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Bowden: Duquette deal done


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Considering Angelos, I'm really happy to have Duquette. What I mean by considering Angelos includes these assumptions:

1) PA would never respect a GM under 40 and would look over / second guess / interfere with one more, whereas PA might be able to accept that someone >50 is an actual fully formed and functioning adult. I think Duquette (or LaCava, for that matter) gets more free rein than some of the younger guys that have been tossed around.

2) PA will have his hands in things, he will protect certain cronies in this organization and not allow any GM to simply do what he wants to do. These are characteristics which have been (Wren), should be, and are (LaCava) unacceptable to a first-time GM. A first-time GM wants to make his mark and establish himself - especially a first-time GM who has worked in organizations which do not operate under these kinds of constraints. Duke isn't bridled by that sort of thing. He's already established a legacy. Further, he's worked in an organization with incredible constraints (the Expos had no budget and Duke still produced a good MiL system, a great international pipeline, and a very good organization all around). His cousin was the co-GM of the Orioles for heaven sakes. You think Dan doesn't know in great detail the kind of constraints and meddling he's going to be subjected to?

3) PA might give some ground and it might be in the areas of international scouting and internal development. I think Buck really got these points through to PA. Certainly the list of candidates that the initially set up were strong in these areas. If PA is willing to change his ways there, Duquette really seems like a great guy for that. The Expos were at the top of the class in terms of international scouting and player development when Duke was there as Farm Director and GM. He clearly knows how to get that done.

4) PA still won't spend the wad on a single player that it will take to bring an impact FA here. Contracts have simply gone beyond PA's ability to comprehend. We will have to make up much more ground through trading than we have been doing. This is one area where Duke has a huge advantage over the other candidates on our initial list did. Duke has a record of great trades, and he's aggressive. He should be able to get much more done here than the methodical conservative AM did.

By the way, was Duquette not hired for positions that he interviewed for since 2002 (Angels excluded), or did he just not interview? I thought he was only interested in a move up to President of some team and he simply didn't interview for any such positions. The fact that he did interview for GM in CA just says to me that he changed his mind and was willing to reenter at a lateral position to the one he left at.

Don't get me wrong. I was crushed when LaCava turned us down, and I was embarrassed for the fiasco that is the PA-run process of finding a new GM. (But) I'm glad for LaCava that he didn't take it. Given what we assume the constraints were, there's no way he could've done what he wanted to and been happy here.

Given the anchor that is PA, I am really happy to have Dan Duquette battling for us.

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Just heard an interesting interview with Peter Gammons. He said he spoke with someone that was interviewed for the position and the candidate was told he would have no say over hiring personnel directors, minor league staff, player development staff, etc...and that's when he walked out.

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Just heard an interesting interview with Peter Gammons. He said he spoke with someone that was interviewed for the position and the candidate was told he would have no say over hiring personnel directors, minor league staff, player development staff, etc...and that's when he walked out.

I find that hard to believe. I think some, but not all pieces were to be left alone was the direction.

Part of the problem-if you hire someone to do the job, let them do it without constraints. Look at the Denver Broncos. Josh McDaniels screwed that team beyond belief but Pat Bowlen gave him free reign to do it. Oh wait..that might be a bad example:)

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"Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations" is the most ridiculous thing I've heard about the O's since......earlier today. Fine, so I guess that doesn't say much.

It's times like this when I really wish I was a reporter.

"So, Mr. Duquette, or should I say, Mr. Executive VP of Bball Ops, how many Vice Presidents of Bball Ops are there?" Are there legislative and judicial VPs as well?

And who is the President? Such a farce.

This is not at all uncommon. Andrew Friedman is EVP - Baseball Operations for the Rays; GM is not part of his title. Mike Rizzo is EVP-Baseball Operations and GM for the Nats. Ben Cherrington holds both titles for the Red Sox. Alex Agnostopoulos is Senior VP-Baseball Operations and GM for the Jays. Brian Cashman is Sr. VP and GM for the Yankees.

So, you are barking up the wrong tree on this one. All these guys have some EVP/Sr. VP title, and some don't have GM as part of their title even though it is understood that they are the GM.

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I'm a Bronco fan...I can relate.

Anyway...just repeating what Gammons said. He also mentioned something I hadnt thought of. Since Duquette has been out of the game 10 years, it may be difficult for him to hire people that he knows and trusts...then again, I guess that's assuming he's allowed to hire anyone

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This is not at all uncommon. Andrew Friedman is EVP - Baseball Operations for the Rays; GM is not part of his title. Mike Rizzo is EVP-Baseball Operations and GM for the Nats. Ben Cherrington holds both titles for the Red Sox. Alex Agnostopoulos is Senior VP-Baseball Operations and GM for the Jays. Brian Cashman is Sr. VP and GM for the Yankees.

So, you are barking up the wrong tree on this one. All these guys have some EVP/Sr. VP title, and some don't have GM as part of their title even though it is understood that they are the GM.

Yeah, there's all that..... and also the fact the Flanagan had the same title here.
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Perhaps they are saving the President of Baseball Operations title for a future hire. Perhaps Cal Ripken.

