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Offer to Angels on the table


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Not only is your tone not necessary, but the fact that you are embarrasingly wrong might make you think twice as well. Ask any scout and they will tell you it's more important for a shortstop to have a good arm than a third baseman. Not only does it take the ball longer to get to the shortstop position but that vast majority of the time the throw is longer due to the normal positioning of a professional shortstop deep.

Third base is a reaction position and although the throw from behind the base is probably one of the longest throws an infielder will have to make, it's a rarity.

Shortstops normally have one of the strongest arms on the team. Oh, and I'm not sure where you are going with the range thing but yes, range is a big factor when determining who can be a shortstop and who can't along with arm strength.

Ahh...not only the voice of reason, but an updated photo showing us a kinder, gentler, happier Tony. :D

I've always just accepted that your shortstop generally has the strongest arm in the infield and the third baseman should have cat-like reflexes and coordination. That is, unless you played on a team with me from the ages of 11 to 23, in which case the best arm on the team was either the catcher or the first baseman. :D (looking arrogantly around the room)

Moose's post had me questioning that for a second, but if you print out the image of the infield, establish the printout's scale, and then measure the throws a shortstop might typically be expected to make and compare to those of a third baseman, the shortstop will more often than not find himself with a longer throw.

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Read into this as little or as much as you want. I was told we have an offer on the table to trade Tejada to the Angels for Wood and Saunders. The ball in in LAs court. Lots of things are starting to happen. He also said the chance to sign Bedard is slim to none! IF we can't get a kings ransom for him he wil not be traded this off season!

This would be a very good deal, especially if we do not need to eat any of Tejada's contract. I would prefer Santana, but Saunders is good 4-5th starter.

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Not in MLB. This isn't the Little Leagues. You can choose to believe me or not but ANYBODY with experience in the game will tell you that being a SS requires more arm strength than being a 3b.

Plus, the shortstop in the majors gets to more balls to his right than does a third baseman who has (A) a foul line limiting his needed range and (B) typically a harder hit ball to his right than does the shortstop. When you have to move to the right, it's harder to set up for a good, strong throw. Having superior arm strength could make up for not setting up optimally. Plus, if the shortstop catches up to a slow grounder over second, again he has to adjust for his throw. A good arm makes up for not setting up.

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Anyone know when Adam Loewen will be back?

If we don't get a kings ransom for Erik it's not like a rotation of Bedard, Saunders, Loewen, Guthrie, Cabrera would be all that bad.

That's assuming, as we tend to do every off-season, that all those players will do as well or better than last year, and stay healthy. Obviously as last year showed, there's no telling how many injuries will pile up, and the chances of Guthrie pulling a Bruce Chen are high, whether we like it or not. Cabrera is Cabrera.

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