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God wears pinstripes


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It's amazing to me that the Yanks were so far back, so far below .500, and now they're actually making a run at October baseball. It doesn't hurt that they begin the second half playing mostly bad teams, and that umpires apparently don't listen to weather reports :rolleyes: but damn, you still have to tip your cap.

Assuming the scores remain the same the Yanks will only be 6.5 back in the AL East and 4.5 back in the wild card. So much for that supposedly insurmountable 14 game lead the Red Sox had at one point.

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Woulnd't it be great if the O's put their winning streak to rest? I'd love to see us take another series against them. :D

I believe we can do it. We've owned them all year. If the umps weren't idiots we'd be 5-1 against them right now; subtract a grand slam by Ray in the 9th and we'd be 6-0!

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No team with a ~$200m payroll has ever failed to win a division title let alone failed to make the playoffs. They've still got a hell of a chance of not being the 1st team to waste that many resources and a team that fails to make the postseason.

Yeah but how many $200m payrolls have there been in baseball history? Just the Yanks AFAIK, and they've been making the playoffs before they started spending buttloads of money.

I'd really love to see them crash and burn. It'd be hilarious to watch teams with half their payroll make the playoffs while they play golf in October :D

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On top of that, the Yankees just promoted Ian Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain-- who, if I recall correctly, was originally drafted by the Orioles --to AAA. With that and Philip Hughes' rehab, the Yankee rotation could go from God awful to potentially great by the beginning of next season at the latest.


Yep. We always talk about young pitching being the key to the Orioles competing w/the Yankees. However, now the Yankees have gotten away from trading all their prospects they are as in good of shape w/young pitching as any team in baseball.

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Don't worry, ARod will choke down the stretch and in the playoffs is it gets that far. I'll make sure of it. I'm moving to his neighborhood (or at least the town where he allegedly recently bought the top two stories of a super expensive luxury high-rise condominium) in September. I'll make lots and lots of noise! My soon-to-be roommate in this place also has a Derek Jeter cardboard cutout. I'll stick needles in it and pray to Jobu for him to stink up the joint too. ;)

Seriously if the Yankees make the playoffs this year I will be one very irate pseudo-New Jerseyan. :002_smad:

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This is not real surprising. When you have 200m in talent it is just a matter of them being healthy and not self imploding. They will always have the top talent on paper due to their money. Their toughest opponent will always be themselves.

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That is why I will never jump on the Yankees in April and May when they are struggling like some fools do every year around these parts. There is just too much talent and money in NY to NOT make a run at the playoffs. I expect the Yanks to win the division because like you said, God wears pinstripes.

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On top of that, the Yankees just promoted Ian Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain-- who, if I recall correctly, was originally drafted by the Orioles --to AAA. With that and Philip Hughes' rehab, the Yankee rotation could go from God awful to potentially great by the beginning of next season at the latest.


You're thinking of Chamberlain's Nebraska teammate Tony Watson. We drafted him, not Chamberlain.

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My question is how that bullpen holds up down the stretch. They will feast on poor playing teams, but there is a lot of buildup on their arms in the bullpen.

As for their up and coming young pitching talent I think you also have to take into account Humberto Sanchez who has been injured this year. He started the furtures game a few years ago and is a solid bulldog type pitcher.

As for God wearing pinstripes. God has nothing to do with this, Steinbrenner sold is soul to the devil long ago to make them so good.

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As for God wearing pinstripes. God has nothing to do with this, Steinbrenner sold is soul to the devil long ago to make them so good.

At least the Yankees themselves aren't trying to claim that God is intervening in their baseball games because so many of them go to chapel a la Curt Schilling and the Red Sox Baseball Chapel group in 2004.

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