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Extend Dan and Buck... Now


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I too thought resign...not re-sign.


But I want to echo what others have said.  We need to name a GM.  The GM gets to name a manager.  If ownership jointly announces both are returning....then the new direction is same old same old.

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I have been a big defender of Buck, even his decision in the wild card game. I don't want to see him back. Just don't like his body language and reports of losing the clubhouse. Also very upset with how he handled Kim while bending over backwards for Tillman and David etc.

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6 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

I have been a big defender of Buck, even his decision in the wild card game. I don't want to see him back. Just don't like his body language and reports of losing the clubhouse. Also very upset with how he handled Kim while bending over backwards for Tillman and David etc.

Hyun Soo Kim is batting .356 with 134 hits this season back in Korea.  No doubt there would be zero use here....

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What are we like 60 or 70 games under .500 going back to the beginning of the end last year. In must win big payroll seasons no less.

I'd replace Buck with basically anyone, mainly so we could bring in some coaches who, y'know, actually help players. Do you really want our current coaches "coaching" all the young players about to hit the bigs. My biggest fear about this "rebuild" is Buck and company ruin these guys. Buck came down hard on Ryan Mountcastle for having a sunny disposition. He seems to judge players on ridiculous physical attributes. Also Buck's insistence on making personnel moves ("let's hand Tillman a major league contract and rotation spot despite coming off a historically bad season" and "let's make our big offensive addition a guy coming off major injury who quit on his last team, Colby Rasmus").

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Dan has performed fairly well overall with evident backseat driving and c-blocking affecting his job performance.  Buck operates in a position where there isn't as much interference with his job performance on the field.  His decisions are his decisions.  Angelos wasn't calling into the dugout in Toronto saying, make sure Ubaldo gets in there an earns his money.  The line up card may not be all him, but the calls to the pen, batting orders, and in-game calls are on him.  

I don't hate the guy.  I love him for what he did from 2012-2016, but there is just a stigma to him after 2016.  If he wants to stay, he needs to figure out a way to address or shake this stigma by confronting it head on or finding a way to reinvent himself.

I want to keep Dan and have him pick his guys, like Theo did in Chicago.

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56 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

Sure hold absolutely no one accountable for the worst record in modern baseball history

Signing Buck means keeping McDowell and Coolbaugh?

Can't wait to see which of the new prospects Buck messes up with his TTP fixation

I’d like to see changes made starting with Buck and his staff

The person I hold accountable doesn’t appear to be in charge anymore.

His crippling policies and procedures are a big reason for the mess

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48 minutes ago, foxfield said:

Hyun Soo Kim is batting .356 with 134 hits this season back in Korea.  No doubt there would be zero use here....

Excellent point.  OBP seems to be about as popular as herpes with this team.

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42 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

You would need to turnover the 25 man roster.  I think Buck’s message has gotten stale with this group of players.

This is my feeling on it. After this season the only veterans left from the 2012-2017 period will be O'day, Davis, and maybe Trumbo (I'm starting to think Schoop is traded).  I think the team will be a lot younger and Buck proved that he can create a winning culture and standup to the juggernauts of the AL East. So I'd resign both Dan and Buck

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1 hour ago, foxfield said:

Hyun Soo Kim is batting .356 with 134 hits this season back in Korea.  No doubt there would be zero use here....

Let it go.   He tried to find a job in the US this offseason.   The Phillies (to whom he was traded) didn’t want him, and apparently neither did anyone else.   In his press conference upon returning to Korea, he acknowledged that MLB was a big challenge for him.   He’s a class act and I’m glad he’s succeeding in Korea, but I don’t think that means the O’s made a mistake in letting him go or in how they used him.   

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1 hour ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

You would need to turnover the 25 man roster.  I think Buck’s message has gotten stale with this group of players.

The 25 man roster is going to turn over, it's started already.

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