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Roch: Dan Duquette - Cavalry is not coming.


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By Connor Byrne | April 28, 2018 at 6:22pm CDT

Things aren’t looking good for the Orioles, who are off to a 7-19 start and stuck in a division with at least two potential World Series contenders in the Red Sox and Yankees. Nevertheless, “it’s a little early” to tear things down, according to general manager Dan Duquette (via Roch Kubatko of MASNsports.com). “We’ll probably give it a little bit more time. Usually, Memorial Day is the marker to evaluate a ballclub and see where you’re at and see where you want to go,” Duquette continued. “Other clubs have had the same time to evaluate their ballclub and see what they need. So I think that’s probably a good marker.” Assuming the Orioles don’t return to relevance in the next month, they could have the hottest trade commodity of the summer in superstar shortstop Manny Machado, who has been tremendous this year, and other possible trade candidates such as free agents-to-be Adam Jones, Brad Brach and Zach Britton.



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6 hours ago, tntoriole said:

The casual fan likes a good comeback fantasy.  Casual fans will likely not consider the season lost in April or May and will likely agree with Dan that we could go on a house on fire streak when our players return.  And we probably will win some more games in May than we did in April.   I agree with you that the primary distorted communication was all winter " all in for 2018", rather than, " rebuild to win in  2019 and beyond". 

This is silly statement.   Casual fans are more likely to give up on season early.   They aren't stupid just because they are casual.  They can read the standings.  They can see a line up full of minor leaguers.  The empty stands this week tell you what the casual fan believes. 

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7 hours ago, atomic said:

This is silly statement.   Casual fans are more likely to give up on season early.   They aren't stupid just because they are casual.  They can read the standings.  They can see a line up full of minor leaguers.  The empty stands this week tell you what the casual fan believes. 

I disagree.  Casual fans are casual because they decide to do things differently than spend hours on this board like we do.  And I did not say they were stupid, you did.  I said they were casual.  Meaning that they were not as preoccupied as some of us with the inside realities of Oriole management and decision making.   Casual fans give the benefit of the doubt to Oriole GMs who say that that it isn’t time yet to rebuild and that we can turn this around.  And if they planned to go take their kid to a game in May, then they are still going to go.  

But I am not casual. 

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16 hours ago, LookitsPuck said:

Duquette is delusional.

“If you recall I executed a trade of Zach Britton last July only to have ownership shoot it down. This past offseason the trade Manny, or not to trade him started with me. I am the one who publicly said we need to make a decision regarding what to do with our franchise player”.

”I have been in baseball for close to 40 years.  I understand the odds of making the playoffs are non existent. I think we should blow this up soon as possible. We have performed poorly and the next step is to look to the future”.

Now you honestly expect any GM to say this?

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4 hours ago, tntoriole said:

I disagree.  Casual fans are casual because they decide to do things differently than spend hours on this board like we do.  And I did not say they were stupid, you did.  I said they were casual.  Meaning that they were not as preoccupied as some of us with the inside realities of Oriole management and decision making.   Casual fans give the benefit of the doubt to Oriole GMs who say that that it isn’t time yet to rebuild and that we can turn this around.  And if they planned to go take their kid to a game in May, then they are still going to go.  

But I am not casual. 

Excactly, and as I wrote earlier this week,  as a good friend of mine who has gone to O’s games for 20 years with me on drives up from NC told me , “there’s a good chance they’ll turn things around when Trumbo rejoins the team”. That’s your casual fan right there. He doesn’t watch every game, check the box scores or spend every day here on OH. He also has not even looked at the math that’s involved in such a run the rest of the way. 

Another friend on a UNC sports board that I read had the same “they can turn it around if they go on a good run” opinion. I do not share either of these opinions. Too deep of a hole and not the kind of a team (not now, not last year or in a good while) to play close to .600 ball the rest of the way to regain enough ground for a Wild Card spot. 


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2 hours ago, eddie83 said:

“If you recall I executed a trade of Zach Britton last July only to have ownership shoot it down. This past offseason the trade Manny, or not to trade him started with me. I am the one who publicly said we need to make a decision regarding what to do with our franchise player”.

”I have been in baseball for close to 40 years.  I understand the odds of making the playoffs are non existent. I think we should blow this up soon as possible. We have performed poorly and the next step is to look to the future”.

Now you honestly expect any GM to say this?

Everyone needs to remember we are not seeing the real Dan Duquette.  He is trying to be the GM while dealing with ownership, Buck and Brady.  

Not to mention no investment in the international market.  

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