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PED Suspensions Coming


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It doesn't matter to you that many of those 700 used PEDs? Mantle, Aaron, Mays and the list goes on? Good article here about amphetamine and Bud Selig admitting amphetamines had been in baseball for seven or eight decades. Your "700 best" contain many, many players who used PEDs and set many, many records with their assistance. That's your elite club and it's the same as the players in the game since the 80's who have taken most of the blame for things that had been in the game before they were born.
Attitudes towards various substances change with time and sophistication. The days of reefer madness e.g. are behind us and pot will be legal every where in the not too distant future. The same for PED's IMO. the AMA never wanted steroids to be banned by the FDA, congress did it any way for political reasons. Today the drugs are very sophisticated and the days of the Lyle Alzado horror stories have gone the way of reefer madness. Just how harmful are today's PED's? What evidence do we have? If not then why shouldn't they be available to every one?
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Attitudes towards various substances change with time and sophistication. The days of reefer madness e.g. are behind us and pot will be legal every where in the not too distant future. The same for PED's IMO. the AMA never wanted steroids to be banned by the FDA, congress did it any way for political reasons. Today the drugs are very sophisticated and the days of the Lyle Alzado horror stories have gone the way of reefer madness. Just how harmful are today's PED's? What evidence do we have? If not then why shouldn't they be available to every one?

Probably not as dangerous as they once were, no. I personally don't get it myself. You could point to all the pro wrestlers that have died early deaths and say "Ah ha!", but those guys seem to take far more of that stuff

than would be advantageous for a baseball player. Have there been any reports about baseball players that took steroids or PED's that have suffered negative health effects later in life? Bonds, McGuire, Sosa (though he

has gone off the deep end in other ways. He's pulled a Michael Jackson. Have you seen him lately?), Canseco etc.. they all seem fine. I have to wonder what how dangerous they really are myself.

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As far as the wrestlers go I think pain killers and brain trauma are bigger factors.

For sure, but especially back in the 80's those guys were on something. I'm sure all the steroids didn't help though on top of all the other stuff. Mixing stuff like that is never good and the head trauma is definitely a factor

as well.

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I think steroids are a problem because it builds a barrier to the sport. If the baseline required to be successful in the MLB is to be on steroids because you need to keep up with everyone else... what are you indicating to college players? What's hopes do you have to succeed if you aren't completely roided out? Take it one step farther: how many steroids would you have to take to be the best? More than everyone else I'd imagine.

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I think steroids are a problem because it builds a barrier to the sport. If the baseline required to be successful in the MLB is to be on steroids because you need to keep up with everyone else... what are you indicating to college players? What's hopes do you have to succeed if you aren't completely roided out? Take it one step farther: how many steroids would you have to take to be the best? More than everyone else I'd imagine.
If there aren't negative health effects when used ,I don't see the problem. How are they different then. from other supplements?
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For sure, but especially back in the 80's those guys were on something. I'm sure all the steroids didn't help though on top of all the other stuff. Mixing stuff like that is never good and the head trauma is definitely a factor

as well.

Nobody did more 'roids than Arnold and looks pretty good for 70.
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I think steroids are a problem because it builds a barrier to the sport. If the baseline required to be successful in the MLB is to be on steroids because you need to keep up with everyone else... what are you indicating to college players? What's hopes do you have to succeed if you aren't completely roided out? Take it one step farther: how many steroids would you have to take to be the best? More than everyone else I'd imagine.

Very good take.

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I think steroids are a problem because it builds a barrier to the sport. If the baseline required to be successful in the MLB is to be on steroids because you need to keep up with everyone else... what are you indicating to college players? What's hopes do you have to succeed if you aren't completely roided out? Take it one step farther: how many steroids would you have to take to be the best? More than everyone else I'd imagine.

I think travel ball creates much more of a barrier than steroids.

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If there aren't negative health effects when used ,I don't see the problem. How are they different then. from other supplements?

Why are people in this thread repeating that anabolic steroids don't have any negative health effects? Increased risk of heart attack, liver failure, tendon rupture, infertility, mood swings, and skin problems. Small testicles! Didn't any of you take health class?

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Why are people in this thread repeating that anabolic steroids don't have any negative health effects? Increased risk of heart attack, liver failure, tendon rupture, infertility, mood swings, and skin problems. Small testicles! Didn't any of you take health class?

Don't forget the always-exciting suppression of the hypothalamic adrenal axis. Or is it the never-exciting?

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