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Tired of Trembley's Quick Hook


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Really, those numbers don't tell us what Guthrie would have done if he had been left in to pitch the 8th inning. Not at all.

What if he was left in and blew the game at that point?

You wouldn't look at the track record then and drag Trembley over the coals for it? Because then it would be valid.

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Except for when the statistics turn the observation into gobbledigook, though.

Like looking at what has happened in the past when he has gone over that pitch milestone.

If Trembley left him in and it started a rally, you would probably be roasting Trembley over the coals for it.

No, I wouldn't be "roasting him over the coals." Guthrie could have given up the two runs JJ did and THEN Trembley could have went to the pen. The robotic devotion to JJ as the 8th inning man is STUPID and it cost us another game.

You may be satisfied with what happened tonight, but I'm not.

Hello last place!

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Really, those numbers don't tell us what Guthrie would have done if he had been left in to pitch the 8th inning. Not at all.

And what, exactly, does your observation show us? Except ignorance of what has happened in the past?

You don't bat Fahey cleanup because he can't hit. You don't push Guthrie past 100 pitches because that when he gets lit up.

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DT made the wrong call tonight.

With a 1 run lead, JG should have been pulled...He was going to start facing the lineup for the 4th time and as BBD showed, he struggles after 100 pitches.

However, with a 3 run lead, Guthrie should have been allowed to start the inning vs the bottom of the lineup and see if he struggled...If he allowed even 1 baserunner, you pull him.

Problem is, DT made his mind up that Guthrie would be pulled after 7 and he didn't adjust.

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DT made the wrong call tonight.

With a 1 run lead, JG should have been pulled...He was going to start facing the lineup for the 4th time and as BBD showed, he struggles after 100 pitches.

However, with a 3 run lead, Guthrie should have been allowed to start the inning vs the bottom of the lineup and see if he struggled...If he allowed even 1 baserunner, you pull him.

Problem is, DT made his mind up that Guthrie would be pulled after 7 and he didn't adjust.

He made a call that didn't work out. You have to trust your guys to get outs, whether it's the starter or the pen.

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Really, those numbers don't tell us what Guthrie would have done if he had been left in to pitch the 8th inning. Not at all.

Of course they don't. If stats could predict the future perfectly, there'd be no game played. They'd just go by the stats after a certain point. But to completely throw them out as if they're utterly meaningless is folly.

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The bullpen is toast. There's not a single reliable arm out there right now that we can go to and hope to not give up a couple runs.

People watching the games know this. People reading statistical analyses are apparently fine with the move. I can appreciate stats, but they are not the be-all and end-all of managing. The strange thing is that Trembley has agreed with me in some interviews I've seen. He doesn't pay attention to matchups. Yet we have this disgusting role pitching.

Well, I guess reality is setting in. It started with the 4-6 run against KC, the gNats and the Rangers and now we blow 3 winnable games against the blue jays.

At least this latest sequence clears up the question of whether the Os should be buyers or sellers at the deadline.

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And Trembley's quick hook costs Guthrie and he Orioles another win. Thanks Dave and George.

For all the statistical gurus, what's Sherrill's blown save percentage? We finally get 7 strong innings and go to our bullpen? OUR BULLPEN? Have you statistical folks been WATCHING this team for the last few weeks? HOW MANY GAMES HAS THE BULLPEN COST US LATELY?

Oh, my bad. I didn't check baseball digest before commenting on what's painfully obvious to anyone watching the games. My bad.

6 blown saves in the last 2 weeks. - all of them bad ones, too.

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I have no idea how you can say this

With a 1 run lead, JG should have been pulled...He was going to start facing the lineup for the 4th time and as BBD showed, he struggles after 100 pitches.

and then immediately say this

However, with a 3 run lead, Guthrie should have been allowed to start the inning vs the bottom of the lineup and see if he struggled...If he allowed even 1 baserunner, you pull him.

I think I understand that your point was that Trembley doesn't typically adjust well. But at some point, we just have to trust him as manager to do what he thinks is the best move at the time. He honestly could be roasted on this board for leaving him in or lifting him. :noidea:

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He made a call that didn't work out. You have to trust your guys to get outs, whether it's the starter or the pen.

Yes you do and JJ has been lights out this year...However, Guthrie just had a great inning and deserved to come back out after the 3 run lead occured.

I am not saying this loss is on DT but he made the wrong call.

With a 1 run, you absolutely pull Guthrie, especially with his home run tendancies.

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