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Rosenthal: Buck Has "Carte Blanche" From Angelos


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Perhaps Peter Angelos was sick of seeing his club losing and being run by an incompetent FO, hence bringing in Buck Showalter as a Plan B.

Angelos has given MacPhail more rope than previous GMs and probably the most power since Pat Gillick who he allowed to fire Frank Robinson after Gillick couldn't find a use for him.

MacPhail was allowed to bring in his nephew to run professional scouting which is among the worst in the majors. Angelos allowed MacPhail to keep Trembley for far too long as Orioles manager when it was clear he shouldn't have been.

IMO PGA gave MacPhail one last chance this offseason, and we saw how he used it and the result afterwards and ultimately Showalter and Angelos have decided enough is enough and the plan isn't working. PGA wants to win now. MacPhail hasn't been treated poorly and he's not a victim. He's the man that's been in charge of baseball operations for four more losing seasons and a change needs to be made to end that losing, so it's time to see what Plan B can do.

Yes, but why do the Stockstills have jobs still?

They must have some of those pics of Angelos that Oscar De La Hoya was just caught in to keep their jobs. The Stockstills are both absolutely worthless to this organization.

They shouldn't even be selling Lemon Ice in the stands.

Having them switch titles was possibly one of the most laughable moves in the history of professional sports.

It's like switching Hellen Keller from visual art critic to orchestra conductor. The results are still the same.

And Angelos' name is all over it.

MacPhail has been a pathetic GM his whole career, who inherited a Twins team that handed him 2 WS titles. His career was handed to him because of his daddy and granddaddy. He's been a cheapskate GM who has done nothing in any department of baseball except make some trades in his career.

It's like celebrating Steve Forbes who's grandfather founded Forbes (Forbes magazine is not in good fiscal shape anymore). Or Donald Trump who inherited all his money from his dad and went bankrupt 3 times. That's Andy MacPhail. A guy riding a last name throughout his career.

And Angelos hired him knowing this. Budget baseball at its finest.

He puts Buck in as GM and it's another recipe for disaster. It's a different recipe. But the same bad tasting outcome.

I'm with you that the O's need to actually spend money to sign top talent. Instead of claiming poverty and that they can't spend with the Red Sox, which doesn't make any sense from a number crunching aspect.

The O's pinch serious pennies and anybody who thinks they REALLY try is just wrong. Being the top offer for a free agent and losing is trying. Being "also rans" for top free agents is not. Having the #11 draft spend this year with zero presence on the international front is not trying. Having 1/2 the scouts and player development department of your so-called poverty stricken competitors in Tampa is a joke.

And letting a coach who was an ESPN analyst who wasn't exactly a hot coaching commodity be the GM or pick the next GM is absolutely idiotic.

But at least we have the Ravens.

A team with an awesome owner. And a smart GM.

An organization that cares about winning over squeezing every penny out of their two team (#4 combined media market) RSN and rev share deal.

If the O's were a real team, they'd consider hiring Thad Levine or Kim Ng. And give the new hire the choice to keep or fire Buck and every member of the front office and organization. Not let the manager dictate any org decisions.

But that's crazy talk, because that's only what serious teams do.

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You are saying MacPhail is a victim. You are saying he's leaving MacPhail twisting in the wind. MacPhail has likely told Angelos he's done or the other way around. Either way AM knows his fate, but he is choosing not to say anything. The only thing that's being twisted is who is to blame for the uncertainty in the FO. MacPhail is the one choosing to leave fans hanging on whether he's staying or going, not Peter Angelos and that's the way MacPhail does everything.

Everything is secretive and a game to MacPhail. He loves cloak and dagger stuff.

Peter Angelos has a HISTORY of doing this crap - not AM!! And he's doing it again.

You know Trea - people get really tired of the game you play. But blaming us fans on the Hangout for not caring and taking Peter Angelos side is a new low.

