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Melanie Newman: Bautista possibly back for September/October?


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9 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

Because they were about to enter September and October in a pennant chase and tried to exhaust every possibility that he might help them?

The choice to maybe have him pitch in one postseason will likely result in him missing two. And by all accounts, very narrowly.  I didn’t like the decision.  As a fan I was rooting for a glorious comeback.  But the reality is that it was a two year gamble that’s biting us in the butt with a much stronger team.  

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2 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

The choice to maybe have him pitch in one postseason will likely result in him missing two. And by all accounts, very narrowly.  I didn’t like the decision.  As a fan I was rooting for a glorious comeback.  But the reality is that it was a two year gamble that’s biting us in the butt with a much stronger team.  

I doubt 1-2 months will really make that much difference.

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42 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

And suddenly everyone’s opinion changes on Melanie. I gotta say, she’s gotten better on the radio  overall. I’m fine with her doing games. 

Not sure I've ever disagreed more strongly with a post haha.  She's gotten significantly worse on the radio.  Great job during the pre and post game shows.  Unlistenable on the radio. Like literally I'd rather just not listen. 

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3 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

The choice to maybe have him pitch in one postseason will likely result in him missing two. And by all accounts, very narrowly.  I didn’t like the decision.  As a fan I was rooting for a glorious comeback.  But the reality is that it was a two year gamble that’s biting us in the butt with a much stronger team.  

I guess if they knew then what they know now maybe they would have done things differently although maybe Bautista had a say in it as well.  We don’t know.

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If I’m not mistaken, there’s two stages to recovery: getting back in physical top shape, and then regaining the lost baseball skill.
Do we know where he’s at right now? If he’s throwing off flat ground, that would suggest he’s physically completely healed and now is just getting shape, right?

And if that’s true, then getting back into baseball shape would be highly dependent on several things and wouldn’t necessarily be a specific timeframe, right?

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The thing that would worry me about him coming back this season is just, does he have enough time to get a full "spring training" in? Look at horror stories like Snell, for example, although it's not the best comp since he's a starting pitcher. 

But if he doesn't have a full month of healthy ramp up starting basically August 1, I dunno if it's worth the risk.

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18 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

If the doctors say he's ready I'm all for giving it a shot. We should have a Plan B in case it doesn't happen.

There’s no way the potential of Bautista pitching in September is going to stop Elias from getting a reliever or two at the trade deadline.

Even if Bautista is back he won’t be in his peak form from 2023 and he might even be more of a setup reliever than the primary closer. Again this is coming from Melanie Newman so who knows how closely this aligns with reality. 

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22 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

There’s no way the potential of Bautista pitching in September is going to stop Elias from getting a reliever or two at the trade deadline.

Even if Bautista is back he won’t be in his peak form from 2023 and he might even be more of a setup reliever than the primary closer. Again this is coming from Melanie Newman so who knows how closely this aligns with reality. 

She is terrible at calling games but I've never known her to have bad information. We'll see. If he starts pitching in September that would put him at 11 months. The good thing about Felix as opposed to a starter like Means is he wouldn't need to get stretched out.

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3 hours ago, glenn__davis said:

Not sure I've ever disagreed more strongly with a post haha.  She's gotten significantly worse on the radio.  Great job during the pre and post game shows.  Unlistenable on the radio. Like literally I'd rather just not listen. 


Yesterday I had to watch the game on an, errr, 'alternative' method of viewing because Fox had the SF/LA game on locally. I sync'd it up with the O's radio broadcast via MLB.tv.

Her radio PBP was Horrible, Horrible, Horrible. Made me want to pour bleach into my ears. I think she does fine pre / post, but PBP is not her gig.

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If he’s at the point where he’s throwing off the mound, he might not need too much rehab outings. Heck, you get a 26 man roster for a 3/5/7 game series. You can even go with him as a prayer on a big roster and even IL him and replace him mid series. What would we have to lose. He most certainly has the frame to help out. 

We’ll see. I hope. 

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