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MLB Constitution is now online


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I assume that's the same thing that being talked about on HardballTalk.

I was going to make my own post specifically about Rule 29, the "Disabled Club" rule. That's a very interesting rule.

If a common accident, epidemic illness or other common event (referred to in this Rule 29 as an "occurrence") causes the death, dismemberment or permanent disability from playing professional baseball of

(1) at least five players on a Major League Club's Active, Disabled or Suspended Lists during the period beginning with the opening date of such Club's championship season through the conclusion of such Club's playing season (including any post-season series); or

(2) at least six players on a Major League Club's Major League Reserve List during the period beginning with the conclusion of such Club's playing season (including any post-season series) up to the opening date of such Club's next championship season

then this Rule 29 shall apply and the affected Major League Club shall be a "Disabled Club."

I know everyone's thought about that at some point. I figured MLB would have a plan, but it's good to know what it would be.

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I assume that's the same thing that being talked about on HardballTalk.

I was going to make my own post specifically about Rule 29, the "Disabled Club" rule. That's a very interesting rule.

I know everyone's thought about that at some point. I figured MLB would have a plan, but it's good to know what it would be.

So, if BRob, Pie, Nolan, JJ, Koji, and Gonzo had been in a car wreck on the way from FL to BAL, instead of dropping like flies 1-by-1, then we'd get to draft players from other teams?

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I'll also post some ones I find interesting as I read through.

1(b) NUMBER OF CLUBS. In no event shall any home territory in either Major League circuit have more than two Major League Clubs.

So I guess that means very little chance of, say, a third New York team.

3(a)(1)(e) No player is permitted to, directly or indirectly, provide to a Major or Minor League Club, or to the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee, any false material information or documentation in regard to the player's age, identity, citizenship, residence or scholastic standing in connection with the player signing with a Major or Minor League Club. Any player found to have violated this Rule 3(a)(1)(E) shall be declared ineligible to sign with any Major or Minor League Club for a period of one year, if the player does not have an approved contract with a Major or Minor League Club, or shall be placed on the Disqualified List for a period of one year, if the player does have an approved Minor League Uniform Player Contract with a Major or Minor League Club. The Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee shall have the discretion to reduce the mandatory sanctions described in this Rule 3(a)(1)(E) only if the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee concludes that extraordinary circumstances exist that call for the exercise of such discretion.

I'd be curious to know the "special circumstances" behind this rule for all of the Dominican players that have been shown to have lied about their ages, but not been (officially) penalized.

3(i) UNIFORM MANAGER'S AND EMPLOYEE'S CONTRACTS. Managers, coaches, trainers and salaried scouts must sign contracts on forms prescribed by the Commissioner before rendering services to a Major or Minor League Club. (So-called "Bird Dog" scouts and scouts whose compensation is conditional upon performance of players are not required to sign one of the uniform contracts. However, such "Bird Dog" and sub-scouts are required to be signed to a contract or agreement drafted by the Major or Minor League Club.) An executed copy of each uniform manager's or employee's contract shall be filed with the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee for approval within 10 days after the execution of the contract.

They actually use "Bird Dog" as a technical term?

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So, if BRob, Pie, Nolan, JJ, Koji, and Gonzo had been in a car wreck on the way from FL to BAL, instead of dropping like flies 1-by-1, then we'd get to draft players from other teams?

It sounds like a possibility, though I think that extreme is more for a Marshall or Wichita State type of catastrophe.

I remember when the Angels' team bus flipped back in 1992: I don't know how many players were injured or for how long, but they didn't need to go to that extreme.

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Some more, from the MLB Constitution:

Article IX Sec. 5. All-Star Game. The Clubs shall provide the necessary services of players, and, if selected as a host Club, the park, facilities and equipment needed for the playing of an All-Star Game during each baseball season. All-Star Games shall be played under the supervision, control and direction of the Commissioner. The date and the park in which an All-Star Game is to be played shall be determined by the Executive Council. Each host Club agrees that when it is designated to conduct an All-Star Game, it will provide the park, facilities and equipment for such a game for a total rental of one dollar and will act as agent for the Major League Clubs in the conduct of said game.