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You aren't listening. I'm not saying that AM is a victim. I am saying that history continues to repeat itself with Angelos. He did the same thing to Flanny (whom he gave just as long if not longer) as he is now doing to AM. He leaves them out there flapping in the wind without respecting the man and his family's history with the organization. He allows rumors to swirl and he is once again making decisions on how to run his franchise that runs against the grain on how most organizations are run.

And if history continues to repeat itself with how he is handling of AMs last few days - people around the industry are NOT going to trust that they are going to change even if Buck is the best man to play a more influential role in the decisions that need to be made on who to hire for the front office. It's not how solid organizations like the Red Sox, Twins, etc are run and it shows that PA is not going to change.

I guess I don't understand this. Didn't Angelos just say a couple of months ago that he wanted MacPhail to stay? I believe that Andy leaving is of his own volition and he was not urged out the door. If he wants to stay, PGA has explicitly said he is welcome to continue.

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I guess I don't understand this. Didn't Angelos just say a couple of months ago that he wanted MacPhail to stay? I believe that Andy leaving is of his own volition and he was not urged out the door. If he wants to stay, PGA has explicitly said he is welcome to continue.

If what Trea is saying is true - think what happened with Flanny. Flanny was the GM until PA brought in AM which undercut Flanny's authority and Flanny quietly disappeared until his contract ran out. Now, AM seems to continue to run things - but he must know that PA has made his choice (Buck) and the media sources seem to confirm as much. Sure - he could simply quit now (which Trea calls quitting and points to his resignation in Chicago) but he is more likely to remain employed until his contract runs out.

The point is - history is repeating itself and if it is repeating itself in this manner - why would we suddenly think that he is going to stop being Peter Angelos - the dysfunctional and meddling owner of the Baltimore Orioles?

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If what Trea is saying is true - think what happened with Flanny. Flanny was the GM until PA brought in AM which undercut Flanny's authority and Flanny quietly disappeared until his contract ran out. Now, AM seems to continue to run things - but he must know that PA has made his choice (Buck) and the media sources seem to confirm as much. Sure - he could simply quit now (which Trea calls quitting and points to his resignation in Chicago) but he is more likely to remain employed until his contract runs out.

The point is - history is repeating itself and if it is repeating itself in this manner - why would we suddenly think that he is going to stop being Peter Angelos - the dysfunctional and meddling owner of the Baltimore Orioles?

I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Trea at all, but pretty much everything he says is his is own spin on a very vague quote, thick with conspiracy. I know Angelos is the problem with this team, but I also completely believe he would love MacPhail to continue to head his front office. I just believe that Andy has seen enough, and is cutting bait.

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I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Trea at all, but pretty much everything he says is his is own spin on a very vague quote, thick with conspiracy. I know Angelos is the problem with this team, but I also completely believe he would love MacPhail to continue to head his front office. I just believe that Andy has seen enough, and is cutting bait.
I'm guessing there is a divergence of opinion between continuing to build around pitching, and a win now approach that Buck is urging on PA. I think PA leans toward the win now, and AM is simply bowing out, rather than stay with a situation he doesn't fully agree with.
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MacPhail's 2008-10 record was 198-287. 2010 was the worst of the three, until Showalter was hired. Despite all that, Angelos gave Andy a glowing report in the press this Spring, much better than he gave his predecessors ("He's not going anywhere.") Three straight years of suckitude. Now we're supposed to believe that Angelos had an epiphany because of this season alone? I'm not buying it.

While Angelos was polishing his apple, at no point did MacPhail give any indication whether or not he was interested in the job beyond this season. Andy is walking away to preserve what is left of his reputation as an executive, dusting off his twenty-something year old World Series rings. While Andy may have more authority than those before him, I don't believe Angelos was hands-off.

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MacPhail's 2008-10 record was 198-207. 2010 was the worst of the three, until Showalter was hired. Despite all that, Angelos gave Andy a glowing report in the press this Spring, much better than he gave his predecessors ("He's not going anywhere.") Three straight years of suckitude. Now we're supposed to believe that Angelos had an epiphany because of this season alone? I'm not buying it.

