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PED Suspensions Coming


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Clostebol (INN), usually as the ester clostebol acetate or clostebol enanthate, is a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid. Clostebol is the 4-chloro derivative of the natural hormone testosterone.

It is a weak anabolic steroid which was used by athletes from the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).[citation needed] It is a version of testosterone that is chlorinated so as to prevent conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) while also rendering the chemical incapable of conversion to estrogen.

Of course good old Testosterone for the other. The Troches.

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Interesting...in the Gordon piece there is a link to an interview with Colabello, where he adamantly denies using intentionally. He claims he has no idea how he got the trace in his system and is trying to track down how it happened.

He does mention taking supplements received directly from the Blue Jays...hmmmmmm.


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Interesting...in the Gordon piece there is a link to an interview with Colabello, where he adamantly denies using intentionally. He claims he has no idea how he got the trace in his system and is trying to track down how it happened.

He does mention taking supplements received directly from the Blue Jays...hmmmmmm.


OJ is looking for the real killers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The suspension of Marlins 2B Dee Gordon's shows again: PED crime in MLB pays in a big way. <a href="https://t.co/VWOAjbev6t">https://t.co/VWOAjbev6t</a> Plus news, notes, links</p>— Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) <a href="

">April 29, 2016</a></blockquote>

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I don't like the idea that the clubs escape all blame and get to benefit from PED-enhanced performance right up to the moment someone is caught, then they get out of the entire contract. Right now it's nearly certain that teams sign players they suspect of cheating knowing they don't have to pay during suspensions, this just removes all responsibility from the clubs. The league would be telling the clubs to sign anyone, take advantage while you can because you have total protection from that contract, it's 100% on the player.
What would stop the club from spiking a players supplements in order to get out of a stupid contract. Trainers give stuff to players all the time. it wouldn't be too difficult and if the player cant trust the club trainers who can he trust? His personal chemist?
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What would stop the club from spiking a players supplements in order to get out of a stupid contract. Trainers give stuff to players all the time. it wouldn't be too difficult and if the player cant trust the club trainers who can he trust? His personal chemist?

The fact that if they got caught the MLB could revoke their franchise. And sell it to someone else?

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I don't like the idea that the clubs escape all blame and get to benefit from PED-enhanced performance right up to the moment someone is caught, then they get out of the entire contract. Right now it's nearly certain that teams sign players they suspect of cheating knowing they don't have to pay during suspensions, this just removes all responsibility from the clubs. The league would be telling the clubs to sign anyone, take advantage while you can because you have total protection from that contract, it's 100% on the player.

At least the suspended player is ineligible for the post season now.

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The fact that if they got caught the MLB could revoke their franchise. And sell it to someone else?

On top of lengthy jail sentences for anyone convicted of spiking supplements and hefty liability if it could be proven that the club knew and turned a blind eye or worse, sanctioned it.

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The fact that if they got caught the MLB could revoke their franchise. And sell it to someone else?

Ha! I'm sure the law firm of Peter Angelos would have a field day with that. "Of course we knew nothing about this, we highly encourage all of our employees to strictly adhere to all laws and regulations and therefore have no responsibility for a player's alleged indiscretions."

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Ha! I'm sure the law firm of Peter Angelos would have a field day with that. "Of course we knew nothing about this, we highly encourage all of our employees to strictly adhere to all laws and regulations and therefore have no responsibility for a player's alleged indiscretions."
Denny Crane? Nah Russell Smouse!
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If we're all going to sit around and write a bad TV script how about this for a plot twist:

The trainer who's thrown under the bus decides to plea bargain and give detailed testimony, supported by evidence (he's anticipated this possibility, you see) in return for immunity.

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