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Rosenthal: No token bids for Tex or Burnett


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Minus Burnett, Toronto general manager J. P. Ricciardi would have $20 million to $25 million available on a $100-million payroll.


If Toronto can have a 100 million dollar payroll, the Orioles had better be able to go to $110-120 million because they have a much better market...

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BTW this to me is hillarious:

Burnett lives in the Baltimore area, but the Orioles may not be in position financially to get into the hunt deep enough. The Washington Nationals may, however, given that they need to attract a big name or two to put some much-needed fannies in the seats at their new ballpark.

The Orioles can't get Burnett because of his contract, but the Nationals can? :laughlol:

It's amazing to me how much the media thinks we are hurting financially. We sit out of FA one offseason, and suddenly we are in the poorhouse. Apparently they didn't understand the moves were to get younger and more talented and not just to slash payroll. People (especially the media) are really going to be shocked this offseason IMO...

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It's amazing to me how much the media thinks we are hurting financially. .

You can't blame the media or O's fans for being skeptical about PA willing to spend what it takes to field a respectable product. How many off-seasons did we hear the mantra about nobody being off limits. doing what it takes to build a contender etc etc. Except for Tejada, and that year the O's were one of only a few buyers, we've always been close, but never closed the deal. Javvy was a nice signing but I don't see him as a premiere signing. Not to mention how many talented players we let go because of money. We're lucky Cal stayed all those years. Not many men of his character in baseball these days.

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The Nationals' need to acquire a "name" player to put fannies in empty seats points out an important fact. Peter Angelos was absolutely correct that Baltimore and Washington really are not large enough to support two MLB franchises at a level that will allow both to be successful, at least at the box office. Togther, we do not make up a New York, Chicago or Los Angeles type of market and it was foolish of MLB to force a team into DC, a market that already has a history of failure. We are likely to have two perrenially mediocre teams that may, occassionally contend. I wonder whether either will have sustained long-term success when they have to contend with the NYs, Bostons and Philadelphias of the baseball world.

There are just fewer available fannies to put in the seats at either ballpark, meaning payroll discipline will be needed for both franchises. As many here have pointed out, player development will be the most important area in which we will have to compete with the monster market teams.

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The Nationals' need to acquire a "name" player to put fannies in empty seats points out an important fact. Peter Angelos was absolutely correct that Baltimore and Washington really are not large enough to support to MLB franchises at a level that will allow both to be successful, at least at the box office. Togther, we do not make up a New York, Chicago or Los Angeles type of market and it was foolish of MLB to force a team into DC, a market that already has a history of failure. We are likely to have two perrenially mediocre teams that may, occassionally contend. I wonder whether either will have sustained long-term success when they have to contend with the NYs, Bostons and Philadelphias of the baseball world.

There are just fewer available fannies to put in the seats at either ballpark, meaning payroll discipline will be needed for both franchises. As many here have pointed out, player development will be the most important area in which we will have to compete with the monster market teams.

My impression isn't that they're aren't enough people to support both teams, merely not enough baseball fans to do it, mainly in Washington.

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If Toronto can have a 100 million dollar payroll, the Orioles had better be able to go to $110-120 million because they have a much better market...

I am not so sure the Orioles have a better market. Blue Jays games are televised coast-to-coast in Canada, and they are the national team there.

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Peter Gammons just said he believes that if Tex doesn't resign with the Angels he will wind up in Baltimore or Washington.

Is Washington a realistic option or is Gammons just pulling that out of the you know what?

He also said he believes the Yankees can't afford Tex and all the pitching help they need, even with the new stadium.

He basically hinted that Sabathia and Burnett will be Yankees however.

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Peter Gammons just said he believes that if Tex doesn't resign with the Angels he will wind up in Baltimore or Washington.

Is Washington a realistic option or is Gammons just pulling that out of the you know what?

He also said he believes the Yankees can't afford Tex and all the pitching help they need, even with the new stadium.

He basically hinted that Sabathia and Burnett will be Yankees however.

Washington wont pay him what it will take!

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Of course, their idea of a "token bid" may be different from our idea.

Burnett -- 4/$54 would not be a token bid for starters

Tex -- 7/$126 would not be a token bid for starters

Much less than that and you are laughed out of the building.

I would think 5/$75 and 8/$175 would be a little more than token. Add Garland at 4/48, deal Tillman for a legit SS prospect and let's start talking playoffs. It's really that simple. Listening Pete???:)

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I would think 5/$75 and 8/$175 would be a little more than token. Add Garland at 4/48, deal Tillman for a legit SS prospect and let's start talking playoffs. It's really that simple. Listening Pete???:)

There are alot of better options than Garland. I'd prefer Dempster, Brad Penny, Oliver Perez, or Wolf. I'd trade Arrieta & a second player (Lesser prospect) for Rasmus or Wood at SS

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I would think 5/$75 and 8/$175 would be a little more than token. Add Garland at 4/48, deal Tillman for a legit SS prospect and let's start talking playoffs. It's really that simple. Listening Pete???:)

I am definitely not on board with dealing Tillman for a SS prospect.

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