While Angelos was polishing his apple, at no point did MacPhail give any indication whether or not he was interested in the job beyond this season. Andy is walking away to preserve what is left of his reputation as an executive, dusting off his twenty-something year old World Series rings. While Andy may have more authority than those before him, I don't believe Angelos was hands-off.

I'm sure this was just a typo, but for clarification's sake, I think you meant 198-287.

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Yes, but why do the Stockstills have jobs still?

They must have some of those pics of Angelos that Oscar De La Hoya was just caught in to keep their jobs. The Stockstills are both absolutely worthless to this organization.

They shouldn't even be selling Lemon Ice in the stands.

Having them switch titles was possibly one of the most laughable moves in the history of professional sports.

It's like switching Hellen Keller from visual art critic to orchestra conductor. The results are still the same.

And Angelos' name is all over it.

MacPhail has been a pathetic GM his whole career, who inherited a Twins team that handed him 2 WS titles. His career was handed to him because of his daddy and granddaddy. He's been a cheapskate GM who has done nothing in any department of baseball except make some trades in his career.

It's like celebrating Steve Forbes who's grandfather founded Forbes (Forbes magazine is not in good fiscal shape anymore). Or Donald Trump who inherited all his money from his dad and went bankrupt 3 times. That's Andy MacPhail. A guy riding a last name throughout his career.

And Angelos hired him knowing this. Budget baseball at its finest.

He puts Buck in as GM and it's another recipe for disaster. It's a different recipe. But the same bad tasting outcome.

I'm with you that the O's need to actually spend money to sign top talent. Instead of claiming poverty and that they can't spend with the Red Sox, which doesn't make any sense from a number crunching aspect.

The O's pinch serious pennies and anybody who thinks they REALLY try is just wrong. Being the top offer for a free agent and losing is trying. Being "also rans" for top free agents is not. Having the #11 draft spend this year with zero presence on the international front is not trying. Having 1/2 the scouts and player development department of your so-called poverty stricken competitors in Tampa is a joke.

And letting a coach who was an ESPN analyst who wasn't exactly a hot coaching commodity be the GM or pick the next GM is absolutely idiotic.

But at least we have the Ravens.

A team with an awesome owner. And a smart GM.

An organization that cares about winning over squeezing every penny out of their two team (#4 combined media market) RSN and rev share deal.

If the O's were a real team, they'd consider hiring Thad Levine or Kim Ng. And give the new hire the choice to keep or fire Buck and every member of the front office and organization. Not let the manager dictate any org decisions.

But that's crazy talk, because that's only what serious teams do.

Three words come to mind when reading this post: "Over the top"

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Yes, but why do the Stockstills have jobs still?

They must have some of those pics of Angelos that Oscar De La Hoya was just caught in to keep their jobs. The Stockstills are both absolutely worthless to this organization.

They shouldn't even be selling Lemon Ice in the stands.

Having them switch titles was possibly one of the most laughable moves in the history of professional sports.

It's like switching Hellen Keller from visual art critic to orchestra conductor. The results are still the same.

I have the impression, from sources I trust, that John Stockstill is a much more valuable asset than Dave Stockstill. I don't think you can conclude they are equivalent just because they are brothers.

That said, I'm ready to clean house and replace both of them.

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Nothing matters when it comes to this team anymore. It has become more clear to me than ever before. Kevin Gregg blows what feels like his 20th save on Saturday and I gave it a light chuckle, posted on here a bit, and then went on about my life without giving it a second thought. If people still get that worked up over this team they need some serious help.

The O's have become similar to a bad TV show. You keep watching because the people are familiar and you kind of want to see what happens but in the end it's a waste of time and energy. The writers don't care and are just going through the motions. Cancellation looms.

Meanwhile, we've got an Academy Award winning team playing in the same city...

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I have the impression, from sources I trust, that John Stockstill is a much more valuable asset than Dave Stockstill. I don't think you can conclude they are equivalent just because they are brothers.

That said, I'm ready to clean house and replace both of them.

If I had the authority they'd both be gone immediately.

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