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Stan "The Fan" Charles: Chris Davis' Agent, Scott Boras, Playing Risky Game Of Chicken With Orioles


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Per MLBTR, Heyman also reported that the Orioles offer exceeds $150M......

But if Davis wants $200M.......good riddance.

Also, per B. Ghiroli: ?Not that long,? Showalter said on how long the O?s will wait on Davis. ?I won?t wait forever.?

I think the Orioles will start to dance with Upton soon.

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If I'm Davis and I want to stay in Baltimore maybe I respond with asking for a six instead of seven year deal for $160 or so. See how the O's respond and negotiate from there. I know Boras would want much more but if I'm Davis and I really want to stay in town I try to outflank Boras. Otherwise, he must not really care that much about it. Which is fine, honestly. Davis doesn't owe us anything. We gave him an opportunity but he also helped us end our playoff drought in 2012 and kept us relevant the two years we didn't make it. I'd call that a wash. If he is indifferent to whether he stays in Baltimore that's his business.

If I'm Davis and I want to stay in Baltimore, I take the 7/$150 deal. Pretty simple.

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If the devil is whispering in your ear that he can get you 7/200 you might feel different ...after all it's 50 million dollars.

Key words are "want to stay".

If he's purely chasing top dollar (cough cough Markakis cough), then listen to the devil and go play posturing games for top dollar......with that comes the risk of not receiving a higher offer and plus he's turning his back on the team and city he's said he loves.

If he wants to stay in Baltimore, take the offer that's on the table and skip the stupid games....with that comes the risk of a few dollars less per season (and that's only compared to the number Boras has made up) and a 7 year deal instead of 8.

Like Buck said, he has to figure out how much is enough. I haven't heard of any other deals offered to him. I think the Orioles offer is very very reasonable....maybe too reasonable. Lots of risk there.

So either he wants to chase top dollar, or he wants to stay in Baltimore and takes a very reasonable offer.

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Pretty simple. If they want Bora's to feel the heat, get into serious negotiations with someone else. Otherwise the O's are just bluffing.
Players hire agents for a reason. Davis is supposed to let his agent do his job. If Davis told Boras get the best deal you can out of Baltimore, that's one thing. If he told him to get the best deal at a "some" place I'd like to play, that's another. We still have no idea what other teams are in play. We can move onto another player. There are plenty of other options. It's not clear who else is going to offer Davis 7/150.

I'd say Boras' job is to present Davis the best alternatives available and let him choose. Get the best offer he can get from Baltimore, and other teams, and make sure those options remain on the table long enough for Davis to make a decision. His job is not to capitulate to whatever offer Orioles fans feel is reasonable, nor is it his job to force Davis to take the highest bid. To me, Boras is doing his job, and doing it well.

Your first point is spot on. The O's can force Davis to a decision point if they can credibly say they are about to spend their money elsewhere if Davis doesn't accept their offer. Until a deal with someone else is pretty far along, Davis can just bide his time, no matter what the rhetoric is. Boras knows how to play this game, and I don't think he is playing a dangerous game of chicken at all. He'll put this in a position where Davis has very attractive choices. In fact, I'd say he's done it already, and he won't lose the cake while angling for the cherry on top. He'll push it as far as he can and then let Davis make his decision.

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Players hire agents for a reason. Davis is supposed to let his agent do his job. If Davis told Boras get the best deal you can out of Baltimore, that's one thing. If he told him to get the best deal at a "some" place I'd like to play, that's another. We still have no idea what other teams are in play. We can move onto another player. There are plenty of other options. It's not clear who else is going to offer Davis 7/150.

There is no other team. It would have been reported if there was. That Boras gouges teams.

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His agent may be the problem but if Chris really wants to stay then he calls up the agent and says take the deal. Period. What is Boras going to do quit? It isn't like there has been a bigger market for offense players set by other signings. If this deal is taken I would expect this to set the "market" and the Upton's etc will get similar years and dollars.


I'm sure Boras advocated that Wieters play the free agent field. Matt chose to take the Orioles offer. Davis could have done the same.

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One last thing regarding this.

Players always want to play the victim. "Baltimore didn't want to keep me bad enough to offer what I 'deserve' to be paid." nick did it last year, accepting 4 million extra from Atlanta than what we offered. Then he complained about the Orioles after the fact. The O's made a fair offer to Nick and obviously wanted to keep him. Nick chose the extra cash to play for Atlanta, and now has to be part of a rebuilding team for 4 years. Nick realized his mistake soon after signing, and then took his frustration out on Baltimore.

I lost a lot of respect for Nick when that happened. I have already lost respect for Davis, no matter what happens from here on out. Last offseason he made remarks about "not signing with Baltimore long term until they show him that they are serious about winning." We respond by overpaying to keep Wieters, overpaying to keep O'Day, and putting a HUGE overpay deal out for Davis. And Davis' response is, "I need to think about it?" Screw you man. Its obvious you want the biggest payday possible, regardless of where that is, so don't cry later on about how Baltimore didn't show you the love. Davis has turned his back on this team and this city and us fans. And for that, even if he does return, I have lost a great deal of respect for him.

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One last thing regarding this.

Players always want to play the victim. "Baltimore didn't want to keep me bad enough to offer what I 'deserve' to be paid." nick did it last year, accepting 4 million extra from Atlanta than what we offered. Then he complained about the Orioles after the fact. The O's made a fair offer to Nick and obviously wanted to keep him. Nick chose the extra cash to play for Atlanta, and now has to be part of a rebuilding team for 4 years. Nick realized his mistake soon after signing, and then took his frustration out on Baltimore.

I lost a lot of respect for Nick when that happened. I have already lost respect for Davis, no matter what happens from here on out. Last offseason he made remarks about "not signing with Baltimore long term until they show him that they are serious about winning." We respond by overpaying to keep Wieters, overpaying to keep O'Day, and putting a HUGE overpay deal out for Davis. And Davis' response is, "I need to think about it?" Screw you man. Its obvious you want the biggest payday possible, regardless of where that is, so don't cry later on about how Baltimore didn't show you the love. Davis has turned his back on this team and this city and us fans. And for that, even if he does return, I have lost a great deal of respect for him.

And one more thing....I hope if Davis does sign somewhere else, that Jones tweets out some frustration towards Crush like he did towards O's management last year.

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