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Tejada deal up to Angelos


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Another Olney quip(s)-

The O's could be an interesting team next year if they trade Tejada and get a young pitcher and good fielding SS in return.

Houston has strongest offer...but can the O's make a trade (reading between lines: is Angelos going to veto?)

Oh...and Tino Martinez seems to think Tejada will be traded...for whatever that's worth...

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If the Angels are really out, then this is as depressed as I've been as an Orioles fan. With all the losing, I thought a trade with the Angels was perfect to renew hope in our franchise. They matched up with us really well and had great prospects, all of whom I envisoned playing for the O's.

The Astros & Rangers deals, I've been less than thrilled with. Especially the Astros, that's a horrendous deal. Other than last season, Ensberg has been nothing special (Besides, we have other needs than 3B), Everett is totally worthless for the O's (Fahey does just as well), Jason Lane (4th Ofer) and LIDGE!!!! A broken closer, who can't close games. What a package. I'd scrap all those guys off the table and just take a deal of Hirsch, Pence and maybe Patton (If we could get him). I rather have two of those three guys than any of the other mentioned players all together.

Texas' best prospects are all pitchers and most of them have been struggling with command this year. We have plenty of talented pitchers with control problems in our system already.

We need position talent and lots of it. Our farm system is all but bare in the field. The Angels have so much position player talent, they have top prospects who are blocked by top prospects, who are blocked by major leaguers. For christ sake, share the wealth you gready bastards.

The one thing that has made my skin absolutely crawl is the media reports that are saying Angelos is nixing deals. If that is true (and I don't think Ken Rosenthal would lie), then my hatred of Angelos is at an all time high. Regardless of the package we were offered, if Duquette and company got the deal they wanted or a deal they liked and some slim ball lawyer over ruled them, then it makes me furious.

Angelos should not be nixing deals, if they are the deals that our GMs wanted. Isn't that the reason we have them in the first place.

I'm so frustrated right now, I could vomit. The Orioles, the gift that just keeps on giving.

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Not that it is but how would everyone feel about Texas' offer if it included Texiera?

I know I'll get torched for this, but NO THANKS. Teixeira is having a poor year (by his standards), and I know he's a Maryland guy, but I've always thought he was grossly overrated. A decent player, to be sure -- yes, he's better than Millar/Conine -- but the fact that he has a Gold Glove on his resume screams about the lack of defensive ability at the position. If it's Tex for Tejada, KEEP Tejada.

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I know I'll get torched for this, but NO THANKS. Teixeira is having a poor year (by his standards), and I know he's a Maryland guy, but I've always thought he was grossly overrated. A decent player, to be sure -- yes, he's better than Millar/Conine -- but the fact that he has a Gold Glove on his resume screams about the lack of defensive ability at the position. If it's Tex for Tejada, KEEP Tejada.

You my friend are crazy

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I saw this buried in the Soriano update on the Stark Market:

Washington doesn't want the big-league group Houston has been dangling for Miguel Tejada (Adam Everett, Willy Taveras, Jason Lane, possibly even Brad Lidge)

How could anything including those guys be the strongest offer? "Possibly even Brad Lidge" as if this should make it an obviously good deal... :rolleyes: Pass.

Olney's line is ridiculous. He must be trying to convince the Orioles to trade Tejada (to a better market or something) because if he has watched the Orioles this year even once when Bedard was not pitching, he would see that a "young pitcher and slick fielding SS" would not make us "interesting" if we also lost Tejada. In fact, it would almost certainly make us worse. We already have Fahey in the role of slick fielding but no hitting player. We would score maybe 3.2 runs per game, and our team ERA would have to go down like 2 full runs to support that. Do these "analysts" know anything about the Orioles?

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I do find it interesting that no names have come out of the Texas deal like they did with Anaheim. Maybe the Texas deal brings him home and since he has 3 more years to the same team in a way it would be a wash(and I know this season Miggy's numbers are better than Tex's)

We have heard names. Blalock. That AAA shortstop who's name I cant remember, an one of their pitching prospects. Who knows who #4 is.

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The one thing that has made my skin absolutely crawl is the media reports that are saying Angelos is nixing deals. If that is true (and I don't think Ken Rosenthal would lie), then my hatred of Angelos is at an all time high. Regardless of the package we were offered, if Duquette and company got the deal they wanted or a deal they liked and some slim ball lawyer over ruled them, then it makes me furious.

Angelos should not be nixing deals, if they are the deals that our GMs wanted. Isn't that the reason we have them in the first place.

