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Does anyone else find the White Sox announcers to be really annoying?


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Does anyone find the White Sox announcers as annoying as I do? Everytime there is a homerun- "Put it on the board....YES!!!"

Everytime there is a strikeout- "He gone!"

Listening to these announcers really makes me wish I had MASN.

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Don't get me started. They're the worst. I'm not sure you could find a single person to disagree. Not even White Sox fans.

In fact, I'm pretty sure Hawk Harrelson beats himself over the head when he listens to his own broadcasts. It's gotta be an innate human reflex or something.

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Yeah, they absolutely piss me off to no end. When Chris Ray struck out the side the other night, after listening to those morons the entire night I yelled out, "HE GONE, B#^$!!"

Haha I actually wanted to watch this series on WGN just to hear their broadcasts. They're like a car accident; horrible, but you can't help yourself but stare.

I remember watching one year, one of them had actually said "Let's try to put a couple extra points on the board here." Uhh, they're called runs :rolleyes:

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I actually googled hawk "predators" last night after listening to that garbage. It was just down-right awful. Come to find out the only predators of hawks are humans and natural disasters. I had some pretty distasteful ideas brewing...:eek:


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Although Hawk and DJ are bad having the extra innings package really lets you know how spoiled some fans are. I don't know what's worse, having to watch 20 year old graphics for a Royals game or listenning to the Mariners like it's a golf tournament.

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Got to see the O's down here last night, thanks to WGN.

It was great seeing the comeback win, but my only complaint is...Good lordie, WGN is awful.

There's having coverage that appeals to the hometown fan base, and then there's listening to two guys who it sounds like they are in the bleachers two sheets to the wind trying to start a cheer for their team. The latter is WGN.

An actual excerpt:

Announcer #1: "Well, the home crowd seems to be energized tonight." Announcer #2: "Yes, but I don't think there's any crowd out there that matches the type of spirit White Sox fans have put into the game. Our fans have been absolutely fantastic, moreso than any other team in the league."

Screen shot of two random people dressed in White Sox gear surrounded by a sea of fans in black and orange: "Yes the White Sox fans are out in full force here in Baltimore tonight." (Note: Total lack of sarcasm here)

White Sox reliever Boone Logan is called out from the bullpen: "Come on Boone! Let's strike 'em out!" (Note: No accompanying announcer-type mention of the pitcher's stats or style. Just simply "Come on Boone!")

Plus Hawk Harrelson's trademarked (shiver) "Good guys" and "Put it on the board....Yes!" calls.

Am I a cruel person if I secretly wish Hawk Harrelson would develop permanent laryngitis? I'm not that bad, am I?

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I asked this in the game thread.

When a Sox batter K's, does Hawk say "he gone"?

Contrast that w/a Mariners broadcast. I watch the M's here in the NW and too often do the announcers just go silent for like 10-15 seconds during the game. I mean, its dead air, then all of the sudden you hear the train horn as it goes by the stadium.

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