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Roy Firestone Series (vs. ANGELS, 7/25)


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Just now, scOtt said:

Stop. Gary calls the game as it happens. He's no homer, he's a professional. If the opposing team beats our ass he calls it that way.

Listen to other announcers..  We are the only team who has "opposite" homers.  He was waayyy too happy at that missed play by Stevie.  I want to hear just a little disappointment when we give up a deflating play, not excitement.  Also, professionals don't drink on the job.  

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2 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



Redemption, to a certain extent.





Just now, spiritof66 said:


He still owes the team one run.




 2 runs ........ the Angels scored 3 runs on that play that he muffed.

On the same subject, it's a team game, and we win and lose as a team.



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1 minute ago, SteveA said:

Jeez a work night, a West coast game where one of the starters was a super slow worker, and now we're staring down the barrel of extra innings.  Wonder if I can function tomorrow on 4 hours of sleep?

I've done it every day for two weeks. Suck it up. It's Friday. Not like you have to actually work! ?

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That commercial doesn't make sense if you think about it.

"When a bear is chasing you, you take off faster than a toupee in a fan factory".  And it shows the bank of fans and the guy's toupee lifting up.

But it's a fan FACTORY.  Where they MAKE fans.  So why would there be a big bank of fans going?

Deep thoughts.

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3 minutes ago, Surhoffan17 said:

Listen to other announcers..  We are the only team who has "opposite" homers.  He was waayyy too happy at that missed play by Stevie.  I want to hear just a little disappointment when we give up a deflating play, not excitement.  Also, professionals don't drink on the job.  

Agree to disagree.

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