The only thing we've heard is Angelos might have nixed an Astros deal, maybe, sort of. The Angels deal was a pure case of the Angels offering Santana and Aybar, the Os countering with a 4 player package and the Angels saying "no thanks".

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I saw this buried in the Soriano update on the Stark Market:

How could anything including those guys be the strongest offer? "Possibly even Brad Lidge" as if this should make it an obviously good deal... :rolleyes: Pass.

Olney's line is ridiculous. He must be trying to convince the Orioles to trade Tejada (to a better market or something) because if he has watched the Orioles this year even once when Bedard was not pitching, he would see that a "young pitcher and slick fielding SS" would not make us "interesting" if we also lost Tejada. In fact, it would almost certainly make us worse. We already have Fahey in the role of slick fielding but no hitting player. We would score maybe 3.2 runs per game, and our team ERA would have to go down like 2 full runs to support that. Do these "analysts" know anything about the Orioles?

Yeah, if that's remotely close to what the 'Stros are offering then that's just pathetic. If this is true I have no blame at all for the FO for not dealing Tejada. You don't just trade a guy like Miguel Tejada for the sake of trading him. In fact, the only way you do it is if it makes you a contender in 3 or so years. Wood and Santana would have significantly improved our chances of that happening. I haven't heard a deal yet other then that which would do the same.

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Olney's line is ridiculous. He must be trying to convince the Orioles to trade Tejada (to a better market or something) because if he has watched the Orioles this year even once when Bedard was not pitching, he would see that a "young pitcher and slick fielding SS" would not make us "interesting" if we also lost Tejada. In fact, it would almost certainly make us worse. We already have Fahey in the role of slick fielding but no hitting player. We would score maybe 3.2 runs per game, and our team ERA would have to go down like 2 full runs to support that. Do these "analysts" no anything about the Orioles?

1) This big market conspiracy theory is ridiculous.

2) I think the O's would be better RIGHT NOW with Santana instead of Tejada. You said it yourself, they win when Bedard pitches and Santana's numbers are very comparable. I, for one, would rather have two Bedards and a good defensive SS (with a high ceiling). As opposed to having a below average defensive SS with pop and Ortiz/Johnson/Chen/Lopez.

3) You act like we wouldn't try to improve 1B and LF. Even the most pessimist of posters can't possibly think this team will go into next year with Millar/Conine/Fahey rotating between these two spots.

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1) Why else would an analyst say that that Astros offer is "strong."

2) I'm really looking at Bedard's last 8 starts, since he apparently learned the new changeup. I know it's unreasonable to expect Bedard to keep this up for much longer, but he's been a lot better than Santana over the last month. Also, look at our lineup. We would be looking at a .400 winning percentage with wins in Bedard/Santana starts. Also, someone like Everett does not have upside, although Aybar admittedly does. And who says Tejada is below average defensively? He has been great in past years, and this year I would say he is at worst average, although I think he has been recovering from an injury he hasn't told anyone about.

3) Olney's comment has nothing to do with that. He did not mention LF/1B. Clearly he has not watched the Orioles very much (not that I blame him). Also, what in the past few years should convince me that we will really try to improve LF/1B. Oh wait. I know! Let's get Doug Mientkewitz, since he's a "slick fielder" :rolleyes: I'm not really that pessimistic, but I'm realistic about our recent history.

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1) This big market conspiracy theory is ridiculous.

2) I think the O's would be better RIGHT NOW with Santana instead of Tejada. You said it yourself, they win when Bedard pitches and Santana's numbers are very comparable. I, for one, would rather have two Bedards and a good defensive SS (with a high ceiling). As opposed to having a below average defensive SS with pop and Ortiz/Johnson/Chen/Lopez.

3) You act like we wouldn't try to improve 1B and LF. Even the most pessimist of posters can't possibly think this team will go into next year with Millar/Conine/Fahey rotating between these two spots.

I agree:

Santana and Aybar make the Orioles a better team than just Miggy.

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3) You act like we wouldn't try to improve 1B and LF. Even the most pessimist of posters can't possibly think this team will go into next year with Millar/Conine/Fahey rotating between these two spots.

Where have you been for three years, man?

We've been expecting 100+ OPS improvement at those positions for three years. Besides, Conine has been decent.

Our big improvement next year better come from the 4/5 when RLo and Chen blew up this year.

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Santana and Aybar make the Orioles a better team than just Miggy.
You'll never get Angelos to agree that a pitcher,who takes the mound every fifth day, makes the team better than an everyday player like Tejada.

I only wonder if we'll have another 600 post topic on Monday when Tejada is still in the orange and black.

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