At least they're paying for things...:laughlol:

And back to the Major League Rules:

8(e) WAIVER CLAIMS AND CONSIDERATION. Any other Major League Club may claim the contract at a waiver price of $1 and the priority of claim shall be determined in accordance with Rule 10(d)(4) (Waiver Claims and Awarding of Contracts).

$1 waiver claims? Is this the rules for their internal Fantasy league?

8(f) NOTICE TO PLAYER OF WAIVER CLAIMS, AND RIGHT OF PLAYER TO TERMINATE CONTRACT. At the expiration of the waiver period, the player may make a collect call to the Major League Club to determine whether the player's contract has been claimed.

Which one did Carrot Top advertise again?

33© Four-Club Tie. If four Clubs are tied for first place in a Division with an identical winning percentage at the conclusion of the championship season as originally scheduled, including all rescheduled games, the Commissioner shall schedule additional championship season games in order to determine the Division championship, as follows:

(i) The Commissioner shall supervise a draw that results in the Clubs' being designated Club "A," "B," "C," and "D" for purposes of Rule 33©(1)©(ii).

(ii) Club "B" shall play one game at the ballpark of Club "A." Club "D" shall play one game at the ballpark of Club "C." Each of these two games shall be played on the day after the conclusion of the championship season as originally scheduled. The following day, the winning Clubs of each of those two games shall play one game, at the ballpark of Club "A" or Club "B," whichever has won the game between the two. The site of each game instead may be determined by mutual agreement among the Clubs involved and the Commissioner to keep travel at a minimum. The Commissioner shall award the Division championship to the winner of the third game, which is contested between the winners of the respective first two games.

I would be curious what the statistical chances of a four-way tie in a division are. I mean, we'll find out next year when the Yankees, Red Sox, Rays and Orioles cause such a proceeding, but I'd like to know now.

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So, if BRob, Pie, Nolan, JJ, Koji, and Gonzo had been in a car wreck on the way from FL to BAL, instead of dropping like flies 1-by-1, then we'd get to draft players from other teams?

Not at all. It says Death, dismemberment or permanent disability. None of those players luckily suffered any of those.

Although some may argue that having Terry Crowley as a coach has been a permanent disability since 1999. :wedge:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping the thread because I was looking through these documents for something else today...

Here's a good one:

Rule 38


(a) BY VICTORY. The Clubs participating in the Division Series, League Championship Series, or World Series shall play each day according to the authorized schedule until one of them has won the required number of victories at which time the series shall end. The required number of victories shall be three in the case of each Division Series and four in the case of each League Championship Series or the World Series.

(b) BY COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner shall have the right to terminate a post-season series at any time that the Commissioner deems the interest of Baseball demands it, and to declare one of the contesting Clubs the winner of that series regardless of previous performances.

It's within the rules for Bud to stop game seven of the World Series with the Yanks up 18-0 in the 9th and declare the Phillies the winner.

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With Bud's permission you're still allowed to put ropes up in the outfield and have fans stand there, during the playoffs:

Rule 43


Spectators will not be permitted to encroach or stand on the playing field at any time during a Division Series, League Championship Series, or World Series game, unless the Commissioner grants special authority to do so. A Club that plans to accommodate patrons in excess of the regular seating capacity of its plant is required to erect, with the approval of the municipal authorities and permission of the Commissioner, safe temporary stands or seats with a strong railing in front thereof, extending from the grandstand or skirting the outfield.

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Bumping the thread because I was looking through these documents for something else today...

Here's a good one:

It's within the rules for Bud to stop game seven of the World Series with the Yanks up 18-0 in the 9th and declare the Phillies the winner.

The whole point of a constitution is to say what rules apply to powerful people. If the top dogs can do whatever the hell they want, then it's just the law of the jungle and you don't need a constitution. So, at the very least, they should call this something other than the "MLB Constitution". Maybe "MLB Kampf"...

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