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New A-Rod steroids allegations


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Beaner, so predictable ;)

It's just getting started dude. It's here to stay.

You're probably right, but it's sad just the same. You gotta admit, it was nice not hearing about steroids for a few weeks. You know, just watching ballgames, enjoying the season. God forbid we keep that going...:rolleyes:

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Just because she has sources doesn't make it true. But to win a lawsuit, A-Rod would have to prove that Roberts not only wrote lies that hurt his reputation, but that she KNEW they were lies and published them maliciously anyway.

The reason these guys don't file suit isn't because they won't win, it's because a lawsuit will prompt further investigation and the whole story (or at least more of the facts) will be revealed.

I have no doubt that Roberts' book is 99% true. Perhaps people might misremember a few details, but I'm sure it's legit.

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The pitch-tipping thing interests me way more than the steroid thing. What is her proof for this accusation? I'm having a hard time believing anyone would do something that traitorous and potentially damaging to the mop-up pitcher's livelihood. Even A-Rod.

As for the regular tipping thing, 20-25% is my standard, partly because I don't like feeling like a cheapskate and partly because the math is easier. The worst tip I ever left was in an Applebee's in NYC. The waiter was horrifically rude to our table, gave sloth-like service, copped an attitude, and was generally surly, chutzpadik, and unhelpful. He stuck the straw in my friend's drink upside down so the paper cover dissolved in the water and left little white bits floating around. When she asked for another glass of water, he asked her why she couldn't "just fish it out" and took 15 minutes to get another one.

We tipped by emptying all our pocket change into the bottom of her glass. There was still about half an inch of liquid in the bottom, but whatever. He could just fish it out, right? Jerk. :rolleyes:

In HS, we were pursued out of an IHOP by an angry waiter who thought we didn't tip him and chased us out to the parking lot to yell at us about it. We had tipped him, and told him where it was. Had we been a bit quicker, we should have led him back inside, pointed to the tip, and pocketed it. One of our group called to complain and I think we got some coupons, but none of us went there again.

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The pitch-tipping thing interests me way more than the steroid thing. What is her proof for this accusation? I'm having a hard time believing anyone would do something that traitorous and potentially damaging to the mop-up pitcher's livelihood. Even A-Rod.

As for the regular tipping thing, 20-25% is my standard, partly because I don't like feeling like a cheapskate and partly because the math is easier. The worst tip I ever left was in an Applebee's in NYC. The waiter was horrifically rude to our table, gave sloth-like service, copped an attitude, and was generally surly, chutzpadik, and unhelpful. He stuck the straw in my friend's drink upside down so the paper cover dissolved in the water and left little white bits floating around. When she asked for another glass of water, he asked her why she couldn't "just fish it out" and took 15 minutes to get another one.

We tipped by emptying all our pocket change into the bottom of her glass. There was still about half an inch of liquid in the bottom, but whatever. He could just fish it out, right? Jerk. :rolleyes:

In HS, we were pursued out of an IHOP by an angry waiter who thought we didn't tip him and chased us out to the parking lot to yell at us about it. We had tipped him, and told him where it was. Had we been a bit quicker, we should have led him back inside, pointed to the tip, and pocketed it. One of our group called to complain and I think we got some coupons, but none of us went there again.

My question is this: what the heck were you doing in an Applebee's in NYC? There are so many good restaurants there. Of course the waiters at the chain places in New York suck, if they were decent waiters, they'd be able to get a job at a real restaurant there.

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My tipping rule of thumb is typically to pay 25% of the pre-tax cost and that is the final bill.

for instance, $40 cost which is $2.80 for tax. I take $40 divide by 4 and come up with $50 total bill. $2.80 of the $10 is for tip. $7.20 is for tip. I will usually round UP to the nearest $ for the overall bill, too.

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* Yankees teammates nicknamed Rodriguez "B---h T--s" in 2005 because he put on 15 pounds in the offseason that resulted in round pectorals, a condition called gynecomastia that can be caused by anabolic steroids.

I cannot believe that this topic has been discussed for a few pages, and this comment went completely unnoticed! I'm currently making by "B---h T--s" sign with a picture of Arod's head on Dolly Parton's body to bring with me to the next Yanks-Os game.;)

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I cannot believe that this topic has been discussed for a few pages, and this comment went completely unnoticed! I'm currently making by "B---h T--s" sign with a picture of Arod's head on Dolly Parton's body to bring with me to the next Yanks-Os game.;)

Perhaps you could throw "The Bro" at him.

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My question is this: what the heck were you doing in an Applebee's in NYC? There are so many good restaurants there. Of course the waiters at the chain places in New York suck, if they were decent waiters, they'd be able to get a job at a real restaurant there.

And if they were pleasant, they wouldn't work in NYC at all.

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My question is this: what the heck were you doing in an Applebee's in NYC? There are so many good restaurants there. Of course the waiters at the chain places in New York suck, if they were decent waiters, they'd be able to get a job at a real restaurant there.

We were crunched for time, it was raining out, and the Applebee's was right across the street from the hotel. Lame excuse, but it's all I got. Looking back, I have no idea why we went there instead of somewhere with better service and better food. Like McDonald's.

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I'm starting to get a little annoyed with those ridiculing the book. From Broadway Joe the manager to Espn pundits, people are saying that this book shouldn't have been written. I'm not a fan of some of the inclusions in the book either, but it was a book (or really just the first such book) that was bound to be written after the about-face steroids "admission".

He and Boras put him in a situation where he would be forever scrutinized and in answering for his betrayals of the game that made him a star, he kept and still keeps making incongruous statements. If anything, the excerpts that I have read show that Roberts goes through a lot of the long-standing issues that led to him dissapointing everyone by trying to please everyone. The book is damning, but offers the sort of mitigating factors that may go some of the way towards dulling the hatred of Arod if he were capable of telling the whole story and providing a genuine mea culpa.

This whole mess started with an interview with Katie Courik on Cbs news and that seems to be the venue for this sort of thing. I sympathize with those who don't want to see Arod stories in the sports pages, but we all know that stories spill over. That is the beauty of sports. Arod and Canseco are capable of invading the public consciousness just like Jim Abbot and Josh Hamilton. Some people who overcome the odds are heroes, but they can't all be.

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This is my problem. When I'm out and all I'm going to do is drink beer, well then I'm sorry but you're getting a small tip at the end and not one for every beer. You really don't deserve anything extra for opening a beer. This is something I got **** for at Buffalo Wild Wings one time. I asked for a couple of drinks (one was a mixed drink) and she was like "Are you going to tip me this time?" Well first off, you don't ask something like that. Second, it's not like you're the only bartender back there and I've been getting helped by all of you. And like I said, I'm not going to tip everytime I get a drink...especially a beer.

I'm a regular at a couple of places and I always over tip at them - 33% is usually the minimum but if I've' only spent $10 on a couple of drinks I've been known to pay with a $20 and tell them to keep the change. The reason being is that I get superb service and superb pours.

At the places I'm a regular my drink is usually poured before I get to my seat... If I'm waiting for a table the bartender usually sees that I get priority seating as well...

Plus... anybody waiting or tending bar works pretty damn hard and puts up with a lot of obnoxious people... therefore I'm apt to tip well just on principal.

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