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Machado booed at home

Going Underground

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26 minutes ago, gtman55 said:

Can we just move on from Machado and get something for him now?  Or is it even possible the Orioles hold on to him and just let him walk for a draft pick? I sure hope not.

Is that a rhetorical question?

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3 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:


Outside of Pete Rose, no one busts it up the line 100% of the time.  




Pete Rose and Nolan Reimold, from all of the players that I have ever seen since the early 1970's.

On extremely rare occasions, Rose and Reimold did not bust it 100% on one-hoppers right back to the pitcher.


But Rose and Reimold were extremely rare players, in that particular aspect.





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The average fan is “out of touch”. Do people remember how taxing that is to start/stop run hard as hell to 1st base?  If you land on the base wrong you could break your ankle/leg. Much less doing that over a 162 game season.

Didnt Machado already once in his career hurt himself busting it down the line in a “meaningless” game?  

Doesnt he get to show his frustrations some?  He has to be Polly Positive all the time?  The team might now win 50 games. I’d be mad too. 

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19 hours ago, webbrick2010 said:

Actually if he beat the throw to first he would have been credited with an RBI groundout.

Kind of hope he ends the season with 99 RBI's

Never been a big Manny fan, but his lazy unfocused play has been enabled thru the years by Buck Showalter.

He would have been a much better player under say Joe Girardi.

     This enabling should have been nipped in the bud years ago.

      All Showalter had to do was pull him out of a game or two for his lack of effort.

     Further, I think the fans have been pretty patient with Machado and they certainly have a right to boo him for his lack of hustle.

     I think his apology is an acknowledgement of this fact.    

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50 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

The average fan is “out of touch”. Do people remember how taxing that is to start/stop run hard as hell to 1st base?  If you land on the base wrong you could break your ankle/leg. Much less doing that over a 162 game season.

Didnt Machado already once in his career hurt himself busting it down the line in a “meaningless” game?  

Doesnt he get to show his frustrations some?  He has to be Polly Positive all the time?  The team might now win 50 games. I’d be mad too. 

     How out of touch are people when they see the lack of effort in front of their eyes? Yes, it does require effort to run out a groun , but in that situation Machado needs to put some pressure on the defense. Maybe he forces a bad throw and extends the inning  with his effort. He apologized and I don't remember him stating how "difficult" hustling out a potentially double play ball actually is. 

Machado also hurt his knee while swinging in 2014 and he missed the playoffs. Also, while the orioles are obviously out of contention, they are not "meaningless games." It is a regular season game that has implications across the league. Also, if Manny is so concerned about his knee why does he insist on playing shortstop? The likelihood of a knee injury is much greater with guys sliding into his legs. 

   Machado is a human being and he can certainly show his emotions. However, that is not an excuse to give less effort on the field.

   He could just as easily have gone into the tunnel and screamed and yelled his head off after the DP. Instead,, he gives up coming out of the box.,He knew he was wrong and apologized. I hope that he apologized to his teammates as well.


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36 minutes ago, Superbee83 said:

     How out of touch are people when they see the lack of effort in front of their eyes? Yes, it does require effort to run out a groun , but in that situation Machado needs to put some pressure on the defense. Maybe he forces a bad throw and extends the inning  with his effort. He apologized and I don't remember him stating how "difficult" hustling out a potentially double play ball actually is. 

Machado also hurt his knee while swinging in 2014 and he missed the playoffs. Also, while the orioles are obviously out of contention, they are not "meaningless games." It is a regular season game that has implications across the league. Also, if Manny is so concerned about his knee why does he insist on playing shortstop? The likelihood of a knee injury is much greater with guys sliding into his legs. 

   Machado is a human being and he can certainly show his emotions. However, that is not an excuse to give less effort on the field.

   He could just as easily have gone into the tunnel and screamed and yelled his head off after the DP. Instead,, he gives up coming out of the box.,He knew he was wrong and apologized. I hope that he apologized to his teammates as well.


You’re out of touch. Sorry. It’s a 162 game season. Multiply that by 3-4 balls put in play a game. 

You really want your best players to  start/stop sprinting, in all weather conditions, for 90 feet, to land on an object that isn’t flat?   

Dont we want Machado to be healthy for a trade?

if you want to see people hustle every game then to watch a 12 game little league season. We’re the worst team in baseball. He’s our best/ost valuable player. He’s not the reason we’re losing. 

You’re the same type of fan that ran Eddie Murray out of town three decades ago. 

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17 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

You’re out of touch. Sorry. It’s a 162 game season. Multiply that by 3-4 balls put in play a game. 

You really want your best players to  start/stop sprinting, in all weather conditions, for 90 feet, to land on an object that isn’t flat?   

Dont we want Machado to be healthy for a trade?

if you want to see people hustle every game then to watch a 12 game little league season. We’re the worst team in baseball. He’s our best/ost valuable player. He’s not the reason we’re losing. 

