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Has our competitive window closed???


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going to be a very very long off-season around here, with all the doom and gloom crowd.

I think everybody recognizes that some important choices need to be made this off season. There has always been a gloom and doom contingent, I don't see things as being any more pronounced this year compared to others. Earlier, yes, but the team hadn't had a consistent winning streak for a very long time until recently.

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This is true, but besides manny, schoop and Adam, what reason does anyone have to be be hopeful for the future

For the future, there is Mancini, Miranda, Gunkel, Jomar, and Cisco, and half a dozen or more draft picks.

For the present, there is the current core you mention, plus Britton, Gausman, Givens, Joseph, plus we think about $40M to spend. Depending on if and how it is spent, there could be plenty to be hopeful about.

There is some truth to the idea that the window is closing. The key thing on our side is that we have no really bad long term contracts. The worst are Ubaldo and JJ, and I think both still have the potential to earn their dollars. The worst case scenario is both are gone after 2017. We are in an interesting situation where we have the flexibility to compete or rebuild.

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It's a long road to competitiveness from here, IMO. We won 81 games and lose primary contributors Chen and Davis plus possibly O'Day from the bullpen. The replacements for those three are unlikely to produce as much and are likely to cost more. There is upside potential to a healthy Schoop, a return to form from Tillman and/or Pearce, and possible cheap 1-2 WAR contributions from Mancini and Bundy while perhaps Givens replaces O'Day. I have additional hesitation of actually getting 1-2 high quality replacements for Chen and Davis given the number of $10+M free agents that have signed with us.

I think a good portion if not all of our division heads into the offseason with a better talent base from which to form a competitive 2016 team capable of winning north of 85-90 games.

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I can't honestly say which way we'll go because I'm not sure of how this off season will go. We are truly in a position where an excellent offseason can get us back to the top, but a dismal one could sink us for years.

Six months from now I could answer this question accurately.

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Our window of being competitive with just the talent on hand absent of any any significant free agent pickups or trades has closed, yes. A rotation full of #3/#4 starter types and a lineup with only three plus guys from an offensive standpoint (Machado, Jones, and Schoop) is not built for contention without major upgrades.

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Our window of being competitive with just the talent on hand absent of any any significant free agent pickups or trades has closed, yes. A rotation full of #3/#4 starter types and a lineup with only three plus guys (Machado, Jones, and Schoop) from an offensive standpoint is not built for contention without major upgrades.

Top four player in either league. Top five closer in either league. Top five Center-fielder in either league. Top ten second-baseman in either league. No crippling contracts. No, the window is not near closed. Who we add to it could be young players exceeding their expectations. Or older players who reclaim a lost apex. Or we could just be poor. I assume if we improve out starting pitching a little, that we will compete. Our competition in the East certainly won't improve much.

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Top four player in either league. Top five closer in either league. Top five Center-fielder in either league. Top ten second-baseman in either league. No crippling contracts. No, the window is not near closed. Who we add to it could be young players exceeding their expectations. Or older players who reclaim a lost apex. Or we could just be poor. I assume if we improve out starting pitching a little, that we will compete. Our competition in the East certainly won't improve much.

The Jays don't need to improve at all. They just need to keep the same team and they will win 100 games. 95 if they lose Price. Their offense is that good and they had extremely back luck in the first half of 2015 or they would have won 100 this year. You can bet the Yankees will be busy in free agency. Maybe the Red Sox are quiet after their huge fail signings of last year (Hanley, Panda, and Castillo), but I wouldn't count on it. Don't forget that all of these teams have more internal talent on the way coming than we do. We won't be competitive next season without making upgrades or keeping Davis and Chen.

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How do people come up with these threads. Machado 22. Schoop 23. Jones 29. Yup we're done. :confused:

Oooh. Look! We have 3 good players out of 25! And none is a pitcher! Whahooo! Start printing World Series tickets!!!

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