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Has our competitive window closed???


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I'm not talking about everyday life. I'm talking about the Orioles.

When someone with a different point of view, voices their version of reality, that things don't look good, some people, including yourself ask them why they just can't be happy about everything and hope for the best.


1. The Orioles finished 81-81 last year.

2. Reality. The Orioles are losing 3 key free agents.

3. The Orioles have a poor farm system and few, if any in house replacements.

4. The Orioles farm system is rated by most, among the worst in baseball

5. The payroll is likely to stay the same or be reduced from what it was last year.

Good edit. I agree with most of it.

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I agree with you. I'm not very optimistic about our playoff chances for next year, but to say that anyone who thinks we'll be a contender next year is "delusional" is a very negative point of view. Was it "delusional" to think we'd be in the playoffs in 2012?

It was just luck. It was unsustainable.

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I don't think it's as much at being happy and unhappy. I'd use the analogy of Santa Claus. There are some people trying to tell you that there is no Santa Claus but you'd prefer to put your fingers in your ears and go on believing. You are very happy that way. Works for you. Christmas is a whole lot more fun when you still believe. :)

I would say that not all is lost, but the Orioles will need some luck and good fortune to keep things going in the right direction. The farm system is thin and the payroll is causing us to lose what we already had.


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I'm not talking about everyday life. I'm talking about the Orioles.

When someone with a different point of view, voices their version of reality, that things don't look good, some people, including yourself ask them why they just can't be happy about everything and hope for the best.


1. The Orioles finished 81-81 last year.

2. Reality. The Orioles are losing 3 key free agents.

3. The Orioles have a poor farm system and few, if any in house replacements.

4. The Orioles farm system is rated by most, among the worst in baseball

5. The payroll is likely to stay the same or be reduced from what it was last year.

And This...!

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That's not what you said.

You said that they were buried in the division early.

And I pointed out that you were mistaken in your assertion.

Doesn't matter they were pretenders from pretty much the beginning. You as a fan can be hopeful that they will find it all the way. But the Orioles were not playing very good baseball most of the season.

The starting pitching was bad, the offense couldn't manufacture a run if they had a guy on second with nobody out. It was basically the long ball or nothing.

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I'm not talking about everyday life. I'm talking about the Orioles.

When someone with a different point of view, voices their version of reality, that things don't look good, some people, including yourself ask them why they just can't be happy about everything and hope for the best.


1. The Orioles finished 81-81 last year.

2. Reality. The Orioles are losing 3 key free agents.

3. The Orioles have a poor farm system and few, if any in house replacements.

4. The Orioles farm system is rated by most, among the worst in baseball

5. The payroll is likely to stay the same or be reduced from what it was last year.

6. Money will be available to buy (in one form or another) additional/different players.

Possible conclusions

1. Front office will completely waste the money (or not spend much of it) -> bad 2016

2. Front office buys wisely, but it's not enough -> 81 plus or minus 10 or so

3. Front office buys wisely and most perform to norm -> 85-90 competetive but no guarentees

4. Front office buys wisely and some overachieve on the field -> playoffs

I don't know which will happen. One can either be pessimestic or optimistic about the variables. No one will know until it's over.

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I don't think it's as much at being happy and unhappy. I'd use the analogy of Santa Claus. There are some people trying to tell you that there is no Santa Claus but you'd prefer to put your fingers in your ears and go on believing. You are very happy that way. Works for you. Christmas is a whole lot more fun when you still believe. :)

I would say that not all is lost, but the Orioles will need some luck and good fortune to keep things going in the right direction. The farm system is thin and the payroll is causing us to lose what we already had.

Let me know how you feel when Santa Claus, errr I mean Duquette is done reshaping the team this off season.

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Doesn't matter they were pretenders from pretty much the beginning. You as a fan can be hopeful that they will find it all the way. But the Orioles were not playing very good baseball most of the season.

The starting pitching was bad, the offense couldn't manufacture a run if they had a guy on second with nobody out. It was basically the long ball or nothing.

