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Anybody But Duke


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First off, I agree with the article (though I thought this was all common knowledge anyway. What gives?). But I have to agree with the fact that it's just hard to hate this team. I will love it if/when they lose, but that's just my nature as a Carolina fan...also, I like to know that there's a dark cloud over the University for at least a couple of days.

But really, it's akin to the Orioles/Yankees hatred. Maryland fans hate them because they're better, then latch on to reasons to hate them (valid as they may be). Like I've said before...I do it as an Orioles fan, but you have to view it for what it is. If Maryland was in Duke's situation, Maryland fans would just say, "Let the haters hate", and leave it at that.

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UNC isn't on TV as much? I'd say it's about the same normally.

And I knew you would, and that type of attitude by Duke fans is even more reason to dislike Duke. Of course I'm not saying all Duke fans are like that, but the article makes a good case of why Duke fans should increase the level of dislike for Duke itself.

And seeing the MD fans on here and how they act make me hate the Terps more...So, it works both ways.

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First off, I agree with the article (though I thought this was all common knowledge anyway. What gives?). But I have to agree with the fact that it's just hard to hate this team. I will love it if/when they lose, but that's just my nature as a Carolina fan...also, I like to know that there's a dark cloud over the University for at least a couple of days.

But really, it's akin to the Orioles/Yankees hatred. Maryland fans hate them because they're better, then latch on to reasons to hate them (valid as they may be). Like I've said before...I do it as an Orioles fan, but you have to view it for what it is. If Maryland was in Duke's situation, Maryland fans would just say, "Let the haters hate", and leave it at that.

Of course...that's why its jealousy.

We are all jealous of Boston and NY...Just how it is...Its the same principle.

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Just seeing Duke's uniforms makes me angry. I have the same gut reaction to seeing the Steelers uniform.

I don't care how irrational that is. I never want Duke to just lose. I want them to lose in an embarrassing fashion. Every single time.

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Rooting for Duke is like rooting for the house to win in Vegas.

What makes me really dislike teams are the bandwagon fanbases...fans who just decide to root for winners with no link to the team in any way...people who are fans just because they were winners when they were young and were on TV a lot.

That is why I really can't stand teams like Duke, UNC, Yankees, Steelers, Cowboys, Lakers, Bulls, etc.

My generation grew up becoming fans of the most popular Starter jacket. It's sad.

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Good article.

That being said, as a longtime Duke hater (not a since the mid 90s bandwagon hater), I do admit that THIS particular TEAM (not coaches) isn't as hateable as past teams. The reason for me is simple, Nolan Smith. He's a good player with a tragic backstory. The fact that he was a Bullets ballboy helps as well. Smith joins Johnny Dawkins, Tommy Amaker, and Grant Hill as Duke players who actually enjoy watching play.

Scheyer isn't nearly as annoying as HurleyLaettnerCollinsWojoRedickPaulus was, and clearly he's worked hard to improve his game.

I'll still root for West Virginia of course, but if this Duke team wins, I'll only throw up in my mouth a little.

This team isn't as bad as some, mainly because Smith and Scheyer aren't so bad. Singler and Zoubek are awful though. K is the one I hate the most, though.

I never got to see Dawkins or Amaker play, and Hill I only watched when I was very young and just starting to understand basketball. But the only guy at Duke that I just straight up liked was Gerald Henderson. I couldn't hate him. Smith and Scheyer I don't really mind, but I definitely don't like them.

I still want Duke to lose as badly as I can root against anything.

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This team isn't as bad as some, mainly because Smith and Scheyer aren't so bad. Singler and Zoubek are awful though. K is the one I hate the most, though.

I never got to see Dawkins or Amaker play, and Hill I only watched when I was very young and just starting to understand basketball. But the only guy at Duke that I just straight up liked was Gerald Henderson. I couldn't hate him. Smith and Scheyer I don't really mind, but I definitely don't like them.

I still want Duke to lose as badly as I can root against anything.

I don't mind Singler to be honest, he's been a tad overrated in his career, but he's a good player. Zoubek I'm with you, he's a thug, but has improved over the years.

Gerald Henderson hasn't been forgiven for trying to kill Tyler Hansbrough at the end of a Heels blowout win over Duke a few years ago.

Dawkins and Amaker were terrific and the Carolina/Duke games with those guys against Kenny Smith (my favorite player of all time) were unreal. That was when Duke started getting good again after a few years of awfulness.

Grant Hill could have been one of the best of all time had he he not signed with FILA and tore up his ankle. Great talent, and always seemed like a class act, which really stood out on a team with Christian Laettner.

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