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Trembley to be fired today?

Pedro Cerrano

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Bowden put it best - you either have to fire yourself as a GM or you have to fire the manager.

Or you fire yourself when your being investigated by the FBI for a skimming scandal.

Personally I think it should be a dual firing. MacPhail should fire Trembley and then resign himself and admit that his plan is a failure and he's leaving for the good of the franchise.

No need, AM is a lock to be fired, since your petition has been such a resounding success.

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Unfortunately, around this place right about now, it does.

Yup. The Orioles Talk forums are becoming terrible these days. I can't say I'm surprised given the current state of the team, but I too am growing more tired of OH posters than I am of the actual losing.

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Yup. The Orioles Talk forums are becoming terrible these days. I can't say I'm surprised given the current state of the team, but I too am growing more tired of OH posters than I am of the actual losing.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

This is definitely the case.

They are losing. We get it. That doesn't have to be blown up at all cost with each snide and snarky comment. Even jokes are being made in other forums and that is stupid.

For God's sake... it's too much to take!

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Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

This is definitely the case.

They are losing. We get it. That doesn't have to be blown up at all cost with each snide and snarky comment. Even jokes are being made in other forums and that is stupid.

For God's sake... it's too much to take!

Now you know why "clubhouse chemistry" is BS. Losing makes everyone a jerk.

That said, I've had enough of the "poor DT" posts. Can him. Now. The guy loses us the few games we should win with his stupid, matchup-over-common-sense bullpen management. He's done nothing to make this team better. Nothing.

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At this point, I'd bring back Roland Hemond... He at least was willing to go after Rafael Palmeiro and his teams were competitive.

The way I remember it, Hemond wanted Will Clark. But Angelos overruled him and they signed Palmeiro instead. One of Angelos's rare smart baseball decisions.

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My God, Trea - did you just call Bowden honest? HONEST. The guy who is literally being investigated by the FBI and run out of a job in abject shame is HONEST?

What color is the sky in your world?

I'm saying what he is saying is the truth. Do you really think any GM is going to throw themselves under the bus when talking with an owner about why the team has performed badly?

Nevermind who is saying it, just that the information is truthful from a GM's perspective.

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The way I remember it, Hemond wanted Will Clark. But Angelos overruled him and they signed Palmeiro instead. One of Angelos's rare smart baseball decisions.

I guess I remembered that wrong. Still, looking at our GM class since Peters, Hemond has had the best results besides Gillick, but that's probably not saying much...

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Regardless of what you think of Bowden, what he said about either firing the manager or himself is true.

The point is that Bowden "firing himself" for what he was involved with is in a completely different universe than AM's case. One had FBI agents up his you-know-what and the other just a bunch of angry fans for a bad W/L record. See the difference?

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The point is that Bowden "firing himself" for what he was involved with is in a completely different universe than AM's case. One had FBI agents up his you-know-what and the other just a bunch of angry fans for a bad W/L record. See the difference?

This has nothing to do with a former GM's perspective on a GM firing a manager instead of taking the blame. It may be somewhat ironic he talked about firing himself, but the circumstances he was describing were completely different.

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MacPhail's had the worst results at the ML level since the team moved from St. Louis to Baltimore.

a) That's not even true by your absurd methods of evaluation. The 1954 guy whose name escapes me had a lower winning percentage.

b) Measuring a GM by his winning percentage through an admitted rebuilding phase where he traded numerous vets for prospects is loopy.

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This has nothing to do with a former GM's perspective on a GM firing a manager instead of taking the blame. It may be somewhat ironic he talked about firing himself, but the circumstances he was describing were completely different.

Is it MacPhail's fault re the following?

1. Felix Pie being hurt

2. Brian Roberts being hurt

3. Nolan Reimold being in the minors/ineffective

4. Adam Jones having a terrible season

5. Nick Markakis not hitting for power

6. Matt Wieters having a poor offensive season

7. Koji, Gonzalez, Simon, Johnson all being hurt

8. Brad Bergesen and Brian Matusz going on a downward spiral (Matusz did rebound his last outing)

Atkins was his fault, yes. I thought it was a dumb signing then, and it's an even dumber signing now.

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a) That's not even true by your absurd methods of evaluation. The 1954 guy whose name escapes me had a lower winning percentage.

Well Art Ehlers was GM for the O's for only one season, and technically 1954 was the first year they moved from St. Louis to Baltimore. MacPhail has a larger body of work to evaluate.

b) Measuring a GM by his winning percentage through an admitted rebuilding phase where he traded numerous vets for prospects is loopy.

I can understand 2008 being a crappy year, but in 2009 and 2010 the record has continued to decline, and MacPhail has done little despite the opportunity and resources he's had to prevent that decline.

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