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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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I think this is a good move by Hendry. I was getting the impression that he was simply waiting for McPhail to accept the offer, but as the discussions go further you really can't blame Hendry for trying to drum up some trade rumors involving acquiring another middle infielder (assuming that was the basis of the discussion). Either way - let's hope this resolves itself within the next week or so!

Macphail has no reason to feel pressured into pulling the trigger prematurely. If Hendry wants to look around for other options cool. But its not going to get him Roberts any faster.

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Marquis gets a bad rap IMO.

Over the last four years, he's been very good once, league average twice, and very bad once (and every year pitching 190+ innings), yet people talk about how horrible he is.

When he's keeping his sinker down in the zone, he's really quite effective, and that translates to success in either league. Heck Chien Ming Wang is the same type of guy.

The problems with Marquis are his $16.25 salary for the next two years and his clubhouse issues/attitude everywhere he has played. It is the attitude issues that concern me. Why bring in that kind of poison to a clubhouse full of young players? The Orioles aren't going to compete this year anyway. I don't care how good he is, I'm just afraid that he would bring more harm than good to the team's rebuilding efforts.

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The problems with Marquis are his $16.25 salary for the next two years and his clubhouse issues/attitude everywhere he has played. It is the attitude issues that concern me. Why bring in that kind of poison to a clubhouse full of young players? The Orioles aren't going to compete this year anyway. I don't care how good he is, I'm just afraid that he would bring more harm than good to the team's rebuilding efforts.

Personally, I think Marquis would get eaten alive in the A.L. East.

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Macphail has no reason to feel pressured into pulling the trigger prematurely. If Hendry wants to look around for other options cool. But its not going to get him Roberts any faster.

Hendry has to keep all his options open. With the Angels looking for pitching and the Red Sox also he does have some other options. Marquis does have more value now because of his good spring and teams are looking for pitching. Hendry said yesterday he will make a deal it's just a matter for who.

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Marquis gets a bad rap IMO.

Over the last four years, he's been very good once, league average twice, and very bad once (and every year pitching 190+ innings), yet people talk about how horrible he is.

When he's keeping his sinker down in the zone, he's really quite effective, and that translates to success in either league. Heck Chien Ming Wang is the same type of guy.

I don't think it is bad enough...You can keep saying what he has done but at the end of the day, he has been doing it in the inferior league and not against the DH.

He would be a bad AL pitcher in all likelihood.

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I don't think it is bad enough...You can keep saying what he has done but at the end of the day, he has been doing it in the inferior league and not against the DH.

He would be a bad AL pitcher in all likelihood.

If he keeps his sinker down, he can be effective in any league. He doesn't strike out a lot of hitters, so his sinker has to be working.

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I don't think it is bad enough...You can keep saying what he has done but at the end of the day, he has been doing it in the inferior league and not against the DH.

He would be a bad AL pitcher in all likelihood.

That's just more bandwagon-jumping speculation.

As I've said before, a guy with an effective sinker will have success in either league. Guys like Chien Ming Wang and Brandon Webb bring the same repertoire, and both have been very successful with it.

Heck Wang is able to thrive in the ALE with a Trachselesque strikeout rate. How does he do it? By effectively keeping the ball down/on the ground.

That's Marquis' MO too. He's also got a sinker that is effective -- when he can command it. His ability/inability to command it is really in no way related to what league he's playing in.

Derek Lowe is another sinkerball guy that's been good in both leagues.

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I don't think it is bad enough...You can keep saying what he has done but at the end of the day, he has been doing it in the inferior league and not against the DH.

He would be a bad AL pitcher in all likelihood.

Am has to be thinking Marquis is a up grade over Trachsel. Bruce Levine reported yesterday there were 20 scouts to see him pitch and Hendry has talked to 6 teams about possible trades for there pitching. You can here it at am1000.com under baseball beat with Bruce Levine.
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Jayson Stark doesn't seem to be too confident that a trade will be done. Because of - you guessed it - Angelos

STRIKE ONE -- MR. ROBERTS: Clubs that have spoken with the Cubs report that their frustration with the Orioles is mounting, after three months on the Brian Roberts trail. Despite all the names rumored to be in this deal and all the scouts who have hovered around all those names all spring, the Cubs have been indicating they still haven't been told by Baltimore what it would take to get this trade done.

Now add in the fact that it's less than two weeks to Opening Day, and that The Angelos Factor could gum up these talks for who knows how long, even if they make progress. And it's no wonder the Cubs are beginning to think this seemingly inevitable trade won't ever happen after all.

And the Cubs, who are looking for someone to caddy for Felix Pie in center, are still being held hostage by the Orioles. So until the Cubs know whether they're getting back Jay Payton in the Roberts deal, they've done nothing more than window-shop. According to one club that spoke with them, they have a list of 10-12 names that could fit -- a group that still includes Marlon Byrd, Coco Crisp, Jeremy Reed and a bunch of the other usual suspects. But for now at least, they haven't zeroed in on anybody on that list.

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Jayson Stark doesn't seem to be too confident that a trade will be done. Because of - you guessed it - Angelos

Like most of the ESPN guys I feel Stark isn't as well connected as the teams beat writers and bloggers. As much as I hate Angelos it is very easy to throw the "Peter interfering" crap out there with no proof.

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Like most of the ESPN guys I feel Stark isn't as well connected as the teams beat writers and bloggers. As much as I hate Angelos it is very easy to throw the "Peter interfering" crap out there with no proof.

From waht i read into that report it seems that he is guessing that Angelos might be involved based on what he has heard from his sources. I could be wrong but thats what I took it as meaning.

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This rumored deal has no been dragged out further than I can beieve. It would be even more aggravating than the Bedard deal except for one very important difference. I can live without trading Brian Roberts. For the right return I still believe it would be the smart thing to do, but I have not really been in love with any of the deals being rumored recently. So I now think that if we can get Uribe for nothing except money, keeping Roberts makes more sense than ever. So my hope is that the Cubs either move on or ante up. I'd be happy any way they go from there.

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The ball is in The Cubs court. It kinda goes like this.....Roberts is under our control for 2 years. You can give us what we feel is good value, or we will just keep him. It doesn't hurt us to keep him. He is a great leadoff guy and good defensive player, great in the community, and really the face of our organization.! If you want him, you need to WOW us. It's really pretty simple.

Btw....You notice every time a trade isn't done fast, the media blames it on PGA. It has nothing to do with AM sticking to his guns????? It cracks me up.

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Jayson Stark doesn't seem to be too confident that a trade will be done. Because of - you guessed it - Angelos

The Cubs are not being held hostage by the Orioles. That is the most ridiculous sentiment. The Cubs can make this happen if they really want to. If they don't want it to happen, do something else. That's a poor piece by Stark.

What are the Orioles doing, demanding that the Cubs deal with them?

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