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First, the last thing I heard was that the top 2 recruits did not decommit. Second, most of the kids that we are recruiting are coming because of either Ehsan or Ransom. Gary has little to no influence over the recruits decisions. While other teams would certainly try to negatively recruit the situation it's not like it's doing any more harm than what Gary has done or (hasn"t done) in recruiting.

This whole process has gotten to the point it is now because Gary waited until May to retire and because ANderson jumped the gun and put all his eggs in Miller's basket. ANd I don't care how it looks nationally. Anderson already has egg on his face, I just want the best situation for the program. I'll take a little more egg on the face over hiring the wrong guy that takes this program down further than it's been the last 10 years.

You might not care how it looks nationally. But recruits will.

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If they go the Asst route, they might as well keep Eshan (if Bino would stay). If you go the Asst route, the Terps should guage interest of Collins and Wojo.

Neither would come and nobody would want them here. Very bad match.

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You might not care how it looks nationally. But recruits will.

I disagree. Ehsan and Ransom are the only coaches these kids are seeing on the trail and developing a relationship with anyway. As I said later in the post the best scenario would probably just be to hand the keys over to Ehsan officially and let Gary do all his work in practice and behind the scenes.

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Regardless of whether (or how much) you all might think he deserves blame for how this has gone, I think we can all agree that even with less than a year as AD Kevin Anderson's job is on the line with this hire. I have a hard time imagining he's going to be willing to bet his career on a 28-year old guy with zero HC experience, no matter how much the players say they like him and no matter what the message boards say. And the whole idea that Gary would want to lurk in the shadows to show Ehsan the ropes is silly. If Gary wanted that much involvement, he wouldn't have retired in the first place.

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I don't think Gary wants that involvement but I think he loves the University enough that he would do what was neccessary to avoid handing the keys over to someone he didn't think was worthy. From all accounts Gary is very high on Ehsan and LOL at thinking Gary wouldn't be lurking in the shadows no matter who the next coach is. He's an Assistant AD and will be very much a part of the program. You're right though, Anderson isn't going to hire Ehsan. It's too ballsy for him, even though it could very well be our best move at this point.

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I disagree. Ehsan and Ransom are the only coaches these kids are seeing on the trail and developing a relationship with anyway. As I said later in the post the best scenario would probably just be to hand the keys over to Ehsan officially and let Gary do all his work in practice and behind the scenes.

Ohh...so that's why we land so many top flight recruits these days?

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Ohh...so that's why we land so many top flight recruits these days?

Recruiting has picked up immensely since they've both been on board. Besides getting Faust and Anderson they've been legitimately involved with numerous other top 50 recruits the last 2 or 3 years. That was not happening before either jumped on board and the feeling from some is if Gary was pulling his weight we would have landed a few more of them. BTW.. word is Shaq Cleare was on the verge of committing before this all went down.

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I don't think Gary wants that involvement but I think he loves the University enough that he would do what was neccessary to avoid handing the keys over to someone he didn't think was worthy. From all accounts Gary is very high on Ehsan and LOL at thinking Gary wouldn't be lurking in the shadows no matter who the next coach is. He's an Assistant AD and will be very much a part of the program. You're right though, Anderson isn't going to hire Ehsan. It's too ballsy for him, even though it could very well be our best move at this point.

As I read it Gary's Assistant AD job sounds more like a figurehead position, and will mostly involve him showing up at fundraising events. I would be surprised if he's regularly present at the Athletic Dept....he wants to go golfing. And no matter who the next coach ends up being, I highly doubt Gary wants to (or should) be that close to the team. He will let the new coach put his own stamp on the program. Gary loves the university, but he will give the next coach the space he deserves. And while I'm sure Gary thinks very highly of Ehsan, if Gary didn't think he was truly ready to take over the program, he would not be on board with hiring him, and would certainly not hang around and babysit him. Maryland might not be the gold-standard of college coaching jobs we thought it was a few days ago, but it is not so far down that it should be used as a training-wheels program for inexperienced coaches either. That would just add to the embarrassment.

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A college writer on the west coast (and a guy I used to work with who now works for CSN Bay Area vouches for him) says Miller knew the Maryland offer on Friday night, and was planning to take the job until he met with Anderson on Saturday.

Whether you believe it or not, you have to admit that extension with Arizona came out of no where awfully, awfully fast.

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Jon Wilner who was all over, and correct on the Miller situation just retweeted the following.

RT @wilnerhotline Latest on Sean Miller: Heard that Maryland bombed the interview.

Okay, I'm done with KA. This is ridiculous.

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Jon Wilner who was all over, and correct on the Miller situation just retweeted the following.

Okay, I'm done with KA. This is ridiculous.

I'd like some details on that...how could they have screwed it up?

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I'd like some details on that...how could they have screwed it up?

I'm wondering the same thing. They must have had some really separate views on something. If this is true and it's as bad as it sounds, get KA out of here.

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    • I don't think it is really the past 5 games.  It is the next 4 months, potential playoffs, and all of next year that has people concerned.  Remember these elbows aren't just taking guys out this year, but most of next year as well. And Burnes probably won't be around next either. 
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    • The 5 game losing streak is a 5 game losing streak.  I am not too concerned about that unless it turns into something bigger. Every team goes through it.  What I am concerned about is losing 3 starters and 2 great relievers since last August with not a lot to replace them other than Burnes.  And they won't even back for most of next year...if at all. Add in the fact that Burnes is more than likely leaving after this year?  Our cupboard pitching wise is pretty bare as it looks right now. So imo you absolutely need to trade some of your AA and AAA players to get pitching help now and for next year.  This team is too good to waste years on players like GH and AR. 
    • Trading Drew Rom for Flaherty was not a big swing. It was trading a maybe prospect for a “hope he’s ok” guy with three months before FA. I am increasingly convinced Mike won’t make any bigger move this season, and what we have is basically what we will have.
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