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How many of you are Orioles fans and Redskins fans?


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O's/Skins fan here.

Born in DC, grew up in Annandale, VA. By the time I started following baseball, the Senators were gone. I often wonder how things might have differed had I developed an affection for the Senators. As it is now I hate the Gnats and don't care about the Ravens (although I'd rather not hear about them on Baltimore radio at the Orioles' expense). Other teams I root for

1. The Ohio University Bobcats - My alma mater

2. Bullets

3. North Carolina - Dad's alma mater "Tarheel born and Tarheel bred......"

Teams I hate

1. ohio State - Ohio is THE state university. We were around 70 years before you came into existence, deal with it.

2. Yankees and Red Sox obviously

3. Cowboys

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So... Angelos needs to do what he did in 1999? :D

That's why I threw in the fan experience part. Boog's was always good!

Actually, it dawned on me that I may need to rethink my Angelos-is-better-than-Snyder stance. After all, Angelos managed to alienate Brooks Robinson, which probably trumps anything that Snyder has ever done.

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That's why I threw in the fan experience part. Boog's was always good!

Actually, it dawned on me that I may need to rethink my Angelos-is-better-than-Snyder stance. After all, Angelos managed to alienate Brooks Robinson, which probably trumps anything that Snyder has ever done.

I just leave it as this: they're both awful. The difference is that Angelos is getting better lately.

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I root for the O's, Ravens, and 'Skins. The Colts were gone long before I was old enough to get into football, so the 'Skins became my team, although Baltimore is my home town. Never understood the animosity towards the Redskins, although Baltimore clearly has an inferiority complex towards DC.

In order to have an inferiority complex toward someone, don't you first have to be inferior? I don't think Baltimore qualifies as having an inferiority complex towards DC in that regard. :D

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I was raised to believe the Redskins were the enemy so I never followed them in the Colts absence. I am glad I didn't. I consider myself a Baltimore guy through and through. Even if I would have followed the Skins I would have dropped any ties I had with them when the Browns announced their move to B-more.

So I am a Ravens and O's fan the way God intended it to be. :D

Amen to that!!!!

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I was born in Philly but moved to Annapolis when I was 6. By that point my loyalties to the Eagles and Flyers had become established, but fortunately my baseball preference was still forming, which is how I ended up an O's fan.

I used to hate the 'Skins but they've been so bad for so long now I don't really care as much. I root for the Ravens when I get a chance to see them, but not nearly as passionately as I do for the Iggles!!

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Old Guy Alert

I was a Baltimore Colt fan. I had it drummed into me by my dad and uncle that you hated the Redskins. Their reason was George Preston Marshall who kept the original Baltimore Colts from moving here for years. I lived and died with the Orioles and Colts.

When I got into my teen aged year I became a big Baltimore Bullets and Clippers fan. Earl Monroe,Gus Johnson, Kevin Loughery, Freddie Carter and Wes Unseld. I could go on.

I had a season ticket for the Colts. They offered Student tickets to kids in High school and college in the temporary seats in the end zone. My season tickets were $7.70 a year. What a deal, one dollar a game and ten cents tax. No personal seat license, no preseason games in your plan.

When the Colts moved my attention went 100% to the O's and I enjoy no game as much as baseball. I've grown to love the Ravens but it took time.

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Hah, that's funny.

I'd say that 80% of my sports fan energy and passion goes to the Orioles, 17% to Duke basketball, 2% to Ohio State football, and 1% to all other teams I nominally root for (Redskins, Caps and Wizards). I used to be more passionate about other sports, but the older I get, the more baseball crowds out the others.

Attaboy Frobby, GO BUCKS!

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OK, this is more baffling to me than anything. A Steelers/Oriole fan. Good lord.


I may be able to top that, or at least equal it. How about an O's/Browns fan? The Colts left when I was 4 so I wasn't into football yet but if Baltimore had a team when I did start liking football there's no doubt they would have been my team eventhough I grew up in Ohio.

And if they had gotten a team from anywhere except Cleveland I would be at least a casual fan of theirs. But I just can't do it, the wounds aren't completely healed yet and might never be, although I've gotta pull for Troy Smith while he's in there.

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From out here in the sticks of the Shenandoah Valley it's always been O's and Skins for me. An absolute diehard for both teams.

I really don't care too much about the Ravens- though I truly admire sharp defensive play, so I was pulling for them during the 2000 Super Bowl run.

The Nats I just pity more than anything else. They amuse me.

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Born and raised in Fredericksburg, VA and it's diehard 'Skins and O's for me. Same as everyone else, when I was comin' up there were no Ravens (or more pertinently based upon my location) no Senators/Nats so it was a no brainer.

I was brought up with that "go with the girl that brought ya to the dance" mentality so it seemed moronic and false to me to switch any allegiance just because there was a new kid on the block.

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Another O's/Skins fan here - grew up in Rockville - regarded as DC burb. But my Dad took me to an O's game first, got me an O's trashcan - that I still use - and I got hooked. I never really got into the Senators or Nats.

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Yeah but you still tried to give Angelos a bit of a pass.

You don't think, from the beginning, Angelos's main goal was to get as much as possible in exchange for the Expos moving to Washington? He knew he couldn't stop it, so he was just going to milk that cow for all it was worth.

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