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Oh! How doing that during the anthem rankles some people


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Does Sweet Caroline have anything to do with Boston?

Thanks for the quote, but to clarify, I can see both sides of the argument. I have no problem with using it, but it obviously has flaws. Unless a better song can be found, I am for keeping it.

I am currently listening to music tagged 'Baltimore' on Last.fm searching for a possible replacement.

Not sure if that question has been answered yet, but in a roundabout way it does. It was long suspected, and recently confirmed, that Neil Diamond wrote the song about Caroline Kennedy. And even though I believe she has spent most her life in New York, the Kennedy clan does have its roots in Massachusetts.

OK....maybe that was a reach. :D

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People shout O in Washington because Washington has no traditions of its own, except sipping a white zin during the game.

Perhaps before complaining about the travesty and offensiveness of a one-syllable yell during the national anthem, they should re-examine the fact that the only team in town that anyone cares about has an overtly racist nickname.

Great point. Terll them we will stop yelling O when they change the Deadskins nickname and their fans stop the dressing up like Indians. Articles like that makes it easy to hate Washington teams. Stuff it DC.

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Because YOU say so? I think not. Here's a few more old traditions that people seem to disregard in today's times...

Thou shall not kill!

Thou shall not covett another man's wife!

Thou shall not steal!

Thou shall not pick on Dippy for his fear of snakes! :D

Its no wonder society is going straight to hell. The old tradition of RESPECT has gone flying out the window along with the ten commandments, and many other moral and ethical traditions. Take off the damn hat dude. Have some respect for those who died for your arse to say and do whatever the heck you want! :mad:

Can't help it, I've done my share of covetting :D

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I'm getting in on this a bit late, but NC State fans do something similar to the O during the national anthem where we yell "RED" during the "rocket's red glare" line. I think it's cool and totally harmless just like the O, but I remember being at a basketball game as a freshman and the announcer asked the students not to yell it out during the national anthem. We still did it anyway.

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Given that there would be no Star Spangled Banner if not for the City of Baltimore, I think the spirit of Mr. Key would be accommodating towards our little improvisation on his work.

If they don't want to do it in Washington, fine. It's not our fault that city sucks. :D

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I was one of all of 5 people at the Wizards game who yelled "O" during the National Anthem....I miss the days where the entire stadium no matter where you were in the greater metropolitan area would yell "O"..

I'll continue to do so for the rest of my life and I hope you all will help keep the Orioles spirit alive!!

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I was one of all of 5 people at the Wizards game who yelled "O" during the National Anthem....I miss the days where the entire stadium no matter where you were in the greater metropolitan area would yell "O"..

I'll continue to do so for the rest of my life and I hope you all will help keep the Orioles spirit alive!!

At Caps games, the entire place nearly says O. Lots of Baltimore area folks seem to go to see the Caps

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What was sad was the Wizards piss poor lack of effort tonight. Way to show up for a big game - at home.

It'll be good to get Arenas back, and hopefully Caron comes back sooner than they hope.

As for the topic, yes the Caps games have a lot of people consistently doing the "O".

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Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the "O" yell. But that's just me.

I am a HUGE advocate of the "O". I think it really shows just how much we love our O's. No matter where you go I think its appropriate to do it. My man keep the O alive and do it for as long as you live. I know I will!!!

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At Caps games, the entire place nearly says O. Lots of Baltimore area folks seem to go to see the Caps

I went to my first Caps game last month and when we screamed "O" someone near me screamed "Vechkin!"

I thought that was pretty good :)

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Is this the prevailing viewpoint for DC residents nowadays?

I understand that diehard Nats fans worked very hard to stomp out the "O!" at RFK. They don't want any connection of tradition with the Orioles since they feel the Orioles were forced on them just as the Redskins used to be forced on us. If they can build their own traditions-playing "Sweet Caroline" at RFK didn't cut it-more power to them.

The more casual DC fan doesn't care one way or the other.

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