For the 3rd time ........ you said that they were buried early in the division. You were wrong. That is what I highlighted, and that is what I commented on.

End of story, unless you are so immature that you cannot admit that you were mistaken.

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It's there in black and white. Posters who expressed opinions on the Orioles in a negative (but as concerned Oriole fans) are painted as unhappy people and not fans. The posters who don't criticize anything the team does prefer to live in Disneyland.

It's Dismal land. A difference.

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Orioles might have a tough couple years coming at them. Who knows. Certainly not you or I. And the folks who bask in Orioles misery often show that they have an incredible darkness of being.

And the folks who bask in the Orioles inadequacy often show that they are shallow of character

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It's there in black and white. Posters who expressed opinions on the Orioles in a negative (but as concerned Oriole fans) are painted as unhappy people and not fans. The posters who don't criticize anything the team does prefer to live in Disneyland.

I mean you can't even be objective here without certain posters busting your balls here.

Fact ...The Orioles lost Cruz and Markakis last off season. Their key addition Travis Snider and their previous trade deadline De Aza were released.

Fact, you can pretty we say good bye to 3 if not all of Chen, Davis, O'Day, and Wieters.

That's your best power hitter, starting pitcher, your best nonclosing reliever over the last 4-5 seasons, and Wieters who will likely rebound another year removed from TJ surgery.

Their replacements will like be more mid tier guys or even worst AAAA reclamation type guys.

If you think the Orioles are going to do better minus those four guys and plus the editions that I've already explained your going to very likely be disappointed.

So simply saying this hurts the feelings of certain posters, and even garners some negative rep from those who lack character.

I can use the words ....Homer, Drinkin the Koolaid, Dumster Diving and other things that will surely upset the posters I'm talking about.

Instead I'm just trying to be real....what top tier player have the Orioles signed in free agency during DDs tenure as GM?

Don't say Ulbaldo because he was a middling signee at 12M per or whatever he got. Cruz was also a bargain when he was signed. I mean truly top tier.

I listen to guys on here mention Price....its just not happening and that's just keeping it real.

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For the 3rd time ........ you said that they were buried early in the division. You were wrong. That is what I highlighted, and that is what I commented on.

End of story, unless you are so immature that you cannot admit that you were mistaken.

Ok we agree to disagree. I knew pretty early that they wouldn't catch the Yankees...I never expected the Blue Jays to streak past ...but as they improved we just continued to flounder.

Honestly Offny can you really say that you felt good about the Orioles chances at any point this past season? At least be honest and admit that much?

Even at the deadline as the Jays were reloading all DD could muster was Parra.

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Ok we agree to disagree. I knew pretty early that they wouldn't catch the Yankees...I never expected the Blue Jays to streak past ...but as they improved we just continued to flounder.

Honestly Offny can you really say that you felt good about the Orioles chances at any point this past season? At least be honest and admit that much?

Even at the deadline as the Jays were reloading all DD could muster was Parra.

We don't disagree. You made an assertion that was incorrect. It's not my opinion, it's a fact. The Orioles were in first place after 75 games, and they were 5 games behind the division-leading Yankees as late as August 21st. They were not buried in the division early, which is what you said.

The Orioles' had a mediocre season, which nobody (including myself) is/was disputing.

You're like Chris Collinsworth and/or any other stubborn sports commentator who makes a mistake, even a simple mistake, and then immediately talks about something else to subterfuge their error.

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We don't disagree. You made an assertion that was incorrect. It's not my opinion, it's a fact. The Orioles were in first place after 75 games, and they were 5 games behind the division-leading Yankees as late as August 21st. They were not buried in the division early, which is what you said.

The Orioles' had a mediocre season, which nobody (including myself) is/was disputing.

You're like Chris Collinsworth and/or any other stubborn sports commentator who makes a mistake, even a simple mistake, and then immediately talks about something else to subterfuge their error.

Noted, .they hung on for a while.

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