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Schmuck throws in the towel on D-Cab...


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No it is not. He is going by the walks in a damn ST games. How many games has he pitched in? 2 or 3? To give up on Cabrera already because of some walks in that game is just way too soon. I won't give up on Cabrera. I don't give up so soon on any Orioles Players. Not even Gibby.

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No it is not. He is going by the walks in a damn ST games. How many games has he pitched in? 2 or 3? To give up on Cabrera already because of some walks in that game is just way too soon. I won't give up on Cabrera. I don't give up so soon on any Orioles Players. Not even Gibby.

Lol I've personally given up on Gibby... I can't wait to see him out of the black and orange. Altho I'll be the first to admit I was a big fan of his. I'm not against his steroid use- that'd be hypocritical because of all the other players I've cheered for over the years. I'm tired of his lack of production.

As far as Cabrera, if you're working on throwing a new pitch, you can't be criticized no matter how badly you do. I think Schmucks article is off base and he should have waited til at least mid-April and given him a few starts this season before tossing in the towel. :rolleyes:

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You're right. The article has more to do with sports writers than with the player. Schmuck is also upset because Cabrera hasn't lived up to his fantasy - the next Randy Johnson. So, if he's not going to be the HOF quality pitcher he hoped for, Cabrera has to be a loser - when it was Schmuck who simply had very unrealistic expectations.

Luckily, I have very low expectations when reading a Schmuck article.

D-Cab's biggest obstical has been control problems. For whatever reason those problems continue this spring training. A reporter covering the O's asks D-Cab about what is obviously his biggest problem. D-Cab, fed up with being asked about control problems, snaps at the reporter. The reporter says he questions D-Cabs ability to ever conquer his control problems.

What did Schmuck do wrong? D-Cab better get used to being asked about his walks, unless of course, he finds a way to reduce them.

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I'm more worried about Schmuck's attitude then I am DCab's.

We are a rebuilding team, with a bunch of young players who will make a ton of mistakes in the coming season. It will be far more helpful if local writers are supportive and understanding then if they have hissy fits over how the players relate to them after a disappointing outing!

I think this line from the article says it all:

"(I know nobody cares whether a player gets along with the media. Normally, I wouldn't care either, but his salty attitude this spring is just another sign of his inability to address the real issues affecting his performance.)"

Does anyone else believe that his "salty attitude" has any effect at all on his performance? Schmuck was POed over how Daniel talked to him period.

The Orioles clubhouse will be full of young and sometimes immature players in future seasons and the last thing they need is childish behavior from oversensitive old sports writers!

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I'm more worried about Schmuck's attitude then I am DCab's.

We are a rebuilding team, with a bunch of young players who will make a ton of mistakes in the coming season. It will be far more helpful if local writers are supportive and understanding then if they have hissy fits over how the players relate to them after a disappointing outing!

I think this line from the article says it all:

"(I know nobody cares whether a player gets along with the media. Normally, I wouldn't care either, but his salty attitude this spring is just another sign of his inability to address the real issues affecting his performance.)"

Does anyone else believe that his "salty attitude" has any effect at all on his performance? Schmuck was POed over how Daniel talked to him period.

The Orioles clubhouse will be full of young and sometimes immature players in future seasons and the last thing they need is childish behavior from oversensitive old sports writers!

Yes, we must be careful of the feeling of these 23 year old men, making hundreds of thousands of dollars to play baseball, in a low pressure, no expectation baseball town. :rolleyes:

They have a job to do, if they do it poorly, the reporters should be allowed to ask why. And these guys need to learn at an early age that part of their job is to talk with the media.

If you like to play baseball, but don't want anyone critisizing you, there are pleanty of recreational leagues.

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This may have already been posted, but if someone from the Hangout posted the general thoughts of Schmuck here, there would likely be an array of responses that go something like this:

Small Sample size... becoming tormented after a couple poor ST games is as rediculous as the hope you had that things were better after the first ST game.

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This may have already been posted, but if someone from the Hangout posted the general thoughts of Schmuck here, there would likely be an array of responses that go something like this:

Small Sample size... becoming tormented after a couple poor ST games is as rediculous as the hope you had that things were better after the first ST game.

How can anybody claim small sample size with Cabrera? He's been mediocre for 4 years now.

I don't think there is anybody who was wildly optimistic about his future that is now pessimistic based on a few ST games. Some people think he will be able to harness his potential, many more think he won't. It has nothing to do with a few ST games but rather 3 years of inconsistency and then 1 year of simply being bad and not showing any signs of that potential.

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How can anybody claim small sample size with Cabrera? He's been mediocre for 4 years now.

I don't think there is anybody who was wildly optimistic about his future that is now pessimistic based on a few ST games. Some people think he will be able to harness his potential, many more think he won't. It has nothing to do with a few ST games but rather 3 years of inconsistency and then 1 year of simply being bad and not showing any signs of that potential.

Spot on post. Also, I totally agree with Schmuck. He too is right on the money. I have made this prediction now on several threads that Cabrera won't be on the Orioles roster by season's end. Mark it down. His entire body or volume of work as viewed in its entirety despite having some of the most noted pitching coaches in the game working with him is why Schmuck and most of us are tired of this guy. Its not just this Spring training to assert that is ludicrous.

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This may have already been posted, but if someone from the Hangout posted the general thoughts of Schmuck here, there would likely be an array of responses that go something like this:

Small Sample size... becoming tormented after a couple poor ST games is as rediculous as the hope you had that things were better after the first ST game.

