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Aaaannnd the Yankees... win


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Right, and we agree that it's really not "fair", but like Moose said, life isn't fair. Instead of whining constantly about it, go out and beat 'em, that's all.

I choose to get mad at MY team for not making the playoffs, not getting mad at the teams that do.

I kind of hate the "life isn't fair" catch-all, when you're talking about a system that's clearly screwed up. This isn't the sun coming up or the weather being bad, this is a system that's been designed by someone, or allowed to evolve in some crazy way by someone. It can and should be fixed.

"go out and beat 'em" is especially absurd in a case like this. You don't put half the runners in the Olympic 100m dash 20m ahead at the start, and then tell the guys at the regular line to go out and beat 'em.

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I kind of hate the "life isn't fair" catch-all, when you're talking about a system that's clearly screwed up. This isn't the sun coming up or the weather being bad, this is a system that's been designed by someone, or allowed to evolve in some crazy way by someone. It can and should be fixed.

"go out and beat 'em" is especially absurd in a case like this. You don't put half the runners in the Olympic 100m dash 20m ahead at the start, and then tell the guys at the regular line to go out and beat 'em.

I hear you, but what else can we as fans do? Complaining about it isn't doing anyone any good.

Agreed the syatem is screwed up, but it's not changing anytime soon. We accept it and do the best we can, like everybody else. I just don't know what can be done realistically, if anything.

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I hear you, but what else can we as fans do? Complaining about it isn't doing anyone any good.

Agreed the syatem is screwed up, but it's not changing anytime soon. We accept it and do the best we can, like everybody else. I just don't know what can be done realistically, if anything.

While yelling and screaming isn't likely to fix much of anything, sitting idly by and quietly accepting that the Yanks will outspend the O's by $billions is guaranteed to not fix anything.

Fans of non-Yankee baseball need to be sure everyone knows their point of view in every forum and every media outlet they can. Bud needs to have a constant chorus of millions pounding "this ain't right" in his head 24/7.

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This is pure jealousy. No one was complaining when we lead the league in payroll in the late 90's and had a bunch of hired guns.

I know people are gonna come in and say that the moneys different, etc...save it, please. The point remains is that we were at one time the big spenders and the big winners.

Ask anyone on this board if we could switch bank accounts with the Yankees and I don't think anyone would say no. If they did, they'd be crazy.

So the Yankees look like they've bought themselves a title.

BFD. Any one of us would love to do the same.

At least you are consistent my friend. You are wrong though. I prefer a level playing field and always will. No team should be allowed have an economic advantage over the others, but unfortunately there are way more short-sighted people like yourself who see nothing wrong with this situation.

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While yelling and screaming isn't likely to fix much of anything, sitting idly by and quietly accepting that the Yanks will outspend the O's by $billions is guaranteed to not fix anything.

Fans of non-Yankee baseball need to be sure everyone knows their point of view in every forum and every media outlet they can. Bud needs to have a constant chorus of millions pounding "this ain't right" in his head 24/7.

Absolutely. More and more kids are becoming disenchanted with major league baseball because their teams have almost no chance of competing year in and year out. MLB may not be affected this year or the next, but in 20 years the popularity of the sport will be significantly lower and it will be the short-sighted people who run things now that will ultimately be the cause of the demise.

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I choose to get mad at MY team for not making the playoffs, not getting mad at the teams that do.

beaner, beaner, beaner... what are we gonna do with you?

I don't get mad at the MFY's. I hate the MFY's. That's not the same thing as being mad at them.

I don't know what happened during your growing-up years, but somebody dropped the ball somewhere. You seem like a nice guy and a reasonable guy, but there is this one bit of bizarreness about your character, where you just don't get it about hating the MFY's. It's just one of life's little mysteries, I guess...

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Life ain't fair, but I guess that's getting back to Drungo's original 'merican complaint.

I guess we're gonna have to differ here like we do on Campbell. If the O's were outspending teams 2x and 3x and primed to win a Series I'd be loving every minute of it.

