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Kevin Brown absence explained?

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1 minute ago, baltfan said:

For sure they are in the broadcast side.  Perhaps that is just a product of boredom and wanting to feel like he is having some effect.  We do have to remember the broadcast side is MASN and not the Orioles.  The fear, of course, is this bleeds into how he manages affairs with the Orioles.  To date, there isn’t a lot of evidence that it has. Elias seems to have lots of autonomy and a long contract.  

Fingers crossed mate.

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33 minutes ago, 2001OriolesFan said:

No one in their right mind would pick up Brown to do their broadcasts. Sorry but baseball announcers are nice (if they stick to baseball) but replacable. NO ORGANIZATION needs a diva who causes problems for their employer.  He should find another line or work.  This is not the place for "social influencers" or the Kardashians groupies.   Please remember that there have been a series of different broadcasters for the O's this year.  It might just be as simple as they felt his style was not where they wanted to be going.  That is okay, but all the drama queens got themselves involved.

Totally disagree with your "analysis". What kind of upside down world do you live in? Maybe lay off the stupid pills.

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15 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I doubt Mike Elias will remain for much longer in the Oriole front office either.

And this is why I care about the @wildcard thread.

We can't take anything for granted with the Angelos family. They can ruin a wet dream.

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3 hours ago, 2001OriolesFan said:

What a bunch of people getting their panties upset !!   I have not seen ANY proof of a fact in this entire thread.  Third hand rumors by people who have no way of knowing anything are repeated and taken as facts. ............. As for that announcer, he was poor in my opinion. I don't think he added to the game- rather he was trying to interject his style and personality into it. He might have been asked to change his style, and caused an issue or pushbacked.  He does NOT have a entitled right to someone elses money and a paycheck.


John, take it easy. It's 9 in the morning. 



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17 minutes ago, 2001OriolesFan said:

What a crock you are trying to pass off.  From one side of your mouth you blame the Orioles recent decades of losing on the owner.  Then they change their methods and approach and become successful and you want to just credit that to dumb luck and maybe expert advice from yourself.  I look at the owners as a "necessary evil". They seem to be keeping their noses out of the baseball operations quite well recently, so I really don't care about filling out a spreadsheet about grading their morals, family relations and personal hygiene.   These broadcasters are likely all egotist and divas who compete with each other, backstab and are looking to become personalities who have social followings.  I have 3 daughters, and some of the stuff I am seeing here reminds me of "mean girl cliques" in 4th grade elementary school.

Your response is what you got from my post? I’m not sure what I said about “family relations”, “morals”, “mean girls”, or your family.

All of the positive changes came once Elias/Sig took over. If/once they leave all of that competency and aptitude goes away.

You do understand that right?

Also, if you are not representing the interests of Angelos (you haven’t said, so I don’t know), do you understand why most fans would have issues with how the Angelos family has run the Orioles throughout their tenure including this latest bizarre incident?

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2 minutes ago, oriolediehard said:

I am sorry if this was already posted.

Yankees broadcaster went off on the Orioles after announcer’s ‘disgraceful’ suspension


The Baltimore Orioles are catching a lot of flack from baseball fans at large after the erroneous suspension of MASN reporter Kevin Brown. And now New York Yankees broadcaster Michael Kay has jumped into the fray as well.

On Monday, a report from Awful Announcing revealed that Brown — an Orioles play-by-play broadcaster for the local broadcast MASN — was apparently suspended for pointing out Baltimore’s streak of road series losses to the Tampa Bay Rays. While the Orioles snapped the 15-series streak in late July, Brown was reportedly suspended indefinitely for the pregame comments, even though they were part of the team’s game notes and were accompanying a graphic made by MASN itself.

The outcry about Brown’s suspension has gotten so loud that even long-time Yankees announcer Kay had his feathers ruffled over the incident as well. On Monday’s episode of The Michael Kay Show, the announcer ripped into the Orioles for their “disgraceful” suspension of Brown.

It’s no wonder Kay’s so heated. All Brown did was do his job as a broadcaster for the Orioles, yet was suspended for stating actual facts about the team that were in the game notes, no less.

It is funny how many of the early outspoken responders to this came from New York.  Would we expect any different?  😆

But yeah, it's been posted a dozen times already

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2 hours ago, dystopia said:

Was Thorne let go because he wasn’t enough of a homer? Certainly begs the question at this point. Maybe that’s even been confirmed, I don’t know. 

