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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Hell not only that, I recall he bragged about that too. But yeah I remember kids like him growing up who had no real connection to New York who loved the Yankees. Knew one guy who was a Yankees fan in baseball,

Cowboys in football, and Duke in college B-Ball.

People like that... their brains are broken. Sports are one of the few ways in modern life to really connect with your community, to have a common thing to root for with family and folks in the neighborhood, and people at work. When you pick to not just root for Goliath over David, but the specific Goliath who always beats up the local David, you're sticking up your middle finger at your own hometown. I hate those people.

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Geesh, so basically he could be gone NEXT year (since the guy resigned). My biggest issue would be losing him in the middle of the offseason when you have nobody to fill the vacancy.

The way DD has addressed the rumors makes me think it does have legs. We will see.

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It certainly seems like DD wants to go. He could of killed these rumors right away. He has only spoken about sticking to his contract. I would hate to lose him, but if he wants to be somewhere else, it isn't a very good situation to keep him around. Let's hope we at least get something good in return.

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Peter doesn't care what the MLB says. He is not leaving Dan out of his contract.

As far as Dan not dispelling the rumor, why would he? Its leverage to get a better deal with Peter.

The thought that Dan would sabotage the O's by not improving them is laughable IMO. What does that buy Dan? His best leverage is to keep improving the O's and to continue having winning seasons. If he starts losing he has lost leverage.

This is not something that is going to play out in the next few weeks. The Jays President is staying for at least another year. He is a long term executive with the Jays and well respected. Dan needs to keep doing well with the O's over the long term to keep his leverage.

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