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Take one for the team Adley


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7 hours ago, Sports Guy said:


Adley got hit on the right hand June 27th, missed a game on June 28th with swelling in the hand, and hasn’t been the same since. 

Even during those last 188 ABs, he’s got 27 walks to 28 K’s, so it’s not like he’s not seeing the ball or overmatched, his power and hard contact has just been complete sapped. And then I think the back issues came on top of all that. I don’t think he’s lost the ability to be a really good hitter… I’m just not convinced he’ll be right again this year. It’s not proven we can win consistently without “good Adley” either. As he went south, so did the team. 

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8 hours ago, Orioles4Life21 said:

Looking for pitches on the edges to swing at early in counts is not a recipe for success.

Its usually not, but in this case it is. If a ball is on the outside edge or top of the zone, Adley needs to look to drive it, bc the result right now is typically 0-1.  Those pitches can be hit for HRs or XBH if you're timed up and in this case, looking for it. Mike Trout talked about this indepth a few years ago. They pitch him differently every year. Analytics and data show holes in your swing or approach and the only way to beat it is to adjust.

If Adley is looking for that first pitch location at the top of the zone, and cheats his set up to get to it more easily, he could get hot quick. Same with the outside strike: if you look for 1st pitch CB on the outside half of the strike zone and you get it, it can be absolutely barreled. Just gotta guess right, and in this case, there seems to be a lot of patterns and evidence that if Adley was commmitted to swinging at it and studying the analytics, he could guess right. But patterns show that if anything comes in with spin or near the edges, Adley don't bite on 1st pitch; however, again, typically 0-1

Looking for certain pitches on the edge to swing at early in counts is not a recipe for success if the scouting reports aren't recommending thats the way to attack you. Reports show Adley rarely swings 1st pitch as it is. He's not adjusting. Once he starts barreling 1st pitched edge strikes (even some balls), they will have to learn to pitch him differently. 

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7 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

I feel like it's time to give up switch hitting.  I think that for the majority of switch hitters, it's a negative, not a positive.  For every Eddie Murray, there's 10 or probably 50 guys who hurt their careers (and they were not HOF careers to begin with).  

Possibly, but I want to see if he can make adjustments first. Right now he's being beaten bc of his approach, not so much his tool set. Even though I don't love his LH bat speed, I think he can still have success from that side if he makes adjustments to his attack plan

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13 hours ago, iiiput said:

There has to be something hurt. His physical metrics are down from last year when there isn’t any reason they should drop. He’s was very good the first half of the year and then immediately fell off a cliff for July, August and now September. I’d be shocked if we don’t find out that he’s been playing a lot more hurt than they are telling us.

Perhaps his GF is zapping his strength and focus?

Don't dare mention it on twitter...

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I am a huge fan of Adley's (even though I have started referring to him as Adley Clutchman in the game threads) and wish things hadn't come to this.. there is a large enough sample size now that this is not just a slump. He is either injured or this is who he will be the rest of his career. Best hope at this point is a full off season of rest will reset things going into next year. Otherwise, it's time to move on to Basillo. I guess this is why Elias doesn't hand out long term extensions like the Braves, etc do.

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30 minutes ago, dtk9119 said:

I am a huge fan of Adley's (even though I have started referring to him as Adley Clutchman in the game threads) and wish things hadn't come to this.. there is a large enough sample size now that this is not just a slump. He is either injured or this is who he will be the rest of his career. Best hope at this point is a full off season of rest will reset things going into next year. Otherwise, it's time to move on to Basillo. I guess this is why Elias doesn't hand out long term extensions like the Braves, etc do.

I think the "he's either injured or this is who is is forever" is not supportable.  While he may be injured, management says he isn't, and the contention that if he's not injured this is who he is for the rest of his career is just unreasonable in the extreme.  

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Not 100% sure where they got this quote from him. But saw this attributed to Adley on X:

"Over the course of the season your body gets more tired.  And a lot of times, when your body's breaking down like that, unconsciously you do things different."

Makes a lot of sense.  He isn't "hurt" per se, if his body is just fatigued and unable to perform as he was in the 1st half.

Still pretty bad news though!   ugh.   Only solution i can think of is giving him an extended break.

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I would give him several days off in a row and then move him to the bottom of the order until he can get back on track. 

This isn't a small sample size anymore.  We are talking about nearly half his season that he's been terrible, one of the worst everyday players in the league and batting in the top third of our order every day. 

Edited by ChuckS
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7 minutes ago, Aglets said:

Not 100% sure where they got this quote from him. But saw this attributed to Adley on X:

"Over the course of the season your body gets more tired.  And a lot of times, when your body's breaking down like that, unconsciously you do things different."

Makes a lot of sense.  He isn't "hurt" per se, if his body is just fatigued and unable to perform as he was in the 1st half.

Still pretty bad news though!   ugh.   Only solution i can think of is giving him an extended break.

He isn't hitting at all so stop DHing him, give him full days off when McCann catches

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43 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Let’s not forget that he was really good through June this year.  This whole, “this is the new Adley” is a bit much.

Guys have off months, off years, etc…it doesn’t mean that’s how things will be going forward.

I don’t think his performance was as sustainable as it was in previous years though. He was hitting the ball slightly harder, but his walk rate was way down and his K rate was way up. His BABIP was also a lot higher than his career number and IIRC, his xwOBA was worse than his first 2 seasons. He was still good but most advanced stats pointed to him still being worse offensively than his first 2 seasons. His BB/K rate has stabilized at least, he’s just not doing any damage when he makes contact. 

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19 hours ago, Frobby said:

He missed a game with back stiffness about 2 weeks ago.  So now people want to assume he has a back injury.   

He very well may not have an injury, but also very well may have back that's bothering him a bit. I don't know, but I have to hope his absolute awful slump at the plate since June is because of something not right with him physically.

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1 minute ago, LGOrioles said:

I don’t think his performance was as sustainable as it was in previous years though. He was hitting the ball slightly harder, but his walk rate was way down and his K rate was way up. His BABIP was also a lot higher than his career number and IIRC, his xwOBA was worse than his first 2 seasons. He was still good but most advanced stats pointed to him still being worse offensively than his first 2 seasons. His BB/K rate has stabilized at least, he’s just not doing any damage when he makes contact. 

You are never as good as you look when going well and never as bad as you look when you are not going well. That’s always the reality. 

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53 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

You are never as good as you look when going well and never as bad as you look when you are not going well. That’s always the reality. 

Completely fair. I just think some people were hyped up about Adley’s power surge the first few months even though there were some issues under the hood. Not to this extent, but there were some problems. 

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16 hours ago, accinfo said:

I would consider moving Mullins to the 2 hole.  He has been fairly consistent for a while now.  It would put two fast guys up to the top of the lineup.  Maybe take the pressure off of Adley.

Apparently Cedric is batting 2 in today’s lineup.  I am so glad I have so much influence with Brandon Hyde!!! 😄

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