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Greene on the way to Baltimore? No.


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CBS Sportsline reports that the Orioles offered Hayden Penn for Khalil Greene to the Padres, but the deal didn't go through because the Orioles wouldn't pay all of Greene's 2009 salary:

The Padres shed $6.5 million, Greene's 2009 salary, by moving him to St. Louis. San Diego had been talking with Baltimore about Greene as well, but the Orioles, according to sources with knowledge of the talks, balked at picking up Greene's entire tab. The Orioles wanted to send pitcher Hayden Penn to the Padres and pay only a portion of Greene's salary.


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It's moves like this where you have to question; Is this team going to spend any money ?


Keep in mind Greene was likely only a 1 year rental. The Orioles are probably looking for a cheap stopgap that's a good defender, but I think they want somebody that they can sign for 2 years or will be a LT solution.

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It's moves like this where you have to question; Is this team going to spend any money ?


I would have liked to get Greene, but his biggest calling card was that he would come cheaply in terms of players and possibly even get some money thrown in. I don't have a problem with MacPhail backing out of a deal if he couldn't get him at what he deemed low enough of a price.

If they were asking for $3-4M, then thats too much, but if Penn for Greene and $1M was what they were insisting upon, I won't fault them too much for holding to that. I would have given up a touch more, but not much.

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It's moves like this where you have to question; Is this team going to spend any money ?


Why spend money on a one-year rental of a guy that is coming off a horrible injury ridden season? Someone said it earlier; Greene is either going to have a season that will save his career or end it - either way he is most likely not going to be around in 2010.

There is spending money, and then there is spending money wisely.

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CBS Sportsline reports that the Orioles offered Hayden Penn for Khalil Greene to the Padres, but the deal didn't go through because the Orioles wouldn't pay all of Greene's 2009 salary:


I'm not a bit upset at not getting Greene,should we pay 6.5 mill for a guy that hit .213 last year? Heck we will finish in 5th place anyway,just stick Castro back in at ss, IF he will come back. What a joke the Orioles are becoming and I think it's not all PA! AM is part of of the problem.

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Signing Izturis, which the O's seem poised to do, wouldn't be spending money wisely, IMO.

Depends on the contract he gets. It would be alot wiser than to trade for AND pay Greene $6.5M this year. If Izturis gets less than $4M, then it would be money spent wisely on a position we need desparately, IMO.

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Why spend money on a one-year rental of a guy that is coming off a horrible injury ridden season? Someone said it earlier; Greene is either going to have a season that will save his career or end it - either way he is most likely not going to be around in 2010.

There is spending money, and then there is spending money wisely.

Greene would have been spending money wisely.
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Signing Izturis, which the O's seem poised to do, wouldn't be spending money wisely, IMO.

He is a better option than anything we have now. There are no young SS of the future coming up through our system and I doubt we would trade away the pieces for a nother team to give up their young one.

Izturis fits our needs, he won't set the world on fire but he will be leagues better than what we trotted out there last year.

If I am running the show I sign Izturis and then draft a SS high.

Izturis, right now - barring new developments, is a necessary evil for the team.

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Greene would have been spending money wisely.

I disagree because you would be right back in this situation in 2010 because odds are he wouldn't stay here. If he rebounds from his injury he is gone, if he doesn't we are stuck with the drek we have now MINUS players and money.

I would rather have two years of Izturis for the same price as one year of Greene. I feel he is a bad risk.

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Signing Izturis, which the O's seem poised to do, wouldn't be spending money wisely, IMO.

Izturis will be gone by the time AM gets around to signing him,he would want him for less then 1 mill. CHEAP>CHEAP>CHEAP thats all he's interested in!

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It's moves like this where you have to question; Is this team going to spend any money ?


Yep, you have to question the Orioles willingness to spend this offseason. When MacPhail says "I can use the dough" when he trades Chad Bradford for seemingly very little, and the Orioles lose out on a potential decent shortstop over a few million dollars when we have absolutely nothing right now at short, it is not a good sign that the Orioles are going to open the vault this offseason.

Cesar Izturis is almost guaranteed to provide us almost nothing offensively. Khalil Greene will likely hit better in Camden Yards, Cesar Izturis might not hit better in a little league park. Khalil Greene has a chance to turn it around, and get the Orioles something decent at the trading deadline, or draft picks at the end of the season or he might see Baltimore as good place to hit compared to Petco and sign an extension with the Orioles.

The signs are growing that the Orioles are not going to be big spenders in an uncertain economy. If the Orioles were planning on an $100 million plus payroll, Khalil Greene's $6.5 million for one year year would have been easy to pick up.

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