I'd like it better than the O's current setup for sure, but I'd still have a problem with it.

Regardless, I don't think saying we'd like it if our team was doing it is a good defense of the current system.

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Absolutely. More and more kids are becoming disenchanted with major league baseball because their teams have almost no chance of competing year in and year out. MLB may not be affected this year or the next, but in 20 years the popularity of the sport will be significantly lower and it will the short-sighted people who run things now that will ultimately be the cause of the demise.

That is the problem with people though, they only care about the short term and the fact that the owners are raking in cash isn't helping matters any. The NFL is already very popular in this country and I would say in about 5-10 more years it will be more popular than MLB (that is if it already isn't) and I bet you that within the next 15-20 years no one outside of NY, Boston, Chicago, or LA will give a crap about baseball because their teams have almost no chance of winning.

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Right, and we agree that it's really not "fair", but like Moose said, life isn't fair. Instead of whining constantly about it, go out and beat 'em, that's all.

I choose to get mad at MY team for not making the playoffs, not getting mad at the teams that do.

I'm not mad at the teams that do, I'm mad at the system. The majority of baseball fans should be displeased with the system.

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I hear you, but what else can we as fans do? Complaining about it isn't doing anyone any good.

Agreed the syatem is screwed up, but it's not changing anytime soon. We accept it and do the best we can, like everybody else. I just don't know what can be done realistically, if anything.

I don't get this. We as people complain/comment about a lot of things that we don't affect, should we stop doing that? You're telling people to stop complaining, should you stop doing that? You aren't changing that.

Like Drungo said, complaining has a better chance of changing things than doing nothing does, and even if it accomplishes nothing, what's wrong with giving an opinion? Why should that be meet with the "life isn't fair" line that Drungo did a good job of showing why that shouldn't be used here or in many situations.

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beaner, beaner, beaner... what are we gonna do with you?

I don't get mad at the MFY's. I hate the MFY's. That's not the same thing as being mad at them.

I don't know what happened during your growing-up years, but somebody dropped the ball somewhere. You seem like a nice guy and a reasonable guy, but there is this one bit of bizarreness about your character, where you just don't get it about hating the MFY's. It's just one of life's little mysteries, I guess...

I'm 38 years old, and started loving Baseball in 1979..other than one year, the Yankees were NO FACTOR in any type of a pennant race until 1995.My Father tought me the love of Baseball and the Orioles, not necessarily to hate any other team..It's not like I "liked" them or anything, I just didn't care, they were the same as everyone else who played the Orioles...By the time they started to dominate in the late 90s, I respected guys like Jeter, Bernie, Rivera, Torre...etc, and the O's had fallen on hard times. Nowadays, I'm not blind to what everyone is saying, I realize you guys are right and it's not fair that they can spend all this money...etc. But I think if it was the Rangers let's say, and not the Yankees, it wouldn't bother people as much.

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I'm 38 years old, and started loving Baseball in 1979..other than one year, the Yankees were NO FACTOR in any type of a pennant race until 1995.My Father tought me the love of Baseball and the Orioles, not necessarily to hate any other team..It's not like I "liked" them or anything, I just didn't care, they were the same as everyone else who played the Orioles...By the time they started to dominate in the late 90s, I respected guys like Jeter, Bernie, Rivera, Torre...etc, and the O's had fallen on hard times. Nowadays, I'm not blind to what everyone is saying, I realize you guys are right and it's not fair that they can spend all this money...etc. But I think if it was the Rangers let's say, and not the Yankees, it wouldn't bother people as much.

Well of course it would be better if the team wasn't in our division.

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Well of course it would be better if the team wasn't in our division.

Absoultely. Growing up we had battles with Milwaukee and Toronto in the early 90s..Honestly, besides the ALCS in '96, have we played any "big" games against the Yankees?

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Absoultely. Growing up we had battles with Milwaukee and Toronto in the early 90s..Honestly, besides the ALCS in '96, have we played any "big" games against the Yankees?

Not sure what this has to do with my post. The answer is no other than maybe some big regular season games in '97.

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