You’re being ridiculous. Completely. Advocating for any Oriole to give less than what they are capable of is ridiculous. 

You’re using Machado’s health as virtue signaling device in your argument. The desire for any player to be healthy is irrelevant to playing hard. If you think that’s important then you should warn our pitchers that throwing above 70mph is taxing on the arm. Otherwise you’re a hypocrite.

Shame on you for the 12 team little league comment too. The argument that Little Leaguers should show more hustle than players at the highest level of professional baseball is profoundly stupid.

Regardless of the Orioles record, “phoning it in” is not acceptable and never will be.

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58 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

You’re out of touch. Sorry. It’s a 162 game season. Multiply that by 3-4 balls put in play a game. 

You really want your best players to  start/stop sprinting, in all weather conditions, for 90 feet, to land on an object that isn’t flat?   

Dont we want Machado to be healthy for a trade?

if you want to see people hustle every game then to watch a 12 game little league season. We’re the worst team in baseball. He’s our best/ost valuable player. He’s not the reason we’re losing. 

You’re the same type of fan that ran Eddie Murray out of town three decades ago. 

   I am in out of touch because i expect a mlb player to show some effort in a game?

   Yes, I want all of my players playing hard, especially in a close game. Running out a ground ball is something that he signed up for.

    Further, he could just as easily get hurt in pregame BP or warm uos. Maybe we should put a hologram of Manny at short and see if MLB will let the Orioles have a designated runner to go run down the line and step on the obstacle that is called first base. Of course he could get hurt, it's part of the game. 

   He pretty much admitted his mistake in his apology to the fans.

   The difference is I don't pay for a ticket or MASN money to watch a little league  game. I know that every guy is not going to bust it every time and I have actually seen worse from Machado.

   So because the Orioles are the worst team in baseball, it's ok to quit? That's BS.

   I never said that Manny was the reason the Orioles were the worst team in the league. However, Machado's lack of focus and  hustle has contributed to the poor play of the team. 

  Fans have the right to boo players, that's the fact of life. Deal with it.( Your boy Manny certainly is.) For the record, I never booed Eddie Murray and I would not boo Machado.  I have my reasons, but while you are defending his lack of hustle Machado has already apologized for it.

  I know he's your man crush, but face the reality of the situation. He messed up and he wants to get the fans off his back. 

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On 6/27/2018 at 7:27 AM, Going Underground said:

A different time.

Carlton Fisk: Nobody Disrespected Game Like Deion: On Joe Morgan's new syndicated radio show on Sports USA Radio, Carlton Fisk shared a story about playing against Deion Sanders when "Neon Deion" didn't run after popping the ball up. "I started yelling at him, 'Run the ball out,'" Fisk said. "I don't know if anybody I have played against has disrespected the game like he appears to be doing. So he comes up again and draws a dollar sign in the dirt. And you know what he says? He says, 'Hey, man, the days of slavery are over.' I stood up and walked up to him face to face and I said, 'I don't care whether you are black or blue or pink or red. ... If you don't start playing this game right, I'm going to kick your butt right here'."

Now Fisk is a kind of coach the O's need. Not afraid to get in a players face when it's needed. 

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21 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

Meanwhile, Manny forced his move to shortstop.  He went from being a gold glove 3B to statistically the worst SS.  It also gives other players the feeling that Manny thinks he is more important than the team.  No I'm not in the locker room, but its obvious Manny thinks he's better than the rest of the team, sort of a 24+1 situation.

Problem is Buck didn't have the balls to tell Manny he is playing at 3rd. Manny may have sulked and whined. But he is the player but Buck the manager. A good manager would put him in his place. The team comes first. 

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2 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

You’re out of touch. Sorry. It’s a 162 game season. Multiply that by 3-4 balls put in play a game. 

You really want your best players to  start/stop sprinting, in all weather conditions, for 90 feet, to land on an object that isn’t flat?   

Dont we want Machado to be healthy for a trade?

if you want to see people hustle every game then to watch a 12 game little league season. We’re the worst team in baseball. He’s our best/ost valuable player. He’s not the reason we’re losing. 

You’re the same type of fan that ran Eddie Murray out of town three decades ago. 

He could also injure himself a million other ways at home like walking up steps or even undressing like Brandon Morrow just did. Should he just leave the stadium each day and live in a hyperbaric chamber until the trade deadline?

Sure, if Machado hits a fly ball or a pop up - I don't think anyone expects him to be putting it into an extra gear while running. But for a double play ground ball where Machado possibly could have beat the throw from second? He should be running. Segura was even surprised by how little Machado ran on the play.


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Putting aside the reality that no one hustles out ground balls 100% of the time like I said before, I'll say this:

Hypothetically, there's no reason a well conditioned 25 year old athlete couldn't run 90 foot sprints 4 times a day on grass/dirt for 162 days out of the year if he had to. 

Now no one hits 4 grounders a day for 162 games a year.  There's no reason not to haul ass up the line.  

But then again, that's not reality.

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