Jim Beatty was EVP, as was Mike Flanagan after Beatty left. The only reason MacPhail was President was so that Angelos didn't have to demote Flanny.

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Just heard an interesting interview with Peter Gammons. He said he spoke with someone that was interviewed for the position and the candidate was told he would have no say over hiring personnel directors, minor league staff, player development staff, etc...and that's when he walked out.

Not to surprising there. Duquette essentially is the one guy who is DESPERATE enough to get back into the game that he was pretty much willing to comply with anything asked to do so.

This hiring is kinda like taking a turd, sprinkling sugar on it and trying to pass it off as a tasty treat. The reality is that when this all started had someone told most of us that this is who they were gonna hire, the vast vast majority of this board would have been peeved beyond belief and rightfully so.

There is a reason that Duquette went 10 yrs without getting any play for any kind of MLB job. He was a total jerk, disliked by his peers for his behavior and was kicked to the curb because of it. We can all hope though that Dan has learned his lesson and that with this fresh start he will make something of it. 10yrs away from the game is a long time, maybe some lessons were learned.

Gonna hope for the best. But not holding my breath that a whole lot will change other than the face in front of this circus.

Its sad. Orioles fans deserve better.

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I'm a Bronco fan...I can relate.

Anyway...just repeating what Gammons said. He also mentioned something I hadnt thought of. Since Duquette has been out of the game 10 years, it may be difficult for him to hire people that he knows and trusts...then again, I guess that's assuming he's allowed to hire anyone

You dont think that is part of his appeal to Angelos.

Everyone else who came in to interview likely wanted to bring people in ......Duquette likely brings nobody.

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Not to surprising there. Duquette essentially is the one guy who is DESPERATE enough to get back into the game that he was pretty much willing to comply with anything asked to do so.

This hiring is kinda like taking a turd, sprinkling sugar on it and trying to pass it off as a tasty treat. The reality is that when this all started had someone told most of us that this is who they were gonna hire, the vast vast majority of this board would have been peeved beyond belief and rightfully so.

There is a reason that Duquette went 10 yrs without getting any play for any kind of MLB job. He was a total jerk, disliked by his peers for his behavior and was kicked to the curb because of it. We can all hope though that Dan has learned his lesson and that with this fresh start he will make something of it. 10yrs away from the game is a long time, maybe some lessons were learned.

Gonna hope for the best. But not holding my breath that a whole lot will change other than the face in front of this circus.

Its sad. Orioles fans deserve better.

While not exactly the same, it sounds a little bit like our beloved manager. Wearing out his welcome and seeming to over-manage the game.

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Just heard an interesting interview with Peter Gammons. He said he spoke with someone that was interviewed for the position and the candidate was told he would have no say over hiring personnel directors, minor league staff, player development staff, etc...and that's when he walked out.

Except no one other then Gammons have heard of anyone "walking out". LaCava turned the job down after two interviews...he didn't walk out. Word is the other two that dropped out got tired of waiting to hear back from the O's. There was nothing so dramatic as someone walking out that I have heard of before.

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Except no one other then Gammons have heard of anyone "walking out". LaCava turned the job down after two interviews...he didn't walk out. Word is the other two that dropped out got tired of waiting to hear back from the O's. There was nothing so dramatic as someone walking out that I have heard of before.
Word is Watson read the tea leaves and dropped out.

Dipoto had one interview. IF, and that's a big if, anyone walked out, my bet would be him. All we ever heard about him was he was the likely top choice of the Orioles and the Angels felt compelled to lock him away.

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Except no one other then Gammons have heard of anyone "walking out". LaCava turned the job down after two interviews...he didn't walk out. Word is the other two that dropped out got tired of waiting to hear back from the O's. There was nothing so dramatic as someone walking out that I have heard of before.

Plus, LaCava was going to be allowed to bring 7 guys with him. The report from Gammons (as relayed by TxOriole) is B.S. There isn't a GM candidate in the world who would take the job under those conditions ("no say over hiring personnel directors, minor league staff, player development staff, etc."), including a guy who has been out of the game for 9 years. Not even Angelos would be stupid enough to impose restrictions that severe. I'm sure, based on credible reports, that he is protecting a couple of people, but there is no way he has gone anywhere near this far.

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I will give Duquette a fair chance, the guy is just trying to get back in the game. The Orioles on the other hand deserve every bit of criticism they get. There must be hundreds of people who CURRENTLY work in MLB who would have been better choices for this position, well thats if the position was actually what it was advertised to be (it much akin to McDonalds putting some kid on a fryer and calling him an executive chef). Are we seriously supposed to believe that a guy who was ostracized from baseball essentially and has not worked in MLB in any capacity, even as an analyst, is the BEST choice to lead a franchise that is down in the dumps? Come on man....even those who drink the orange cool aide have to be thinking at some level WTF???

Its not as if Duquette is Billy Beane, Friedman, Cashman, Epstien or Gillick ect..... He did not distinguish himself so greatly as a GM that you look at him and go...wow there is a phenomenal talent who quit to soon. Quite the opposite actually. He is a guy who was so reknown for being a complete jack ass that he essentially was black listed. Yup great choice. WTG O's

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