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Jim Johnson Today, 2013


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Maybe it is just me but after a game I like specific questions like why did you use this guy? or not pinch hit here? I don't think those type questions get asked enough. I don't care Buck sidesteps questions, that his is right to do so, I just want to see the questions directly asked.

That's a good point.

That way, the reporters could say, "Hey ...... we asked him point-blank, and he dodged it. We can't force him to say what we want him to say."

Then, pretty much any and all criticism of the press conferences would be entirely on Bucky ........ where it should be.

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Maybe it is just me but after a game I like specific questions like why did you use this guy? or not pinch hit here? I don't think those type questions get asked enough. I don't care Buck sidesteps questions, that his is right to do so, I just want to see the questions directly asked.

Not everyone agrees with Gonzo Journalism. Especially with a guy under contract through 2018.

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That's a good point.

That way, the reporters could say, "Hey ...... we asked him point-blank, and he dodged it. We can't force him to say what we want him to say."

Then, pretty much any and all criticism of the press conferences would be entirely on Bucky ........ where it should be.

Thorne works for MASN and Gary isn't afraid to give his opinion but last night the first question I would have asked is are you worried about JJ and do you have any plans to make changes at the closer position?, something along those lines. Buck can answer it however he wants, that part doesn't bother me, but it needs to be asked. Now maybe the print media did after the game but we don't see that except for home games. Those questions are better than the standard how did the starter look tonight?, we all are watching the game, we can see that. If those questions came later than fine, but they shouldn't be the main course.

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Not everyone agrees with Gonzo Journalism. Especially with a guy under contract through 2018.

Gonzo journalism? When you watch the games are those the questions you wonder about after the game? On Thursday the first question I would of asked was why didn't you go to Matusz when he was up with Dunn up.

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Is it possible that JJ is just a head case at this point? Muffing an easy bunt and giving up a four pitch walk with the bases loaded are what you'd expect from a nervous rookie.

It was extremely unusual for Buck to visit the mound in the middle of the 9th last night without making a pitching change. To me that suggests that Buck is worried about JJ's nerves and felt like he had to try to settle him down.

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Since last year's playoff series against the Yanks' date=' he hasn't been the same.[/b'] Sure, he leads the AL in saves, but has not been anywhere near effective as last year.

Why do people keep saying this?

For the first 19 appearances of this year, Johnson was just as good if not better than last year. He was 14-for-14 in save attempts, and he allowed only two earned runs and had 17 strikeouts (and just 4 walks) in his first 19 innings. There was no carryover whatsoever from last year's postseason.

Whatever went wrong with Johnson, it started with that Padres blown save on May 14. Not last year.

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Yes I watched Rick Dempsey in the pregame show as well and he says hes seen this happen many times with pitchers losing their confidence and resorting to what their "Perceived" strengths are. He also said JJ has a "nick" which basically referenced his mental capacity to do his job. He indicated its not a quick fix and requires some time. I say place him on the 15 day DL and hopefully he can go back to basics. Pitch location, mixing up his pitches and regain his confidence.....Hopefully

Last thought his velocity is down 2-3 mph this year. I wonder if he might be somewhat hurt?

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Why do people keep saying this?

For the first 19 appearances of this year, Johnson was just as good if not better than last year. He was 14-for-14 in save attempts, and he allowed only two earned runs and had 17 strikeouts (and just 4 walks) in his first 19 innings. There was no carryover whatsoever from last year's postseason.

Whatever went wrong with Johnson, it started with that Padres blown save on May 14. Not last year.

It supports the narrative they want to push.

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Why do people keep saying this?

For the first 19 appearances of this year, Johnson was just as good if not better than last year. He was 14-for-14 in save attempts, and he allowed only two earned runs and had 17 strikeouts (and just 4 walks) in his first 19 innings. There was no carryover whatsoever from last year's postseason.

Whatever went wrong with Johnson, it started with that Padres blown save on May 14. Not last year.

Well, if it didnt start until May 14th then its even worse. Take away those first 19 appearances and what do you have? A bunch of blown saves. And its not just the blown saves, its how they have been blown. There is no reasonable argument for defending this guy right now. He has single handedly blown these games. Its not the fault of the offense. Nor the defense. Its all on the guy blowing the games with pathetic pitching. If he is given a lead and loses the game its all on him - nobody else when we get to the 9th. No offensive player caused him to walk in the tying run last nite. Nor did any offensive player contribute to the bothced play fielding the bunt. Not one other player contributed to his lousy pitches, not ONE!

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If the goal is to miss the playoffs then, yes, JJ is the best closer option.

And the Jones tantrum... at least he's starting to acknowledge his hitting approach sucks.

The more we don't address glaring, obvious issues the more my giveadamn goes away...

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Well, if it didnt start until May 14th then its even worse. Take away those first 19 appearances and what do you have? A bunch of blown saves. And its not just the blown saves, its how they have been blown. There is no reasonable argument for defending this guy right now. He has single handedly blown these games. Its not the fault of the offense. Nor the defense. Its all on the guy blowing the games with pathetic pitching. If he is given a lead and loses the game its all on him - nobody else when we get to the 9th. No offensive player caused him to walk in the tying run last nite. Nor did any offensive player contribute to the bothced play fielding the bunt. Not one other player contributed to his lousy pitches, not ONE!

Such an irrelevant stance. You can't take away those 19 saves.

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Such an irrelevant stance. You can't take away those 19 saves.

Who took them away?

The spin doctors can spin the blown saves a million ways, BUT, they're still blown saves that cost the team wins.

BTW, his performance as it relates to the blown saves is the issue. PF said the problem started May 14th. That is what the post addressed. That is where the real problem is. Those 19 saves, or 1st 19 appearances are rather irrelevant as they relate to the current problem of blowing saves. If JJ was pitching like he did for those "19" there wouldnt be an issue. So, the "19" are not the concern now, nor do they really have much to do with the what is current.

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Nice tantrum. I understand that you have to let off some steam when you are struggling, but I'm real glad no one was walking by when he let that bat fly. It was good to see him put a good swing on the helmet though. He probably would have missed it if it was a little lower and outside.

Not to mention he could strain his shoulder when doing stupid things like that.

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Well if you got repeatedly neg repped for your comments it had to do more with how you went about it then just the fact that you criticized Johnson.

I was adamant about wanting to trade Johnson and more then once stated that he wasn't anything close to an elite closer.

I never got hit with neg rep for my Johnson comments.

Of course I didn't make any reactionary posts after he blew the playoff games.

I actually think people here are way too uptight. I usually come here late at night, after work, and make emotional posts regarding the game. And the uptight people start neg repping.

Relax people, let a man blow off some steam. Don't get your panties twisted.

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