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Aug 23 O's Yanks


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Well so much for Daver talking about the ejection.:laughlol:

But at least we know how he feels about it. He obviously thinks he/the team got completely hosed by the umps and that's why he's not gonna talk, afraid of saying something that could hit him with a fine.

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In reference to the Mora play in the 2nd inning...A couple years ago i remember the white sox playing someone and i don't remember who the batter was but whoever it was did the same thing as Mora and made all the way to second base and was safe. It's just Joe West at his best which is actually the worst.

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This is what Joe West said about the Mora play:

"The hitter walked toward the dugout to throw his bat and helmet away. He, in doing so, has abandoned his effort to reach the next base," West said. "He's called out, according to the rule."

Except he didn't walk towards the dugout, Joe, you buttwipe. Unless you count walking up towards first slightly out of the baseline walking towards the dugout since the home dugout at OPaCY is on the first base side. Way to blow another one.

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