I think Thorne was let go because they could pay younger announcers less money.  I don’t think he offended anyone.  

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Sorry if I'm repeating a comment made by others, but I haven't had time to read the whole thread.

In a way, I'm relieved that this happened. Because John Angelos is not as terrible or delusional an owner or person as his father, I think some fans may have made the mistake of thinking he's a decent human being. I probably did that myself at times, or came close to it.

This episode, together with the "we'll open the books next week" incident, makes me, and I would guess some others, realize how wrong that thinking is. I've been reminded, and doubt I'll forget, that John Angelos is a cowardly, sniveling, greedy, arrogant slug who has created a fantasy of his own competence and benevolence. He has accomplished only two notable things in his life: being born into wealth and control of the Orioles, and being a better de facto owner than his father by virtue of his disinterest in the team other than as a source of money and fame for himself. That's all he's ever been, and very likely all he'll ever be.

Thanks, John, for clearing that up.

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15 minutes ago, CallMeBrooksie said:

I believe he stated himself that he's an independent contractor

Even if that's true, that would seem to be a semantics argument. He's on basically every Orioles broadcast doing O's Extra pre and post, in game interviews, drop ins, etc. When Britt asked him on the radio spot posted earlier, he said he worked for MASN.

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19 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I've been an Oriole, fan for about 60 years.I was the team batboy for them in the early 70's in Miami where they trained. Many of the players, still alive, like Brooks Robinson,Boog Powell, Jim Palmer and others ,remain my friends from the time I was about 15 years old. I write none of these things to show off or suggest I am any more passionate about this franchise than anyone on this page. Im not any more knowledgeable than many of you here, but I think I do have some insight that other may not have. I've known this story for about two weeks but said nothing to protect my recently new friend Kevin Brown, who I believe is a rising star in broadcasting. I felt terrible about this.I could no longer hold back when the story exploded all over the media this week. It's absolutely true that as petty as it appears, that IS what happened This is ALL on John Angelos and his insecurity . Kevin is not only, in my opinion, the best announcer the Orioles have had since Jon Miller(you don't have to agree), he was on his way, with good management to becoming an Oriole broadcasting fixture. I doubt he stays in Baltimore when his contract expires whenever that is. I doubt Mike Elias will remain for much longer in the Oriole front office either.The truth is, poisonous management is often the reason people leave their jobs for other ones in all kinds of American business..and its the same in baseball. Sure Steinbrenner was a horrible, narcissistic owner, but in most cases left the players and announcers alone...(not Billy Martin). And the Yankees won despite and also BECAUSE of George.But Steinbrenner paid his employees well even if he treated them like crap at times. It's not the same with Angelos. He simply doesn't pay well enough or have enough good enough rapport with his employees to run a long term successful operation. Look, John has done some nice things for me, and for that I am grateful. But now I am furious John's NEEDLESS and petty interfering has put a negative national focus on this wonderful season. It may not remain a story, and the team will play as well on the field as it can. I dont doubt they will have a great season to finish it out, and who knows? ...MAYBE play well in the postseason. But this interference and distraction paints this franchise in a negative light. And I resent it as a loyal Oriole fan and follower for decades. It's all so damned unnecessary and needless.

Thanks for sharing your insights here, Roy. One question on the bolded, though. I get that you're confirming it is indeed about the comments regarding the series in Tampa, but is there anything else re: the logical chain on how that's suspension-worthy (or any sort of action, to frank) from JA's perspective? What about that completely innocuous seeming segment was at issue?

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2 minutes ago, ledzepp8 said:

Even if that's true, that would seem to be a semantics argument. He's on basically every Orioles broadcast doing O's Extra pre and post, in game interviews, drop ins, etc. When Britt asked him on the radio spot posted earlier, he said he worked for MASN.

Yeah. Obviously he's a part-time paid employee of MASN.

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4 hours ago, Etch said:

All those years when the O's sucked I would still listen to the games for one reason: Jon Miller. GOAT in my opinion. It was awesome hearing him again when we played the Giants. Kevin is no Jon Miller but then who is? Still, he is very good. Unfortunately this means more Melanie. And that makes me sad.

Everyone forgets the Angelos's fired John Lowenstein as well.  They have a long history of crapping on their employees .

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