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The defeatist attitude on here is pretty lame


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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

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I appreciate your optimism, but it isn't the fact that they lost 2 games that is the problem. It is how they lost....and the fact that they never get the lead...or the big hit. If you don't clobber their starting pitcher, what chance do you have? That puts a ton of pressure on an offense to score fast.

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I appreciate your optimism, but it isn't the fact that they lost 2 games that is the problem. It is how they lost....and the fact that they never get the lead...or the big hit. If you don't clobber their starting pitcher, what chance do you have? That puts a ton of pressure on an offense to score fast.

I don't appreciate your "woe is me, there is nothing we can do" attitude. A week ago we were walking on water after taking it to the Tigers who spent the last couple weeks of the season hammering the Royals. Jeremy Guthrie is next. This series is not over. We have a very fine team of our own.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

There's a small number of vocal posters who have constantly, over and over again, publically given up on this team all season. Over and over again they have quailed at every single bit of adversity. On a micro scale, when our pitcher walks a batter in the first inning, they will declare in the game thread that "he doesn't have it" or if he struggles in the 4th and 5th they are screaming for Buck to "yank him". On a larger scale, when we lose a game or series they say the season is over or explain why we can't possibly win. If we are in a hitting slump, our hitting simply isn't good enough. If our pitchers aren't pitching well, that's why we aren't good enough.

They extrapolate any negative. A bad at bat by a hitter or by a pitcher pitching to a batter means we are in trouble; a bad inning means we will lose the game; a bad game means we will lose hte series; a bad series means the season is going down the tubes.

Yet these people, for some reason, don't extrapolate good stuff. A good game doesn't mean we are going to win the series. A hot streak doesn't mean we will be the best team in baseball.

All year long they have sounded the same repetitive garbage over and over again. And they have been wrong and wrong again and wrong again, over and over. Despite their pathetic outlook, the team has reacted with resilience every time they were down and come back. As of now we have won 99 games, more than any team in the major leagues.

Now of course we have had two bad games and they are out in force, as I sat on the light rail riding home about an hour ago I noticed that the most recent post in about 8 threads was by the same person, the leader of the loser brigade.

And you know what... if we aren't the ONE team out of THIRTY that wins the World Series, they will come out and yell I told you so at us and tell us how they were right all along. It doesn't matter that they were stupidly, ridiculously, hilariously wrong ALL DAMN SEASON with their constant predictions of doom and failure. If we lost to the Royals, which could happen, they will strut around here about how they were finally right, and they will feel so proud of themselves.

I feel nothing but pity for them. They are pathetic. And I think goodness that Buck and the players on the team in now way share their outlook.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

I think it's a pretty natural reaction. The response is frustrating but so are the losses. It's a lot easier when you're a losing team (believe me, we all know this after the 14 straight losing seasons). Winning is so much tougher - especially when winners lose tough playoff games. I remember the '97 ALCS all too well. Between Grissom's home run and the "passed ball" that allowed the winning run to score in game 3 (I believe it was 3)......my heart was pounding out of my chest just like it has been the last 2 nights. Although I get so down and upset, I think where we were this time in 2011 and thank the baseball heavens that we are where we are today. We have a huge uphill battle, but I'm proud to be an Orioles fan again and I don't think this team is ready to quit. I'm certainly not ready to quit on them.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

The team is only garbage to a small handful of posters who have been picking at this particular scab all season long. That they're still tolerated while they continue to degrade what, on many levels, should be a truly memorable season is a testament to the patience of the more mature posters here.

The rest of the postseason would be a lot more enjoyable if they changed their diapers, grew some balls and STFU.

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There's a small number of vocal posters who have constantly, over and over again, publically given up on this team all season. Over and over again they have quailed at every single bit of adversity. On a micro scale, when our pitcher walks a batter in the first inning, they will declare in the game thread that "he doesn't have it" or if he struggles in the 4th and 5th they are screaming for Buck to "yank him". On a larger scale, when we lose a game or series they say the season is over or explain why we can't possibly win. If we are in a hitting slump, our hitting simply isn't good enough. If our pitchers aren't pitching well, that's why we aren't good enough.

They extrapolate any negative. A bad at bat by a hitter or by a pitcher pitching to a batter means we are in trouble; a bad inning means we will lose the game; a bad game means we will lose hte series; a bad series means the season is going down the tubes.

Yet these people, for some reason, don't extrapolate good stuff. A good game doesn't mean we are going to win the series. A hot streak doesn't mean we will be the best team in baseball.

All year long they have sounded the same repetitive garbage over and over again. And they have been wrong and wrong again and wrong again, over and over. Despite their pathetic outlook, the team has reacted with resilience every time they were down and come back. As of now we have won 99 games, more than any team in the major leagues.

Now of course we have had two bad games and they are out in force, as I sat on the light rail riding home about an hour ago I noticed that the most recent post in about 8 threads was by the same person, the leader of the loser brigade.

And you know what... if we aren't the ONE team out of THIRTY that wins the World Series, they will come out and yell I told you so at us and tell us how they were right all along. It doesn't matter that they were stupidly, ridiculously, hilariously wrong ALL DAMN SEASON with their constant predictions of doom and failure. If we lost to the Royals, which could happen, they will strut around here about how they were finally right, and they will feel so proud of themselves.

I feel nothing but pity for them. They are pathetic. And I think goodness that Buck and the players on the team in now way share their outlook.

Here, here.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

Yeah my feelings exactly when the going gets tough a lot of people on here become a bunch of spoiled babies.

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It's been a heartbreaking two games. We've already put up more fight than the Angels did. And I will root, hope and scream until the final out that we still pull this out. But if we do not, and if the Royals are indeed "density's team" to paraphrase George McFly, then I will always take away great memories from this year. We have a lot to be proud about. The run since June. Winning the AL East title by a ridiculous margin over our hated rivals. The crowd coming to life and coming out in droves. Howe we embarrassed Detroit, and knocked them out in front of their home crowd.

I hope there's more to stand up and cheer about this year, but no matter what, I will stand up regardless and cheer this squad and their accomplishments to date, and for making this one very, very fun summer and exciting fall.

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