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Buck Martinez Is Leaving MASN


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After the first couple of times I heard Buck, and I got used to his voice, I thought he was a very decent color guy. He's not Palmer, but he's better than a lot of color guys out there. I don't like Thorne, but he's really not that bad. I just like yelling obscenities at someone on the TV...

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I actually was alright with Buck, but this decision doesn't really matter to me at all. I just hope, and pray :pray:, that the end result is not Dempsey in the booth. :puke:.

I agree with this post completely. Buck could be grating, and his "Well he sure is" repetition was ridiculous, but he didn't bother me.

However, I actively avoid the Pre & Post game shows because of Hunter and Dempsey. I'd really have second thoughts about watching the games with Dempsey... I'd still watch, but definitely wouldn't enjoy it. We've actually tried synching our Fios with the radio broadcast to avoid him in the past. :P I'd hate having to hear him all the time.

(Fine with Thorne too, btw.)

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Buck Martinez did have knowledge when he didn't drift off into talking about his time as a catcher or his time managing the Blue Jays. I just hope it isn't Dempsey in the booth otherwise I'll be trying to figure out how we have Nolan Ryan (Nolan Remiold) among others on our team.

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Buck Martinez did have knowledge when he didn't drift off into talking about his time as a catcher or his time managing the Blue Jays. I just hope it isn't Dempsey in the booth otherwise I'll be trying to figure out how we have Nolan Ryan (Nolan Remiold) among others on our team.

See, that's why I liked Buck, and other less popular color guys before him. Street cred. Diamond cred. When Buck talks about how players are acquired, targetted, how a GM and Manager work together, he knows what he's talking about.

Same with the catcher thingy. They run the defense. They are in communication with the manager on every single play. "Field Generals".

That's what I want to see in a color announcer. Flanagan has it in spades. Hell, how about Tim Kurkjin? There would be a great guy for any broadcast. Especially the Orioles.

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While I like Palmer the best, Buck was alright, but I don't mind some fresh blood.

Gary Thorne has grown on me, it also helps he writes for my brother-in-laws paper.

The few times I heard Brady, sounded like he would be a decent color guy.

I may be the only one, but I liked Flanny as a color guy.

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At least we don't have to deal with the train wreck that is John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman. Now that's a bunch of homers. At least Michael Kay could keep Sterling in check back in the day.

Let's count our blessings, please.

Amen brother!!!

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What I will miss is every single time there is a "Slo-Mo" replay, as MASN likes to call it, he would utter the words..."Look at the extension..."

Every damn time... and I won't miss it one bit.

I don't know him, I'm guessing he's a fine person. But, unless his replacement is really, really bad, I will not miss him on the O's games. He seemed much better when I heard him on XM when his job was to have conversations about about baseball, rather than commenting on game-action. I liked him in the XM role.But during ballgames, the man simply could not shut up, he'd talk all the time when he had nothing to say, and would often fill the silence by saying stuff that was either pointless cliches or downright wrong. On occasion he would add useful and informative comments, but those were far outweighed by empty blather. A man with his voice should save it for saying stuff that's worth saying. He made me really glad that I have DirecTV, where I can get the other team's feed, because simply I couldn't take Buck more than 2 games in a row. By the 3rd inning of the third one, I'd be changing the channel just to get some relief. (Amazing hair though... and I bet he works on it too.)

Regardless of who replaces Buck, I wish Palmer would do more games.

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I got used to Buck because he was on XM as well as the O's games.

It made me feel better that someone who actually knew the team had a national forum. He was never a big "homer" on XM, but he made sure they didn't get pounded by the others.

Now that XM is now Sirius/XM they changed the whole MLB Channel format and I dropped the service. No way will I pay to hear Yankee propaganda, especially when delivered by even more annoying voices.

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