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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Okay I'm tired of trying to catch up. It seems like EVERYTHING I read is either someone posting old news or someone RESPONDING to the posting of old news. Arghhh!

I have some new thoughts.

1- I think Tex should be willing to accept somewhat of a hometown discount- simply for the fact that he'll probably be able to double his annual salary in hometown endorsements.

2- I really worry that if we DON'T get Tex, and the depression settles in before spring training hits, that when the energy and excitement inches back as we get closer to Opening day- all of a sudden- all of the focus will be on Matt Wieters- and "When will he come up? How great is he gonna be??" The pressure and attention of this team will suddenly be weighing heavy on Wieters, and I really worry about the toll that could take on a young player. With Tex in tow, the pressure and attention is on him, which would at the very least, deflect the spotlight from the likes of Wieters and Adam Jones, the 2 youngest members of the new "nucleus" to this team.

3- All the talk of trading Markakis in Bedard fashion is beyond premature. Can we get a grip here? Yes, Nick will be let down and I'm sure he might channel thoughts on what life might be like when he gets closer to free agency... but that's a few years off. I'd think he's gonna want the security of an extension sooner rather than later. He's not in Roberts shoes.

4- And the obvious, yes, Roberts will be traded IMO if Tex isn't signed- something we can all agree on... so that simple fact alone- does incur thoughts of a great depression for the upcoming baseball season. With Brob gone and our starting pitching in shambles- I don't think we'd have the same ride we had for the fist half of the season. In fact, since I'd suddenly be wondering if we'd even be able to sign Markakis, it might even make the whole "watching the team to see them develop" angle not so much fun...

Anyway- sorry for the rambling on random thoughts... but again, scrolling down each page to see the same info posted over and over was driving me crazy!

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I agree that we might not be able to get quite into the Red Sox area of spending, but I do think we can be on that tier with them, the LA teams, the Dodgers. Probably either at the bottom of that tier or the very top of the other with the ability to pump things up occasionally and spend some more money for a couple years, like what the Tigers did last year.

The Baltimore/Washington area is a pretty healthy market.

If every team maxed out their revenue potential I think we could possibly be in the 10-15 range. We might be able to get closer to the Red Sox if we're well run but I think they will always have a large revenue advantage.

How was it we were able to have one of the highest payrolls in baseball in the late 90's didnt the Yankees and RSox have the same potential then as they do now. If so and there revenue changed as a result of winning why would Balt. be so diffrent( not argueing just trying to understand)

Camden Yards gave the Orioles a unique revenue source and the Yankees and Sox were not making good use of their local media options.

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You really don't consider north of $200m to be an ARod like price to performance pricetag?

ARod $250m for a 1.000+ OPS production at 3b seems about the same kind of premium to me as $200m for a .900+ OPS of production at 1b.

If you consider his old contract, then you have to adjust for inflation, which is pretty significant considering that deal was signed 8 years ago.

If you do his most recent one, that was for $305M including all his bonuses.

So no, $200M for Tex wouldn't be "ARod money", IMO. Its a ton of money for certain, but its no where near what ARod got.

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Tuned into ESPN Radio 104.5 the team out of Albany NY. The Show was called "Sound off with Sinkoff". He is a huge Orioles fan, originally from the Baltimore area. Was talking about the Tex sweepstakes, with someone assc with the Orioles on the phone. Didnt catch a name. This person said there was a 7yr 150 Mil deal from Baltimore on the table, Boston And DC both have 8-160 also on the tables. The Yankees are OUT of the bidding, and LAA will so be out, if they already havent looked elsewhere. Now he also said Boston will go up in cash a little, but will not go more than 8 years, Baltimore seemed firm on their offer, which is the highest per season that Tex has right now. The Nats though will go more years from what he has heard. Thought our offer was the best, and felt confident that the Orioles are the LEAD HORSE coming down the stretch:clap3: Also eluded that anything can happen, but was confident a deal between the O's and Tex will get done. Also went on to just mention the O's where in contact with Redding, Sheets, and Perez. The Sinkoff guys was very vocal on how Tex must know he would be targeted, if he turned his back on an offer that is really good to stay home and play for your childhood team. Just sending what I heard on the radio show, take it for what its worth. Again I didnt get the guys name Sinkoff was talking too, but the guy seemed very confident.:mwahaha::wedge:

Maybe it was Belkast:p

Fire away

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I wouldn't sign Tex for more than 6 years. I wouldn't sign any 28 year old for more than 6 years for that kind of money. Let him go...we can still finish in last place without him and all of you fans will keep coming back.

You say WE can still finish in last place... and then you condescendingly say YOU FANS WILL KEEP COMING BACK.

Who are you and what kind of statement are you trying to make?

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Okay I'm tired of trying to catch up. It seems like EVERYTHING I read is either someone posting old news or someone RESPONDING to the posting of old news. Arghhh!

I have some new thoughts.

1- I think Tex should be willing to accept somewhat of a hometown discount- simply for the fact that he'll probably be able to double his annual salary in hometown endorsements.

You made some very good points - but on this one I disagree. If ad revenue were a concern Im pretty sure he could do better in LA. Its a much bigger market.

If he gives a hometown discount it will be because he loves the area and wants to play near all his friends & family, IMO.

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With all of this talk of the O's all of a sudden being out, I came up with a far fetched conspiracy theory.

I was thinking that maybe Boras put this information into the media to squeeze more money out of the O's. Maybe he realizes Tex really wants to play for the O's, but Baltimore isn't putting up enough money. So maybe if he makes the Orioles think they are out that the O's will ante up. This benefits both Tex and Boras.

Let me know if you guys think this is feasible.

I think this is very likely to be exactly what is going on right now. I think Tex wants very badly to be an Oriole, and his agent is currently trying to get him the best deal possible with the team he wants to play for. That has been my take for the last couple of days. I really never thought Tex was coming to Baltimore, but in the last 2 days, I have changed my mind. I feel pretty confident that he will now be an Oriole.

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