Its funny that Schmuck would write this column. My opinion of him was forever altered one day in Cabrera's 2nd or 3rd season and Schmuck said on the radio something like "Cabrera is only like 21 years old." Someone had to point out that DCab actually was 24 or 25 at the time. And I thought to myself, "this guy is paid to cover the team and he can't even come close to knowing the age of one of the team's five starters?" I concluded right then and there that he was a guy who shmoozes around and fires from the hip but doesn't do his homework.

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Its funny that Schmuck would write this column. My opinion of him was forever altered one day in Cabrera's 2nd or 3rd season and Schmuck said on the radio something like "Cabrera is only like 21 years old." Someone had to point out that DCab actually was 24 or 25 at the time. And I thought to myself, "this guy is paid to cover the team and he can't even come close to knowing the age of one of the team's five starters?" I concluded right then and there that he was a guy who shmoozes around and fires from the hip but doesn't do his homework.


You couldn't be more wrong, imo.

He is as fair as they come. He isn't the beat writer anyway, but still- would you like to be judged in the same way, for ONE mistake?

Since he has been in Baltimore for many years, surely you can post many other examples of "firing from the hip", right ?

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I'm more worried about Schmuck's attitude then I am DCab's.

We are a rebuilding team, with a bunch of young players who will make a ton of mistakes in the coming season. It will be far more helpful if local writers are supportive and understanding then if they have hissy fits over how the players relate to them after a disappointing outing!

I think this line from the article says it all:

"(I know nobody cares whether a player gets along with the media. Normally, I wouldn't care either, but his salty attitude this spring is just another sign of his inability to address the real issues affecting his performance.)"

Does anyone else believe that his "salty attitude" has any effect at all on his performance? Schmuck was POed over how Daniel talked to him period.

The Orioles clubhouse will be full of young and sometimes immature players in future seasons and the last thing they need is childish behavior from oversensitive old sports writers!

You are right.

Our lovable "heroes" are perrrrfect!

And they are helpless babies who need to be loved and coddled.

The press should realize their job is to hero worship and praise these guys.

Better yet- lets just let the players tell the writers word-for-word what to write in the papers. Who needs a free press? :rolleyes:

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How can anybody claim small sample size with Cabrera? He's been mediocre for 4 years now.

I don't think there is anybody who was wildly optimistic about his future that is now pessimistic based on a few ST games. Some people think he will be able to harness his potential, many more think he won't. It has nothing to do with a few ST games but rather 3 years of inconsistency and then 1 year of simply being bad and not showing any signs of that potential.

My primary point was.... how could Schmuck be somehwhat excited after the first ST game where DCab looked great (not to mention his entire ST last year was very good and we saw how much that told us).. and then after a couple subsequent outings where he didn't look as good, Schmuck throws in the towel.. to me that's just silly. The only caveat I can give DCab in ST is that he may be working on things and so the outcome may or may not be telling of any improvement he will show when the Lights really go on.

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You are right.

Our lovable "heroes" are perrrrfect!

And they are helpless babies who need to be loved and coddled.

The press should realize their job is to hero worship and praise these guys.

Better yet- lets just let the players tell the writers word-for-word what to write in the papers. Who needs a free press? :rolleyes:

That's not it at all. The point he's trying to make is that Schmuck, in that quote, makes his article not entirely about baseball and thus less credible, at least in my eyes. If you want to slam the guy, slam the way he pitched or has pitched.

Schmuck can give up on him all he wants, but the fact of the matter is it hasn't been smart to move Cabrera for at least a couple years now. So what would he have the O's do with him? The guy's going to be in the rotation this year at least to start, period. Maybe he's working on some things, or maybe a lot of things contributed. But it's not like this game even counted and this kind of article at this point in the season is like saying Gibbons is going to have an All-Star caliber season because he's had a couple RBI so far this ST.

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That's not it at all. The point he's trying to make is that Schmuck, in that quote, makes his article not entirely about baseball and thus less credible, at least in my eyes. If you want to slam the guy, slam the way he pitched or has pitched.

Schmuck can give up on him all he wants, but the fact of the matter is it hasn't been smart to move Cabrera for at least a couple years now. So what would he have the O's do with him? The guy's going to be in the rotation this year at least to start, period. Maybe he's working on some things, or maybe a lot of things contributed. But it's not like this game even counted and this kind of article at this point in the season is like saying Gibbons is going to have an All-Star caliber season because he's had a couple RBI so far this ST.

I don't understand your point.

Schmuck is a columnist. He job is to write opinion pieces about baseball.

This column is entirely about baseball. DCab's actions and attitude off the field does have an impact (or vice versa) on his on-field performance.

Schmuck has never been a "flamethrower" type, looking for controversy or trouble. He always has been fair, almost too fair. He has been in Baltimore for close to 20 years. But, he is being treated like some low-life traitor because he dared to write that he has written off Cabrera.

It doesn't sound like he rushed to judgement.

Nobody has spent more time than me coming up with optimistic scenarios, delusional comparisons and tortured rationalizations to justify the Orioles' continuing attempt to tap the vast reservoir of raw talent that is Daniel "The Human High Pitch Count" Cabrera.

I admit it. I was mesmerized by the 6-foot-9 frame and the looming presence on the mound. Every time I looked at Cabrera, I saw a Randy Johnson in the rough. Every time I heard somebody say he would never amount to anything more than a fourth-class starter on a fourth-place team, I chuckled arrogantly to myself and waited for the moment when I could say, "I told you so."

He hasn't said anything that many respected posters here haven't said.

He is one of us- a fan with an opinion. The difference is his is printed in the paper.

Can't we (collectively at OH) disagree with his opinion about Cabrera without calling Schmuck names and attacking his integrity/reputation, etc?

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