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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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48 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

Am I only one who thinks in the grand scheme of things that the Davis contract is way down the list of things to worry about?

We all know why it is such a topic, we get the significance of seeing a player not perform and yes it is a waste of money. That said this isn’t going to stop the Orioles from doing the right things. At this point it is more of a nuisance. 

I agree with you.  Everybody who follows baseball knows he was an investment gone horribly wrong.  So what?  Corporations have huge write-offs all the time.  What is done is done.  Own your mistake and be done with it.  His contract is a sunk cost and if he is basically worse than a AAA player, why not just let the AAA player (who won't cost that much incrementally) play?  We have to pay him regardless.  Shouldn't we be trying to win actual games....since the standings seem to reward teams that collect wins on the field versus those who get the best ROI per player?  Do they have playoffs for that......best roster ROI?

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2 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

I could envision a scenario where Davis still gets his money, but the Orioles restructure his contract into an annuity that gets paid out over the next 20 years.  This is contingent on David agreeing to not play baseball anymore.  

Best thing would be for Davis to retire, but I don’t see him walking away from all this money willingly.  

Davis gets $21M each year for the next 4 years. Then he gets $42M in deferred payments from 2023 until 2037. So he gets paid for 19 more years. 

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2 minutes ago, Natty said:

Davis gets $21M each year for the next 4 years. Then he gets $42M in deferred payments from 2023 until 2037. So he gets paid for 19 more years. 

I know about that, I’m talking about the $21M owed each of the next 4 years.  Restructure it into an annuity over the next 20 years to make Davis go away if he won’t retire.  

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The reality here is that someone has to tell him that if he's not helping, he's hindering. He's put us in a NO-WIN position if he doesn't allow himself to be optioned out, our bought out. There is no way you can tell any other player that what he does is acceptable, in any shape or fashion. The idea that he's allowed to suck is not a precedent ANY manager or GM can set regardless of the contract.

The Players Association can go to hell. They can't defend his output, and neither can he. 

If he can't take the pressure of trying to fix what's obviously broken, and that CAN'T be done at the ML level, then he has no right to take the spot of someone that might hit 100 points better.

I've always been a "CRUSH" fan... but this version... "CRASH" needs to look in the damn mirror.

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7 minutes ago, Basketeer said:

I admittedly haven't been following very closely, has he been intransigent at all? Refused to make changes to his game?

Yes. And he can not see pitches. He has admitted that. He feels "lost." 

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2 minutes ago, Basketeer said:

Yikes. I honestly wouldn't know how you'd go about working that out.

Me either. Other than change your approach to make contact and get strong enough again to hit some out anyway. He is much slimmer. Much less muscular than when he signed the deal. 

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