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Gaggin Gagne!


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Well, he isn't closing.

They always talk about how closers have trouble in non save situations...He needs to get himself together...All that matters is that he can get on a good streak going into the playoffs and get his mindset in tact.

Hmm, 8 Ks, 3 walks, 6 IP, 1 HR. 14 Hits. 10 Runs.

Gagne = running super-bad.

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Hmm, 8 Ks, 3 walks, 6 IP, 1 HR. 14 Hits. 10 Runs.

Gagne = running super-bad.

Yeah, he's been teh suxor!!!11!one!!! And I'm loving his suxorness...But SG is right (I think, if I read him right) Gagne will be fine, especially if he's only setting up. He's a big boost to an already good pen. Third best deadline deal IMO, behind Atlanta getting Tex, and Texas getting 87 prospects for Tex and Gagne.

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I do not understand how a trade for a guy with numbers like Gagne's can make your pen WORSE. It defies common sense. Yet that is precisely what has happened. He could put it together, but that would require him being used in situations where he could do so, and I think the third time may have been the charm on losing those opportunities. Yikes.

The behavior of some Sox fans over the last few weeks has really been extraordinarily disgusting and embarrassing. There was a story about Francona being set upon and verbally abused by angry fans in a hotel elevator here in Baltimore last weekend, and then there was just another bit about Epstein and his (pregnant) wife being stalked and threatened and his car and house being vandalized. Now he's moving. Really awful stuff. Gagne better watch out for some of those terroristic loons.

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Why can't we all just get along? So what, you trade for a BP arm who has had a couple bad games. Imagine suffering through a couple (or ten) losing seasons. Wait, the fans that are ragging Gagne for having a few bad outings are probably the one that believe the Red Sox organization came to existence in 2004.

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Why can't we all just get along? So what, you trade for a BP arm who has had a couple bad games. Imagine suffering through a couple (or ten) losing seasons. Wait, the fans that are ragging Gagne for having a few bad outings are probably the one that believe the Red Sox organization came to existence in 2004.

No, they don't believe that. They believe they were always in the pennant race but fell a little short. They like to say things like, "back in the '90s when the Orioles could compete with the Yankees and the Red Sox." :rolleyes:

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What is this "soccer" that you speak of? Who is this "Beckham" character of which you speak? Can he hit a fastball? Can he steal a base? How's his glove? How's his arm?

Way Off Topic and tangent, but he just led 66,000 New Yorkers to go watch a sport that most had never given much of a thought to seeing before. And the MLS is not world class soccer. They were averaging about 11K per game. Its the most for a US game in 27 years. He's a pied piper, for now at least.

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I was reading another forum and Beckham supposedly brought 45,000-ish numbers to RFK for the latest United game. I didn't even know that many people liked soccer in the DC area! Shock!

As for Gagne , there is a funny article by Bill Plashchke on LATimes.com about his efforts.


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