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Reasons why Bonds should be our DH next year


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I don't think Barry Bonds will make the Orioles a better team. His stats are more likely going to be in the .250/.375./.450 area, maybe worse. He will be turning 43 in July 2007. I just don't think its a good gamble for one more monster season.

2004 .362/.609/.812

2006 .270/.454/.545

If you don't want Bonds in Baltimore for personal reasons, fine, you are entitled to that opinion, because I don't particularly like the guy either. However, if you are seriously stating that Bonds would not be better than Millar/Conine/Gibbons/Newhan and everyone else we had at DH last year, and if you seriously don't think that putting Bonds behind Tejada in this lineup would INSTANTLY make Tejada an even bigger threat than he is now, than you do not know anything about the sport that I love!

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I don't think Barry Bonds will make the Orioles a better team. His stats are more likely going to be in the .250/.375./.450 area, maybe worse. He will be turning 43 in July 2007. I just don't think its a good gamble for one more monster season.

2004 .362/.609/.812

2006 .270/.454/.545

Not to mention the fact that we have no idea how many games he will actually play. Even when he was healthy and younger, he seemed to need at least a game off each week

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He isnt going to be too expensive, you get a guaranteed .400+ obp not to mention he will get more RBI opportunities batting behind Tejada. Low risk high reward move, just like Frank Thomas last year.

Flame away.

What type of salary do you think it would take for Barry to come here?

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I just typed this somewhere else, but here it is.

I will never cheer for Barry Bonds. His defiant arrogance is symbolic of MLB's unfortunate decision (by turning a blind eye to performance enhancers) that attendance figures and profit margins were more important than the history and integrity of the game. He's the epitome of all that's wrong with this sport.

I don't care that way too many other players have done it - it doesn't make them better. Few are as brazen (except what... Giambi? Segui? Grimsley?) as he has been, and it's a reflection of how far this sport has fallen.

The tradeoff between having him as a member of the team and the few extra wins he would provide in a probable meaningless season are not worth it in my opinion, and never will be.

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Oh yeah, because the rest of the current Orioles are a bunch of saints, right? :rolleyes:

It kills me the way some people on here say things like this, yet the only thing, and I mean the ONLY thing that we all want and can agree on, is that we want a winner in Balitmore! These aren't our father's Orioles guys! there are no more Brooksies and Boogs and Cal's on the current Orioles, or anywhere else in the game for that matter. They are all mersenaries, in it for the money, and they have ALL let a kids game go to their head! Anyone who thinks Texiera will come here when he's a Free Agent so that he can play at HOME is so far off their rocker, they can't even see the thing anymore! The players care about money first, winning second, and being a good person, a role model if you will, is the farthest thing from most of their minds!

I'll take Barry in a heartbeat, if it means the Orioles are a better team, AND IT WOULD make us a better team.

If you want proof of my statements, look no farther than M&T Bank Stadium. The players in our Raven purple are criminals, drug users, DUI getters, wife beaters, etc. etc. etc, yet WE all cheer for them on Sunday when they put on their uniforms and act like animals on the field!

Okay, that's the end of my rant...sorry about that!:002_ssmile:

To have sport you have to have winning but if you focus only on winning(my apologies to St. Vincent of the NFL.)it's no longer just sport. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist in the world nor is he the most dangerous currently, but I wouldn't give him safe haven for all the tea in China, any more than I would harbor Bonds at OPACY for all the WS's in Steinbrenners fever dreams.

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To have sport you have to have winning but if you focus only on winning(my apologies to St. Vincent of the NFL.)it's no longer just sport. Bin Laden isn't the only terrorist in the world nor is he the most dangerous currently, but I wouldn't give him safe haven for all the tea in China, any more than I would harbor Bonds at OPACY for all the WS's in Steinbrenners fever dreams.

Well let's see, signing Bond's has been compared to:

selling your soul to Satan


on par with providing a safe haven for a high ranking

terrorist.... WOW...

I have nothing to add.. I think that about sums it up.

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I don't think the Birds will win the division next year with Bonds. If thats the case then why sign him? I'd rather give those AB's to someone who will be on the next pennent winning Orioles team.

I think you're missing the point....

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I don't think the Birds will win the division next year with Bonds. If thats the case then why sign him? I'd rather give those AB's to someone who will be on the next pennent winning Orioles team.

That fellow may still be in diapers I'm afraid.:eek:

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