doing as well or better than expected (compare this to our team and its laundry list of underachievers).

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Greg Bird is actually a real prospect and is not a just up for a cup of coffee and getting lucky.

Good point. His minor league stats show that he is definitely a legit prospect. I wonder how touted he was coming into the 2011 draft? He was a fifth round high school selection.

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Matusz hanging an 0-2 pitch to a lefty was easily the most aggravating thing.

Well, that and Bobby Dickerson. First he sends Flaherty home when Gregorius has just picked up the ball beyond the infield grass, so of course he's easily out and makes one of those awkward "why did I just get sent?" kind of slides that Hardy does best, and then on the next batter he holds Machado at 3rd with Parra's double rattling around the right field corner. Machado gets stranded, and that's that.

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The pitching staff has been so horrible I can't believe it. The starters have been bad all year and the pen has stunk it up all 2nd half. Someone needs to take a look. Gausman is the only starter that would be safe this offseason. O Day needs to go, so does that damn Matusz. Bunch of bums. How about a new pitching coach? How could it be worse?

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The pitching staff has been so horrible I can't believe it. The starters have been bad all year and the pen has stunk it up all 2nd half. Someone needs to take a look. Gausman is the only starter that would be safe this offseason. O Day needs to go' date=' so does that damn Matusz. Bunch of bums. How about a new pitching coach? How could it be worse?[/quote']

It's completely false that the pen has stunk it up in the second half.

Givens 1.50 ERA

Brach 1.59

Britton 2.45

Matusz 2.60

Rondon 2.61

O'Day 2.84

Garcia 3.09

The pen has had a few bad games but for the most part the starters have not kept us in the games and the pen has been overused covering innings that the starters should be covering. The starters have a 5.29 ERA since the break, and are averaging 5.66 IP/start. The bullpen has a 3.08 ERA in that time.

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The Bird pitch was an 0-2 hanging slider over the middle of the plate. Infuriating. Throwing a slider 0-2 is as predictable as a fastball 3-1. You cannot throw that pitch in the strike zone.

The Murphy pitch was also 0-2 but a fastball that appeared to hit the spot on the outside half. He went with it and got extended to square it up. Really not a bad pitch in my opinion.

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Gausman is the only starter that would be safe this offseason.

Gausman has been pretty bad too. 4.59 ERA. NOBODY should be safe, in my opinion. I think Tillman, Gausman, and Ubaldo ought to start the year in the rotation, but anybody who doesn't perform gets sent to the DL or the bullpen. Give Gonzo a spot if he looks healthy in the spring, but keep him on a short leash.

Even more maddening than the corner outfield situation in my opinion was the organization's pattern of repeatedly throwing guys out there who are obviously hurt or less than 100%. Norris, Gonzo, Tillman, Roe. If a guy all of a sudden stops performing, you don't just take his word for it that he can pitch. For his own good as well as the team, you can't let him pitch.

Part of the problem is the dependence on out of options guys. I would like to see us get younger and open some spots for some of our minor league guys (Gunkel, Miranda, Wilson, Wright). Our farm system has gotten a lot of flak on the board, but the starting pitching has been a real strength. I am looking to trade one of Tillman or Gonzo. They are starting to get expensive and replacement level guys might be able to do just as well at a lower cost.

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I was at the game and the homeruns to both Murphy and Arod were both 3-1 grooved fastballs--after Arod hit his I was using it has a teachable moment with my 11 year old son on how to get ahead has a pitcher when Chen did the same exact thing to Murphy--I thought that was the most depressing thing until Matusz hung

that pitch to Bird

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It's completely false that the pen has stunk it up in the second half.

Givens 1.50 ERA

Brach 1.59

Britton 2.45

Matusz 2.60

Rondon 2.61

O'Day 2.84

Garcia 3.09

The pen has had a few bad games but for the most part the starters have not kept us in the games and the pen has been overused covering innings that the starters should be covering. The starters have a 5.29 ERA since the break, and are averaging 5.66 IP/start. The bullpen has a 3.08 ERA in that time.

So they are giving up 1 run per inning. That's not good bullpen work. That's giving up the game since the offense only scores in 1-2 innings. So many 1 run losses.

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