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Times like these...


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Man, you know there's some BS post when I agree 100% with OldFan. What's even worse is that he hasn't even come back in to defend his position. Whatever, some folks get frustrated and vent about the team, some folks get frustrated and vent about the people in the same boat.

To be fair, I believe RShack is a night person (judging by the time of his post), so I doubt he's even up yet.

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I'll say. Blaming crappy baseball on the fans complaining about it? What a bunch of BS!! What fans in their right mind WOULDN"T BE COMPLAINING ABOUT a 2-14 start? :confused: When will the GD excuses STOP?????:mad::angryfire::cussing:

It is this very mindsent that enables this team to excel in sucking perpetually and not performing up to their ability. It reminds me of the Little League mentality that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. PISS on that! MAN UP AND PLAY THE GD GAME RIGHT FOR A CHANGE! Other teams do it!! This excuse making stuff needs to STOP!!! NOW!!!

Its the Angelos Way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The team continues to add stopgap talent & then makes excuses.... You get what you pay.... pay for journeyman & thats what you get. MJediocre talent.

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"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Rep points for the absolute best response. The only thing that would have been better was if this was the only response and then I locked it! :D

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I respect the fact that Rshack has finally articulated his feelings about the club, rather than driving by other threads and sniping about the responses... meta-responses, I guess. It's a shame his disdain still overshadows the point he's making. The holier-than-thou attitude really is off-putting, and rather insulting to the mostly measured members of the OH and elsewhere.

Unfortunately, you miss a hot thread by an hour or two, and everything you want to say has already been said. Mackus, Frobby, Greg, SG, Drungo, SJ and a host of others pretty much articulated my thoughts. (But they're such hot-tempered reactionaries... Bad O's fans!).

Re: the actual point of the OP - I don't think there'd be much baseball effect. The presence of other O's greats might help morale and create a more pleasant atmosphere at times, but there's no guarantee that translates to success on the field. And how easy is it to arrange drop in visits like that while sitting in a visiting team's clubhouse.

The debate actually mirrors the one about a manager's temperment and how that motivates the players. People have hounded DT for being too nice/lenient and other people lament that being a hard-nose doesn't work.

The players need to produce... they're professionals. They know how the media and fans work (and how they get overworked). It's part of the deal and they get used to it, I'd imagine. But they are the ones who need to start winning. We can debate the influence a manager or hitting coach or past team legends/mentors can have on the process, but ultimately the players have control once they step on the field.

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I'll say. Blaming crappy baseball on the fans complaining about it? What a bunch of BS!! What fans in their right mind WOULDN"T BE COMPLAINING ABOUT a 2-14 start? :confused: When will the GD excuses STOP?????:mad::angryfire::cussing:

It is this very mindsent that enables this team to excel in sucking perpetually and not performing up to their ability. It reminds me of the Little League mentality that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. PISS on that! MAN UP AND PLAY THE GD GAME RIGHT FOR A CHANGE! Other teams do it!! This excuse making stuff needs to STOP!!! NOW!!!

I should probably give you an infraction for language in this post but I feel too much like saying:


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So, what about Shack's main point -- would having a stronger connection to the great Orioles of the past help at times when the team is struggling?

I will give you my honest opinion - no. Palmer's around. Flanagan's around. Dempsey's around. Shelby's around. Boog is around. There are reasons I think having more connections to the players would be good for public relations, but I don't think it would make any real difference in how the team will perform or feel.

On the other point - if Zriebec is asking the players questions about Trembley possibly being fired, that's because Zriebec believes that it's a possibility. It has nothing to do with popular opinion on Orioles Hangout or the Sun board. If a journalist isn't thinking about that when the GM has said the season is about wins and losses, and the team is off to a 2-14 start, he's got his head in the sand.

No, it doesn't mean a thing in terms of on field performance.

That is a strict PR type thing.

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I'm going to knit a blanket for Nick Markakis. Probably with Don Aase's face on it.

I'll give it to him in the dugout on their next homestand so that he can feel that I love him. Then maybe we'll go do some shots with Lee Lacy afterwards.

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So, this is the perfect time for guys who have things like WS rings and MVP's and their very own plaques in Cooperstown to just kinda drop by the clubhouse before the game. Not to make impassioned rah-rah speeches, but just to stop by. Maybe say a few words about coping with hard times, or maybe not.

What, like Palmer? Like Dempsey? They care enough to actually call the team out when they are not performing like professionals. That's all the board is doing. The ones that don't care simply watch Dancing With the Stars or something.

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No, it doesn't mean a thing in terms of on field performance.

That is a strict PR type thing.

Agreed, but if we could get Brooks, Frank, Cal and Boog to play they would probably do a better job than what we're seeing now despite their age. Ha, reminds me of my favorite exchange in any movie:

Some guy: Mr. Cobb what do you think you would hit against today's pitchers?

Ty Cobb: Probably about .300

Some guy: But, you were a lifetime .366 hitter, why would you only hit. 300?

Ty Cobb: Because I'm 72 f'in years old.


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